~~Things change,people change,time change,so do you and i don't know who you are anymore~~
Tomorrow is my mum's 39 birthday!!!!"Happy birthday mama!!!!Moga dipjgkan umur,dimurahkan rezeki,dikurniakan kesihatan yg sempurna dan moga2 dilindungi ALLAH selalu!!!!!Syg mama many2!!!!!!!MUAH MUAH!!!KISS KISS!!!HUG HUG!!!!haha:p
So,am bloody bored now...Am having migraines...Have just pop panadol and i am getting drowsy.....
School was ok...i guess...Because today's maths topic was manageable and it got nothing much to with maths.....i likey....everyone likey....Haha:p
Gosh...my cousin's cousin died of a motorcycle accident...Innalilahiwaiinahirajiuun....Moga2 allah mencucuri roh ke atas nyer...~~AMIN~~
Chatting and webcaming with my sis who is just in the next room...Haha:p She's bloody irritated...wakaka:p She scares me with her ghost story...AGAIN!!!like yesterday...only this time i'm not scared...cause my mum was beside me....
Kay.I'm done.
~~Hush hush,hush hush~~ wakaka:p
~~Will bury you in my heart,but you will never be forgotten....Like you once said...Anna uhhibuka~~
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