Satisfaction lies in the effort,
not in the attainment.
Full effort is full victory.
finally exams was over but the major Os are coming and i am dead scared!!i only had start revising maths which i think was okay because i want to start with my weakest link first follow by sci.geo.and so on...had been tired lately and my part time job is sleeping till i was can i not be tired...we wake up at 5.00am...everyday....sometime i does not sleep cause i need to go to school..i admit this yr fast it a little bit more tiring than last year...and i like last year better...
luckily today i cannot fast because of ehm my mum cook soto...a traditional food which is my favourite and also hers.......haiz..had been studying like mad..not madlah but the n level student got 4 more subject to go and they will get their result on 7 december07...this yr will be the first yr will be having prom night and ours is the first badge!!!yeah!!!!and it will be on our graduation day which is 19 november,3 days after my bdae that is......klah...tatas....:)
♥hey perfect stranger
♥i love you
Sunday, 23 September 2007
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
Life is like a beautiful melody,
only the lyrics are messed up.
todae was a tiring day.....had two pprs todae....maths ppr 2 and phy ppr 2...maths ppr was bloody fucking hard...the pppr can kill me instantly and i could die of hard attack right then...they say its for ur own good....but it was too hard too do....2hr30mins is not enough sei....but gd news phy ppr 2 was managable compare to that bloody fucking chemistry ppr...who the hell set that ppr??tom i will not be required to go to school as tom is a maths ppr 2..yeah!!!!at last...but friday is the last ppr....which is poa...ppr 1 and ppr 2....
the day before i spukrge my money on two magazine...which is cleo and seventeen...seventeen october issue was not was d-i-y not bad..cleo was gd..more to fashion...looking foward to nxt issue....aniwae arsenal manager is soo cute!!with his accent...i think probably german...his name is arsen something...can't remember...kaes gtg...
♥hey perfect stranger
♥i love you
only the lyrics are messed up.
todae was a tiring day.....had two pprs todae....maths ppr 2 and phy ppr 2...maths ppr was bloody fucking hard...the pppr can kill me instantly and i could die of hard attack right then...they say its for ur own good....but it was too hard too do....2hr30mins is not enough sei....but gd news phy ppr 2 was managable compare to that bloody fucking chemistry ppr...who the hell set that ppr??tom i will not be required to go to school as tom is a maths ppr 2..yeah!!!!at last...but friday is the last ppr....which is poa...ppr 1 and ppr 2....
the day before i spukrge my money on two magazine...which is cleo and seventeen...seventeen october issue was not was d-i-y not bad..cleo was gd..more to fashion...looking foward to nxt issue....aniwae arsenal manager is soo cute!!with his accent...i think probably german...his name is arsen something...can't remember...kaes gtg...
♥hey perfect stranger
♥i love you
Saturday, 15 September 2007
Worry not about the possible troubles of the future;
for if they come, you are but anticipating and adding to their weight;
and if they do not come, your worry is useless;
and in either case it is weak and in vain,
and a distrust of God's providence.
i can't help but worry about the o level exam..i'm thinking whether i can manage to do the o level ppr...whether i am able to go to polytechnic with my result as maths and science is like the foundation and basics that you must have before going to polytechnic...i'm weak in thats it i think but i will try cause it is less than 1 month i think and i hope that i can manage to study all the relevant things...i especially want to see improvement in science and maths and combined humans...especially social studies cause i study like hell for it...hoping this o level ppr is easy and manageaable or else i will be seeing myself retaking o level nxt yr...hoping not too...
for if they come, you are but anticipating and adding to their weight;
and if they do not come, your worry is useless;
and in either case it is weak and in vain,
and a distrust of God's providence.
i can't help but worry about the o level exam..i'm thinking whether i can manage to do the o level ppr...whether i am able to go to polytechnic with my result as maths and science is like the foundation and basics that you must have before going to polytechnic...i'm weak in thats it i think but i will try cause it is less than 1 month i think and i hope that i can manage to study all the relevant things...i especially want to see improvement in science and maths and combined humans...especially social studies cause i study like hell for it...hoping this o level ppr is easy and manageaable or else i will be seeing myself retaking o level nxt yr...hoping not too...
Friday, 14 September 2007
To rule one's anger is well;
to prevent it is still better.
i just reach home from mosque and sheng shiong...and my grandparents house......i was so damn tired....i feel like sleeping rite now..i am having gastric right now...i can't wait to get back at my sis for she was having fun right now watching a play at esplanade while i am stuck here doing her chores..if i am not fasting todae i do not mind..but i am fasting and it was tiring u know..i feel like gulping a large cup of water....luckily my mum fetch my lil' sis...she knew i was pissed off because of my face shows no expression watsoever...i show her what-the-heck face of mine and she know it weel enough not to say anything....i bought red instead of green chilli just now and i was scolded..anyway its not my fault....she knows i am not in the mood to do go anywhere and yet she insist on me this is what she get..she can't scold me or anything..she nag for a few seconds and after that keep her mouth close upon seeing what-right-do-you-have-to scold-me face...i should do that more often...
i feel like crying all of a sudden now....u know what i hands was shivering and is sivering right now cause i was hungry...can't wait to break face.....klah...update tom if i have time...:)) :((
♥hey perfect stranger
♥i love you
to prevent it is still better.
i just reach home from mosque and sheng shiong...and my grandparents house......i was so damn tired....i feel like sleeping rite now..i am having gastric right now...i can't wait to get back at my sis for she was having fun right now watching a play at esplanade while i am stuck here doing her chores..if i am not fasting todae i do not mind..but i am fasting and it was tiring u know..i feel like gulping a large cup of water....luckily my mum fetch my lil' sis...she knew i was pissed off because of my face shows no expression watsoever...i show her what-the-heck face of mine and she know it weel enough not to say anything....i bought red instead of green chilli just now and i was scolded..anyway its not my fault....she knows i am not in the mood to do go anywhere and yet she insist on me this is what she get..she can't scold me or anything..she nag for a few seconds and after that keep her mouth close upon seeing what-right-do-you-have-to scold-me face...i should do that more often...
i feel like crying all of a sudden now....u know what i hands was shivering and is sivering right now cause i was hungry...can't wait to break face.....klah...update tom if i have time...:)) :((
♥hey perfect stranger
♥i love you
When angry, count ten before you speak;
if very angry, one hundred.
Author: Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)
Todae i was So having pms...i don't know why but i keep scolding ppl throwing things everywhere..i mean .not supposedly everywhere...just little things..i will make a big fuss over a small thing and after that i will feel like crying...don't know why but is normal...last night my mum kept nagging which make my so pissed OFF!!!i throw thigs everywhere...y must she kept nagging even in the middle of the night?mothers are all the same i guess...they just can't stop is a part of them maybe...
todae was el ppr 2...the ppr was quite okay..the summary and vocabulary was okay but questions were difficult....can score on vocab and summary...nxt monday will be food and nutrition and geography!!urrghh!!both need a lot of sucks man when they put two papers at one day which require lot of memorisation...aniwaes did i mention todae was the second day of fasting..i was so tired and sleepy...straight way after changing my clothes i sleep till 1pm..i had ask my mum to woke me up at 12pm cause i want to watch dress of your dreams at discovery channel but she doesn't wake me up...nvm...aniwae my ppr finish early todaes at 9.40am...
need to go to sheng shiong and go to mosque to take porridge for my father and need to buy kway cook for later...aniwaes miss american next top model yesterday!!!todae want to watch my favourite televison programme which is ghost whisperer!!!!on channel 5..thats the only ghost stories i am not afraid off....jennifer love hewiitt was so hot!!!kaes gtg now...dadas!!muackzz...<3<3<3<3
♥hey perfect stranger
♥i love you
if very angry, one hundred.
Author: Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)
Todae i was So having pms...i don't know why but i keep scolding ppl throwing things everywhere..i mean .not supposedly everywhere...just little things..i will make a big fuss over a small thing and after that i will feel like crying...don't know why but is normal...last night my mum kept nagging which make my so pissed OFF!!!i throw thigs everywhere...y must she kept nagging even in the middle of the night?mothers are all the same i guess...they just can't stop is a part of them maybe...
todae was el ppr 2...the ppr was quite okay..the summary and vocabulary was okay but questions were difficult....can score on vocab and summary...nxt monday will be food and nutrition and geography!!urrghh!!both need a lot of sucks man when they put two papers at one day which require lot of memorisation...aniwaes did i mention todae was the second day of fasting..i was so tired and sleepy...straight way after changing my clothes i sleep till 1pm..i had ask my mum to woke me up at 12pm cause i want to watch dress of your dreams at discovery channel but she doesn't wake me up...nvm...aniwae my ppr finish early todaes at 9.40am...
need to go to sheng shiong and go to mosque to take porridge for my father and need to buy kway cook for later...aniwaes miss american next top model yesterday!!!todae want to watch my favourite televison programme which is ghost whisperer!!!!on channel 5..thats the only ghost stories i am not afraid off....jennifer love hewiitt was so hot!!!kaes gtg now...dadas!!muackzz...<3<3<3<3
♥hey perfect stranger
♥i love you
Thursday, 13 September 2007
bdae party....
Love ceases to be a pleasure,
when it ceases to be a secret. had happened a few days ago just the day before school reopen which is on sunday,8 of september.....i had to attend to my cuzins bdae party...or should i say mini bdae party...only 2 familie were there...which is my cuzins family and my family except that my dad wasn't there as he got to paint some pipes in the kitchen toilet...okies..straight to the point,i was wearing this tube purple dress which was gorgeous and it cost only about $5.50..i wore it with my long sleeve white t-shirt...and there was this wedding ceremony down at my sis and i spot some gorgeous or should i say themost HANDSOME!!!guy in the world....he was sitting in a clique..with his cuzins mayb..i guess his age was 18 years sis and i walk pass them cause we had to...and suddenly heard ppl calling...and my sis and i saw the guy atually trying to catch up with heart was racing and pumping loudly as he approaches stomach was full of buterflies which actually sucks sometimes...hehes:)
i realise he was catching us up to ak for our number,and although i insisit of giving it to last i give it to him after he desperately beg us...(i think this part was exxagerating)my heart flutters...and i thought that was in somekind of heaven....hahax!!!!i think he is a mix of blood...he asked for our name and all...but i stupidly doesn't ask him his now i labelled him as the perfect stranger....aww!!!now my heart is fluttering and i can't keep my minds of him this at first sight it may seem..but i just guess it is puppy love...can't wait to find my mr RIGHT...though i may seem desperate rite now...and i think i am cause everybody is asking me if i am attached...i was stressed up lah ser!!!!
but i want to focused on my studies first...but after much anticipation..he does not call us or even msg tough i keep waiting at my handphone day and night thinking stupidly whether he will even do that...that perfect stranger...maybe if we are destined together we will meet again...aniwaes meet my anak sedare,shakira!!!she is so damn adorable...!!!!her face look totally chinese and she is labelled as the mall baby cause she does not like to stay at home and only like to stay at the mall...she is cute rite!!!!aniwaes her father is a chinese.....
i think that i will not be updating soon...may be untill after exam..just not quite sure yet...will upload picture then...muackzz...and happy fasting!!!!
♥hey perfect stranger
♥ i love you
when it ceases to be a secret. had happened a few days ago just the day before school reopen which is on sunday,8 of september.....i had to attend to my cuzins bdae party...or should i say mini bdae party...only 2 familie were there...which is my cuzins family and my family except that my dad wasn't there as he got to paint some pipes in the kitchen toilet...okies..straight to the point,i was wearing this tube purple dress which was gorgeous and it cost only about $5.50..i wore it with my long sleeve white t-shirt...and there was this wedding ceremony down at my sis and i spot some gorgeous or should i say themost HANDSOME!!!guy in the world....he was sitting in a clique..with his cuzins mayb..i guess his age was 18 years sis and i walk pass them cause we had to...and suddenly heard ppl calling...and my sis and i saw the guy atually trying to catch up with heart was racing and pumping loudly as he approaches stomach was full of buterflies which actually sucks sometimes...hehes:)
i realise he was catching us up to ak for our number,and although i insisit of giving it to last i give it to him after he desperately beg us...(i think this part was exxagerating)my heart flutters...and i thought that was in somekind of heaven....hahax!!!!i think he is a mix of blood...he asked for our name and all...but i stupidly doesn't ask him his now i labelled him as the perfect stranger....aww!!!now my heart is fluttering and i can't keep my minds of him this at first sight it may seem..but i just guess it is puppy love...can't wait to find my mr RIGHT...though i may seem desperate rite now...and i think i am cause everybody is asking me if i am attached...i was stressed up lah ser!!!!
but i want to focused on my studies first...but after much anticipation..he does not call us or even msg tough i keep waiting at my handphone day and night thinking stupidly whether he will even do that...that perfect stranger...maybe if we are destined together we will meet again...aniwaes meet my anak sedare,shakira!!!she is so damn adorable...!!!!her face look totally chinese and she is labelled as the mall baby cause she does not like to stay at home and only like to stay at the mall...she is cute rite!!!!aniwaes her father is a chinese.....
i think that i will not be updating soon...may be untill after exam..just not quite sure yet...will upload picture then...muackzz...and happy fasting!!!!
♥hey perfect stranger
♥ i love you
so yesterday was rather bored at home...i was squeezing my mahts,physics and chem notes till my brains felt like bursting!!!!i was doing my maths when suddenly i fell the my room first i thought it was me...going dizzy and all...cause i fell like fainting...then all of a sudden i realise that it was not me,but it was the ground which is shaking...scared like mad lah ser!!!i rush to my sis room to ask if she feel it....she feel it too..rush to my mum who is in the kitchen...but she insist she doesn't feel anything until suddenly the ground shook again and my mum's vase aws like shaking....she was like panicking at was asking us to evacuate out of the house..i was wearing my quickly change to my jeans and quickly get out...while i was going down the stairs can still feel the earth damn scared!!!i think i will continue tom...el ppr coming up...ppr 2...dadas...aniwae todae is the first day of fasting...i had no mood to update actually but force myself too...hahax!!!!
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