so lately,have been busy with now my world revolves around watsons(which i totally hate it).aniwaes,today is my aunt mum called to remind wish her the normal stuff that people would wish for on birthday wishes..Just now,i drop a visit to better Vision to do my eye test for free trial of contact will collect it on tuesday the 23rd...i hope i was having morning shift that day or better off...which reminds me that on last tuesday ws my off day there is a high chance that i will be off on that day....and..i got good bff got 8 points for her N level results after her second try which surprise me..i was so delighted and feel like jumping but i have to resist my temptation due to working conditions..hahax!!so today was a busy day...i spend the whole day shifting place,rolling small carpets so that it will fit and scotch tape feet were aching so badly that i was practically limping all the tomorrow,i am having morning shift..which is a GOOD news,though it will be a very sleepy day tomorrow...
signing off now....
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Friday, 19 December 2008
Monday, 1 December 2008
"When one of your dreams come true, you begin to look at the others more carefully." -Anon.
So, i just fall in love with the above quote..everything is going perfect for me right now.i get to go to cinta fitri hi-tea though its way too long already for me to talk about,i got a job,wonderful family,friends,cousins..the one that i should thank too for all this is GOD.i can't thank him enough for making my wishes come true...
okaes...i am having afternoon shift right will start work at 1.30pm...will only go out at 12.40pm...yeseterday i read this at the mrt"to the 62% of married women who want to be on a deserted island with the flying dutchman.WAKE UP!HIS funny ser...i was copying this on the mrt on the back of a book...hahax!
so i was blog hopping as usual and i was amazed by how creative and talented nanasontoloyo are...her designs are so DAMN GOOD!i tell you...then i search for my nick, dirahbumblebee at yahoo search engine and i found my nick at the respective webby that i usually leave comment or upload videos cute...wakakakaka!!!!later i found myself surfing on airfares webby...wanting to go to jakarta and australia...will need to save my money to go there....haixxx.....will need some calculations on how much i must save in order to go to both of the places....please..may it come trueeeeeeeeeeee........!!!!!!!
so tomorrow i will be having morning shift and am having an off day at the 3rd...fuiyooh!!!!GEREK TU!!!!aniwaes am counting the days to my pay day...hehes:)can't wait..but can only fork it out on tuesday...UURRGGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so here are my long list:
levis jeans..2@99.90.can u believe it?am so gonna buy it.
cinta fitri vcds
contact lenses
dye hair...the d.i.y hair colour does not shows..and can only be seen from direct sunlight...irritating!!!! money!!!!!!!!!!
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
So, i just fall in love with the above quote..everything is going perfect for me right now.i get to go to cinta fitri hi-tea though its way too long already for me to talk about,i got a job,wonderful family,friends,cousins..the one that i should thank too for all this is GOD.i can't thank him enough for making my wishes come true...
okaes...i am having afternoon shift right will start work at 1.30pm...will only go out at 12.40pm...yeseterday i read this at the mrt"to the 62% of married women who want to be on a deserted island with the flying dutchman.WAKE UP!HIS funny ser...i was copying this on the mrt on the back of a book...hahax!
so i was blog hopping as usual and i was amazed by how creative and talented nanasontoloyo are...her designs are so DAMN GOOD!i tell you...then i search for my nick, dirahbumblebee at yahoo search engine and i found my nick at the respective webby that i usually leave comment or upload videos cute...wakakakaka!!!!later i found myself surfing on airfares webby...wanting to go to jakarta and australia...will need to save my money to go there....haixxx.....will need some calculations on how much i must save in order to go to both of the places....please..may it come trueeeeeeeeeeee........!!!!!!!
so tomorrow i will be having morning shift and am having an off day at the 3rd...fuiyooh!!!!GEREK TU!!!!aniwaes am counting the days to my pay day...hehes:)can't wait..but can only fork it out on tuesday...UURRGGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so here are my long list:
levis jeans..2@99.90.can u believe it?am so gonna buy it.
cinta fitri vcds
contact lenses
dye hair...the d.i.y hair colour does not shows..and can only be seen from direct sunlight...irritating!!!! money!!!!!!!!!!
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Saturday, 29 November 2008 will make other people's day as it will make is free anyway..
okays..i think i am getting better after all the shouting fom the previous post.tomorrow i am having afternoon shift..LUCKILY!though it will bring some sadness cause i will miss my cinta fitri drama and anyway afternoon shift is wayyyyyyyyyy too long for me..considered on taking part-time..maria have even asked me this evening on whether i will be continuing next year..and i say yes...i can't believe i have said yes...but i will ONLY enjoy work provided my new found friend,anna, is around...she is always around to make my day...but for the next two days...she won't...and it will cause me MAJOR depression for a short period..having no one to talk,joke and laugh too...haiizz...
so after sweeping and mopping the floor,i and anna go to our usual,favourite hang out place,which is the cosmetcis section ...and the place that we will go to is the bourjois cosmetics and we will tahe the eyeliner...cause it is superdark.and i like super dark as i never put any eyeliner to work,i wear the eyeliner...and a mascara..but i can't rememeber the mascara brand we can only do a few minute of catwalk as rowena open the shop early today...and we are like dragging our feet and complaining as to why the shop is be open was a great day to sum it up..and i made a new friend from levi signature store named maricel...such a cute and pretty,fillipino me fillipino girls are beautiful and to sum it up TODAY was a great day...and i can't believe i have just said that...hope tomorrow will be the same...or i will be like DEAD WALKING uploading cinta fitri season 3 go visit to my multiply if you have time...:)
dadas for now....wish me luck for tomorrow..:)
soory for having a lot of grammar and vocab...i am rushing as i am typing this...
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
okays..i think i am getting better after all the shouting fom the previous post.tomorrow i am having afternoon shift..LUCKILY!though it will bring some sadness cause i will miss my cinta fitri drama and anyway afternoon shift is wayyyyyyyyyy too long for me..considered on taking part-time..maria have even asked me this evening on whether i will be continuing next year..and i say yes...i can't believe i have said yes...but i will ONLY enjoy work provided my new found friend,anna, is around...she is always around to make my day...but for the next two days...she won't...and it will cause me MAJOR depression for a short period..having no one to talk,joke and laugh too...haiizz...
so after sweeping and mopping the floor,i and anna go to our usual,favourite hang out place,which is the cosmetcis section ...and the place that we will go to is the bourjois cosmetics and we will tahe the eyeliner...cause it is superdark.and i like super dark as i never put any eyeliner to work,i wear the eyeliner...and a mascara..but i can't rememeber the mascara brand we can only do a few minute of catwalk as rowena open the shop early today...and we are like dragging our feet and complaining as to why the shop is be open was a great day to sum it up..and i made a new friend from levi signature store named maricel...such a cute and pretty,fillipino me fillipino girls are beautiful and to sum it up TODAY was a great day...and i can't believe i have just said that...hope tomorrow will be the same...or i will be like DEAD WALKING uploading cinta fitri season 3 go visit to my multiply if you have time...:)
dadas for now....wish me luck for tomorrow..:)
soory for having a lot of grammar and vocab...i am rushing as i am typing this...
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will.
Jawaharal Nehru
now,i am so bloody pissed cause i can't insert pictures and videos into the thumbdrive.second the computer is driving me crazy having error message popping out every few minutes and it will be stuck for a few seconds.third,my legs are aching and i feel like crying and i feel like taking mc tomorrow but my mum does not sum it all off I AM SO BLOODY AND FUCKING PISSED OFF!I'M TIRED!I'M SICK!AND I THINK I AM GOING PHYSCO IF THE ROUTINE KEEP GOING ON LIKE THIS!PLUS THE SPEAKER IS MAKING A LOUD AND IRRITATING SOUND BECAUSE OF SOME RADIATION!I HAVE TO UPLOAD VIDEOS AND SEND IT TO PEOPLE WHICH I OWE AND I FEEL BAD TOWARDS THEM FOR GIVING EMPTY PROMISES WHICH IS DRIVING ME SAD AND CRAZY!!!MY MUM AND SIS AND BROTHER ARE SHOUTING EVERY SINGLE DAY AT ME!!!DO NOT ADD TO MY PROBLEM OR I WILL BE SCREAMING MY HEADS OFF AND WILL BE SMILING MY HEADS OFF THE NEXT MINUTE EACH TIME I HEAR MY FAVOURITE TUNE.SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!GOD!!!!!!!I EAT ALONE LIKE A LONER AT BANQUET EVERY SINGLE DAY!!AND 1 MORE THING I FORGOT TO ADD I AM SLEEPY!I SLEEP AT MRT TRIPS!I YAWN COUNTLESS TIME WHILE WORKING!I DO NOT GET ENOUGH SLEEP AND I WILL BE GETTING EYEBAGS AND DARK CIRCLES CAUSE I HAVE TO WAKE UP AT 6.15 AM EVERYDAY...GOOSSHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!now you will know why i will not be myself this past few days,WEEKS or even MONTHS!!!!!so do tag and give comments on whether i should continue working or not,or change to part-time or take no paid leave(npl)countless time which will give me a bad reputation.thats it!i'm off.the mad lady is signing off.
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Jawaharal Nehru
now,i am so bloody pissed cause i can't insert pictures and videos into the thumbdrive.second the computer is driving me crazy having error message popping out every few minutes and it will be stuck for a few seconds.third,my legs are aching and i feel like crying and i feel like taking mc tomorrow but my mum does not sum it all off I AM SO BLOODY AND FUCKING PISSED OFF!I'M TIRED!I'M SICK!AND I THINK I AM GOING PHYSCO IF THE ROUTINE KEEP GOING ON LIKE THIS!PLUS THE SPEAKER IS MAKING A LOUD AND IRRITATING SOUND BECAUSE OF SOME RADIATION!I HAVE TO UPLOAD VIDEOS AND SEND IT TO PEOPLE WHICH I OWE AND I FEEL BAD TOWARDS THEM FOR GIVING EMPTY PROMISES WHICH IS DRIVING ME SAD AND CRAZY!!!MY MUM AND SIS AND BROTHER ARE SHOUTING EVERY SINGLE DAY AT ME!!!DO NOT ADD TO MY PROBLEM OR I WILL BE SCREAMING MY HEADS OFF AND WILL BE SMILING MY HEADS OFF THE NEXT MINUTE EACH TIME I HEAR MY FAVOURITE TUNE.SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!GOD!!!!!!!I EAT ALONE LIKE A LONER AT BANQUET EVERY SINGLE DAY!!AND 1 MORE THING I FORGOT TO ADD I AM SLEEPY!I SLEEP AT MRT TRIPS!I YAWN COUNTLESS TIME WHILE WORKING!I DO NOT GET ENOUGH SLEEP AND I WILL BE GETTING EYEBAGS AND DARK CIRCLES CAUSE I HAVE TO WAKE UP AT 6.15 AM EVERYDAY...GOOSSHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!now you will know why i will not be myself this past few days,WEEKS or even MONTHS!!!!!so do tag and give comments on whether i should continue working or not,or change to part-time or take no paid leave(npl)countless time which will give me a bad reputation.thats it!i'm off.the mad lady is signing off.
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Life is full of mystery.once you find yourself,all happy and laughing and the next you found yourself crying and sobbing.-dirahbumblebee
so tomorrow i am going to dye my hair into brunette using revlon hair confused with which colour to go relying on the internet to find my shade...wanted to go a salon to dye my hair based on their recommendations but i have not even got my here are my wishlist:
-cinta fitri vcds
-guess bag
-dye my hair in salon and enough of the d.i.y hair dye.
-suscribe to cleo mag
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
so tomorrow i am going to dye my hair into brunette using revlon hair confused with which colour to go relying on the internet to find my shade...wanted to go a salon to dye my hair based on their recommendations but i have not even got my here are my wishlist:
-cinta fitri vcds
-guess bag
-dye my hair in salon and enough of the d.i.y hair dye.
-suscribe to cleo mag
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
The thing is to rely on God. The time will come when you will regard all this misery as a small price to pay for having been brought to that dependence. Meanwhile, the trouble is that relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing has yet been done.
-C.S. Lewis
so i was blog mum and siblings were out to my cousin last..peace and quiet....i was supposed to sleep but NAHHH!!!!!i get internal peace from i got a tag from natasha,a friend of my sister..later i found myself blog hopping...and i decided to read ain's blog...what i read at her blog cause me to cry....i donnoe if it is just me being too sensitive or the song that matches the ambience...but the words touched my heart..and i can feel teardrops falling on my cheek,later on the i will copy and paste the passage that i have did i realise that when we thought that noone care about us,love us,or we are just one useless human being,god will always be with us through it all..through up and down....cause everyone is specially created by him....and he love us all the same....hope this touched you as it has touched me....
Sebuah renungan
A reflection
Ketahuilah olehmu . . .
Jika kau merasa lelah dan tak berdaya dari usaha yang sepertinya sia-sia
Allah SWT tahu betapa keras engkau sudah berusaha
Ketika kau sudah menangis sekian lama dan hatimu masih terasa pedih
Allah SWT sudah menghitung air matamu
Ketika kau fikir bahawa hidupmu sedang menunggu sesuatu dan waktu terasa berjalan begitu sahaja
Allah SWT sedang menunggu bersamamu
Ketika kau berfikir bahawa kau sudah mencuba segalanya dan tidak tahu hendak berbuat apa lagi
Allah SWT sudah punya jawapannya
Ketika segala sesuatu menjadi tak masuk akal dan kau merasa tertekan
Allah SWT dapat menenangkanmu
Ketika kau merasa sendirian dan teman-temanmu terlalu sibuk untuk menelefon
Allah SWT selalu berada disampingmu
Ketika kau mendambakan sebuah cinta sejati yang tak kunjung datang
Allah SWT mempunyai cinta dan kasih yang lebih besar dari segalanya dan Dia menciptakan seseorang yang akan menjadi pasangan hidupmu kelak
Ketika kau merasa bahawa kau mencinta seseorang namun cintamu tak terbalas
Allah SWT tahu apa yang ada di depanmu dan Dia sedang mempersiapkan segala yang terbaik untukmu
Ketika kau merasa telah dikhianati dan dikecewakan
Allah dapat menyembuhkan lukamu dan membuatmu tersenyum
Jika tiba-tiba kau dapat melihat jejak-jejak
Harapan Allah SWT sedang berbisik kepadamu
Ketika segala sesuatu berjalan lancar dan kau merasa ingin mengucap syukur
Allah SWT telah memberkahimu
Ketika sesuatu terjadi dan kau dipenuhi ketakjuban
Allah SWT telah tersenyum kepadamu
Ketika kau memiliki tujuan untuk dipenuhi dan mimpi untuk digenapi
Allah SWT sudah membuka matamu dan memanggilmu dengan namamu
Ingat, dimanapun kau atau kemanapun kau menghadap
Allah SWT tahu
Credits : Dongeng Peri | Sebuah renungan
taken from:
ps:this is my 101 post...hahahax!!!
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
-C.S. Lewis
so i was blog mum and siblings were out to my cousin last..peace and quiet....i was supposed to sleep but NAHHH!!!!!i get internal peace from i got a tag from natasha,a friend of my sister..later i found myself blog hopping...and i decided to read ain's blog...what i read at her blog cause me to cry....i donnoe if it is just me being too sensitive or the song that matches the ambience...but the words touched my heart..and i can feel teardrops falling on my cheek,later on the i will copy and paste the passage that i have did i realise that when we thought that noone care about us,love us,or we are just one useless human being,god will always be with us through it all..through up and down....cause everyone is specially created by him....and he love us all the same....hope this touched you as it has touched me....
Sebuah renungan
A reflection
Ketahuilah olehmu . . .
Jika kau merasa lelah dan tak berdaya dari usaha yang sepertinya sia-sia
Allah SWT tahu betapa keras engkau sudah berusaha
Ketika kau sudah menangis sekian lama dan hatimu masih terasa pedih
Allah SWT sudah menghitung air matamu
Ketika kau fikir bahawa hidupmu sedang menunggu sesuatu dan waktu terasa berjalan begitu sahaja
Allah SWT sedang menunggu bersamamu
Ketika kau berfikir bahawa kau sudah mencuba segalanya dan tidak tahu hendak berbuat apa lagi
Allah SWT sudah punya jawapannya
Ketika segala sesuatu menjadi tak masuk akal dan kau merasa tertekan
Allah SWT dapat menenangkanmu
Ketika kau merasa sendirian dan teman-temanmu terlalu sibuk untuk menelefon
Allah SWT selalu berada disampingmu
Ketika kau mendambakan sebuah cinta sejati yang tak kunjung datang
Allah SWT mempunyai cinta dan kasih yang lebih besar dari segalanya dan Dia menciptakan seseorang yang akan menjadi pasangan hidupmu kelak
Ketika kau merasa bahawa kau mencinta seseorang namun cintamu tak terbalas
Allah SWT tahu apa yang ada di depanmu dan Dia sedang mempersiapkan segala yang terbaik untukmu
Ketika kau merasa telah dikhianati dan dikecewakan
Allah dapat menyembuhkan lukamu dan membuatmu tersenyum
Jika tiba-tiba kau dapat melihat jejak-jejak
Harapan Allah SWT sedang berbisik kepadamu
Ketika segala sesuatu berjalan lancar dan kau merasa ingin mengucap syukur
Allah SWT telah memberkahimu
Ketika sesuatu terjadi dan kau dipenuhi ketakjuban
Allah SWT telah tersenyum kepadamu
Ketika kau memiliki tujuan untuk dipenuhi dan mimpi untuk digenapi
Allah SWT sudah membuka matamu dan memanggilmu dengan namamu
Ingat, dimanapun kau atau kemanapun kau menghadap
Allah SWT tahu
Credits : Dongeng Peri | Sebuah renungan
taken from:
ps:this is my 101 post...hahahax!!!
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
"Fear less, hope more;
Whine less, breathe more;
Talk less, say more;
Hate less, love more;
And all good things are yours."
-Swedish Proverb as you guess it.i survive through the 4 days of afternoon shift and going back late till about is my off day.and i am uber uber uber my thought suddenly came to remind me of cinta fitri...teuku wisnu and shireen sungkar...i love them so much...and my heart beats fast whenever i think of them..hope they are in a good state of health...and may they always be protected by god...amin..:)
so yesterday there was a lot of work to do.and guess what.of all the things that i must stock,i must stock at the condom section cause no one was stocking it up...i was very the malu(shy)and paiseh....imagine a 17year old girl stcocking up the condoms.luckily no one was watching and there was no customer who was walking at that aisles...everybody was working full shift today except the part-time untie who was super cute with spectacles in her head..everybody was wearing christmas hat ecxcept me,maria(manager) and cik noor...imagine the headscarf and the christmas does not match right?everybody was preparing for christmas...stocking up things...
so eat lunch..ALONE.everybody have different lunch eat at banquet after the past few days eating at long john and ordering the same meals.though now i am addicted to the laksa and my new love iced milk tea..
mediacorp was shooting at imm yesterday.i aws at both places when it took place.firstly at osim when i was about to have lunch and giant manager and supervisor were both very 'kaypoh'.my supervisor who was working came out of the store and and i can recognise her with the red christmas hat among the different coloured hair..i was on the verge of laughing manager was the first to go out..first she was beside me talking with me.the next,when i turn my back she disappear..hahax:)i also join lah..'kaypoh' too what..hahax:)
so,as everybody was having full shift when we are going home,anne was asking me if we can go back together,but i feel so bad cause everytime cik noor and i go back late,she will send me home...
have a little chat with my sis before she go to work...we now realise that our life now revolves around work.and we must do a lot of in a missing those time i used to spend with my families and friends..hope can make time for you all when i am free ya...
am excited today cause will be able to watch cinta fitri 3...hehes:)my no.1 love....always...this is my one and only love..hahax:)my boyfie you might call it....
off now..a lot of video 'debts' must be settled.inserting pictures and videos on cds cause the com is already full and is already protesting to me by popping a small memory space...hahax!!!
much love,
dirah bumblebee..
-will post on my next off day
-gd luck to shakeela..hope you get a job soon
-congrats to natasha dear for getting a job at coffee bean,paragon, orchard.will find time to drop drinks please...hahax:)
-thanx for the b'dae you all..:)
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Whine less, breathe more;
Talk less, say more;
Hate less, love more;
And all good things are yours."
-Swedish Proverb as you guess it.i survive through the 4 days of afternoon shift and going back late till about is my off day.and i am uber uber uber my thought suddenly came to remind me of cinta fitri...teuku wisnu and shireen sungkar...i love them so much...and my heart beats fast whenever i think of them..hope they are in a good state of health...and may they always be protected by god...amin..:)
so yesterday there was a lot of work to do.and guess what.of all the things that i must stock,i must stock at the condom section cause no one was stocking it up...i was very the malu(shy)and paiseh....imagine a 17year old girl stcocking up the condoms.luckily no one was watching and there was no customer who was walking at that aisles...everybody was working full shift today except the part-time untie who was super cute with spectacles in her head..everybody was wearing christmas hat ecxcept me,maria(manager) and cik noor...imagine the headscarf and the christmas does not match right?everybody was preparing for christmas...stocking up things...
so eat lunch..ALONE.everybody have different lunch eat at banquet after the past few days eating at long john and ordering the same meals.though now i am addicted to the laksa and my new love iced milk tea..
mediacorp was shooting at imm yesterday.i aws at both places when it took place.firstly at osim when i was about to have lunch and giant manager and supervisor were both very 'kaypoh'.my supervisor who was working came out of the store and and i can recognise her with the red christmas hat among the different coloured hair..i was on the verge of laughing manager was the first to go out..first she was beside me talking with me.the next,when i turn my back she disappear..hahax:)i also join lah..'kaypoh' too what..hahax:)
so,as everybody was having full shift when we are going home,anne was asking me if we can go back together,but i feel so bad cause everytime cik noor and i go back late,she will send me home...
have a little chat with my sis before she go to work...we now realise that our life now revolves around work.and we must do a lot of in a missing those time i used to spend with my families and friends..hope can make time for you all when i am free ya...
am excited today cause will be able to watch cinta fitri 3...hehes:)my no.1 love....always...this is my one and only love..hahax:)my boyfie you might call it....
off now..a lot of video 'debts' must be settled.inserting pictures and videos on cds cause the com is already full and is already protesting to me by popping a small memory space...hahax!!!
much love,
dirah bumblebee..
-will post on my next off day
-gd luck to shakeela..hope you get a job soon
-congrats to natasha dear for getting a job at coffee bean,paragon, orchard.will find time to drop drinks please...hahax:)
-thanx for the b'dae you all..:)
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Monday, 17 November 2008
What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but, scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable-Joseph Addison
so..will not be able to blog for a certain days due to my shift...from monday to thursday. i will be working afternoon shift from tired but this is the sacrifice i must made to earn some i learn that working need a lot of patience,responsibility,work fast and so much more.
so yesterday WAS my birthday..i WORK on my BIRTHDAY and i feel like crying...when maria told me the previous day that on sunday i have to work from 1.30-10pm my heart stop beating and tears are already welling up in my heart shattered into PIECES..PIECES...that was how devastated i am.i want to take sick leave but..NAHH!!!!!just start working then want to ask for my leave...bad yesterday though deep inside i was crying,i put up a brave front and just SMILE...YA SMILE like one heck of a happy person....
i do mostly wrapping from the moment i start working until 8 plus with 3.30pm break in between..the one and only time for me to be i do the packing with an untie and a 15 plus years old promoter who help a little bit....the untie was SUPER nice and friendly..she mostly do the wrapping cause once she was rapper..i mean a expert in wrapping and so fast...i do one she already do two...then while she do the wrapping been ask by cik su,my supervisor, to do the price tag label on the wrapped the untie do the packing i do the price label....until 8 plus when cik su ask both of us to stop and ask me to supervise the store....before that doris asked me to clear the rubbish....
so go home near 11 plus...cik su was such a dear...she ask me to back with her cause we live in the same area..i live in block 28,she in block her husband pick her up with me along and send me home....little did i expect that when i reached my house and knock on the door the door was being SLAMMED on my face...hehes:)actually my mum and 3 siblings did a mini suprise party with a cute cake...awwwwwwwwwwwwww....sweet right..all my tiredness(if there is such a word)disappear instantly...and my mum was such such such such a fear to have videotaped cinta fitri season 3 for me so i can watch it when i reached them so much!!!!!!!
this is the only time that i can spare and use the will see more of me on friday...cause it is my OFF DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yipee.....
psss:my manager is maria and not doris
doris is my supervisor...
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
so..will not be able to blog for a certain days due to my shift...from monday to thursday. i will be working afternoon shift from tired but this is the sacrifice i must made to earn some i learn that working need a lot of patience,responsibility,work fast and so much more.
so yesterday WAS my birthday..i WORK on my BIRTHDAY and i feel like crying...when maria told me the previous day that on sunday i have to work from 1.30-10pm my heart stop beating and tears are already welling up in my heart shattered into PIECES..PIECES...that was how devastated i am.i want to take sick leave but..NAHH!!!!!just start working then want to ask for my leave...bad yesterday though deep inside i was crying,i put up a brave front and just SMILE...YA SMILE like one heck of a happy person....
i do mostly wrapping from the moment i start working until 8 plus with 3.30pm break in between..the one and only time for me to be i do the packing with an untie and a 15 plus years old promoter who help a little bit....the untie was SUPER nice and friendly..she mostly do the wrapping cause once she was rapper..i mean a expert in wrapping and so fast...i do one she already do two...then while she do the wrapping been ask by cik su,my supervisor, to do the price tag label on the wrapped the untie do the packing i do the price label....until 8 plus when cik su ask both of us to stop and ask me to supervise the store....before that doris asked me to clear the rubbish....
so go home near 11 plus...cik su was such a dear...she ask me to back with her cause we live in the same area..i live in block 28,she in block her husband pick her up with me along and send me home....little did i expect that when i reached my house and knock on the door the door was being SLAMMED on my face...hehes:)actually my mum and 3 siblings did a mini suprise party with a cute cake...awwwwwwwwwwwwww....sweet right..all my tiredness(if there is such a word)disappear instantly...and my mum was such such such such a fear to have videotaped cinta fitri season 3 for me so i can watch it when i reached them so much!!!!!!!
this is the only time that i can spare and use the will see more of me on friday...cause it is my OFF DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yipee.....
psss:my manager is maria and not doris
doris is my supervisor...
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Friday, 14 November 2008
You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.
Ok!!!!i'm back after a few weeks of disappearing...been busy with exams and searching for jobs...have just finished my paper last tuesday on 12/11/2008.i just collected my o level certificate.have not collected it since february...a few of my clasmates still have not collect it.i thought i was the last one.i also collected by graduation book..luckily the malay untie in my school was not there.or else i will be nag....i got d7 for cca and i was shocked by my teacher are so sweet..i miss my secondary school days....
so on tuesday i go to watson headquarters and go for job a few sweet girls there who was there for the interview too...after my interview it was my sis turn so i talk to them and they were fun to talk today i meet them again...i report at the watson hq at 8.45am with some talk talk..sign here sign there...i was so nervous!!!!we board the same train and go out at different stations...but before that we exchange is at suntec,one is at tiong baharu or tanjong pagar...and the other one at clementi..mine at IMM watsons..the staff there were super friendly...and i was the youngest...i was like the baby manager name was a lot of thing to do..but not that tired....can managelah..tom i will start work at 8.30am and end at 4.30pm.will update more on now..want to watch cinta fitri season 3 at number ONE LOVE AND MY TOP PRIORITY!!!!!!!!!!
go to this website if you are a crazy fan of cinta me..hehehes:):)
or my
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Ok!!!!i'm back after a few weeks of disappearing...been busy with exams and searching for jobs...have just finished my paper last tuesday on 12/11/2008.i just collected my o level certificate.have not collected it since february...a few of my clasmates still have not collect it.i thought i was the last one.i also collected by graduation book..luckily the malay untie in my school was not there.or else i will be nag....i got d7 for cca and i was shocked by my teacher are so sweet..i miss my secondary school days....
so on tuesday i go to watson headquarters and go for job a few sweet girls there who was there for the interview too...after my interview it was my sis turn so i talk to them and they were fun to talk today i meet them again...i report at the watson hq at 8.45am with some talk talk..sign here sign there...i was so nervous!!!!we board the same train and go out at different stations...but before that we exchange is at suntec,one is at tiong baharu or tanjong pagar...and the other one at clementi..mine at IMM watsons..the staff there were super friendly...and i was the youngest...i was like the baby manager name was a lot of thing to do..but not that tired....can managelah..tom i will start work at 8.30am and end at 4.30pm.will update more on now..want to watch cinta fitri season 3 at number ONE LOVE AND MY TOP PRIORITY!!!!!!!!!!
go to this website if you are a crazy fan of cinta me..hehehes:):)
or my
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Friday, 17 October 2008
"Multiply it by infinity, take it to the depths of forever and you'll still only have a glimpse of how much I love you."
Source Unknown
Submitted by Terrise
so here goes after i have been mum actually BANNED me from switching on the so the way my science practical yesterday was okay i guess just hope for the best.the pape was quite managable i can say..better than last year where i have not had a clue what to do...i already do what i supposed to do and i just write what i saw and write the observations for chemistry and physics...
so i meet a LOT of people...i meet the last year is the sec 5 bunch from marsiling secondary...and i saw my long lost ex-primary school classmate whom used to live on my block and used to be my crush...hehes:)he was so different.with the golden hair he was with a girl.quite pretty i must say...
and guess who invigilate my science practical?it is my last year maths teacher..i was like GOSH!!!!at first i don't notice her..but later as i am busy doing experiment i heard her voice and i was like WHAT!!!!two teachers from my ex-school invigilate my class...
i'm putting 101% percent effort this year.have been burning midnight oil everyday and my mum is still not satisfy...urrghh...
and my mum has banned me too from watching cinta fitri at SCTV channel..she is so the dengki...:(
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Source Unknown
Submitted by Terrise
so here goes after i have been mum actually BANNED me from switching on the so the way my science practical yesterday was okay i guess just hope for the best.the pape was quite managable i can say..better than last year where i have not had a clue what to do...i already do what i supposed to do and i just write what i saw and write the observations for chemistry and physics...
so i meet a LOT of people...i meet the last year is the sec 5 bunch from marsiling secondary...and i saw my long lost ex-primary school classmate whom used to live on my block and used to be my crush...hehes:)he was so different.with the golden hair he was with a girl.quite pretty i must say...
and guess who invigilate my science practical?it is my last year maths teacher..i was like GOSH!!!!at first i don't notice her..but later as i am busy doing experiment i heard her voice and i was like WHAT!!!!two teachers from my ex-school invigilate my class...
i'm putting 101% percent effort this year.have been burning midnight oil everyday and my mum is still not satisfy...urrghh...
and my mum has banned me too from watching cinta fitri at SCTV channel..she is so the dengki...:(
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Monday, 6 October 2008
I wanted a perfect ending... Now, I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end.
Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious ambiguity.
-Gilda Radner
so that's the quote for today..meaningful...
skipping that part..
yesterday went hari raya-ing at my cousins house from about 2pm to about damn tired but it was turn out into something that i have never usual i realise that ever year the first house that we will go to is our grandparents house followed by cik amah,pak long,pak busu and finally my house..hehes:)it had been like that since...i don't lnow many a lot of catching up to a lot...lot of stories to be told,secrets to share,relationships,gossips..the usual girl stuff...
at pak long's house there was abg faizal girlfriend..she looks thinner than at the pictures i saw at both her and abg faizal account..sweet and pretty...
as usual pak busu house was the ultimate bomb and the most fun...everybody will be like having their own,soleha,kak anis and aisyah will be in aisyah's room.farhana and my sis will be farhana's lil' bro and sis will be with husna at the playroom whatever they call them,fathers and mothers will be watching tv...the most quite of all will have to be our fathers..they eat a lot,watch tv a lot and keep quite most of the time..all the mothers will be chit chatting either in the living room or kitchen...
lastly,erm..will continue nxt time,,errands to run..hehes:)
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious ambiguity.
-Gilda Radner
so that's the quote for today..meaningful...
skipping that part..
yesterday went hari raya-ing at my cousins house from about 2pm to about damn tired but it was turn out into something that i have never usual i realise that ever year the first house that we will go to is our grandparents house followed by cik amah,pak long,pak busu and finally my house..hehes:)it had been like that since...i don't lnow many a lot of catching up to a lot...lot of stories to be told,secrets to share,relationships,gossips..the usual girl stuff...
at pak long's house there was abg faizal girlfriend..she looks thinner than at the pictures i saw at both her and abg faizal account..sweet and pretty...
as usual pak busu house was the ultimate bomb and the most fun...everybody will be like having their own,soleha,kak anis and aisyah will be in aisyah's room.farhana and my sis will be farhana's lil' bro and sis will be with husna at the playroom whatever they call them,fathers and mothers will be watching tv...the most quite of all will have to be our fathers..they eat a lot,watch tv a lot and keep quite most of the time..all the mothers will be chit chatting either in the living room or kitchen...
lastly,erm..will continue nxt time,,errands to run..hehes:)
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Sunday, 5 October 2008
If you reveal your secrets to the wind you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.
Kahlil Gibran (1883 - 1931)
so yesterday i go hari raya outing to two houses after was tiring...firstly i went to my sis friend house together with the family as they invite us...liyana's mum is very a lot..but i enjoy every single one of her stories..laughing all the way non-stop..there were so many kueh at and every single one of them is delicious though i can't manage to eat all of them.after that go to my mum friend's house.she cook mee goreng which is coincidentally is my fav bujak lapok...the old time fav...i was puzzled by how though the drama had been played many times we still never get tired of watching it...we will still laugh at the same old jokes...hmmm..:)guess what time we get home?at about 12am..i was dead beat and my eyes were suoer droppy and i kept the way had finished playing pirates of the carribean at fun...:)camwhore a lot during the outing will upload the pictures...
for today's plan we will be going to my cousin's house on my dad side.i think 2 houses too like yesterday...and today shakeela have an open house so i'm hoping that i go to her house today though i will be busy..will try to make time for my darling...hehes:)(her guy don't like her and me calling each other darling..hehes:))and liyana's family will be coming over though it is not confirm...i hope they come...
am watching cinta fitri just now..woke up at 7 plus just to watch cinta fitri at 8 was worth it...will do anything for cinta fitri sake....camwhore with farrel..hehes:)u will know what i mean when i upload the pic later....btw just found another cinta fitri fan..invite her to me by friend at was fun meeting new people who have the same interest like me...and here's the name that a fan make for fitri and farrel child for season 3.the name is filda is it?it is the combination of both fitri and farrel name...go to if you are truly a CF Fan...though we mainly talk about shireen and wisnu...:)
thats all for today...adios amigos:)
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Kahlil Gibran (1883 - 1931)
so yesterday i go hari raya outing to two houses after was tiring...firstly i went to my sis friend house together with the family as they invite us...liyana's mum is very a lot..but i enjoy every single one of her stories..laughing all the way non-stop..there were so many kueh at and every single one of them is delicious though i can't manage to eat all of them.after that go to my mum friend's house.she cook mee goreng which is coincidentally is my fav bujak lapok...the old time fav...i was puzzled by how though the drama had been played many times we still never get tired of watching it...we will still laugh at the same old jokes...hmmm..:)guess what time we get home?at about 12am..i was dead beat and my eyes were suoer droppy and i kept the way had finished playing pirates of the carribean at fun...:)camwhore a lot during the outing will upload the pictures...
for today's plan we will be going to my cousin's house on my dad side.i think 2 houses too like yesterday...and today shakeela have an open house so i'm hoping that i go to her house today though i will be busy..will try to make time for my darling...hehes:)(her guy don't like her and me calling each other darling..hehes:))and liyana's family will be coming over though it is not confirm...i hope they come...
am watching cinta fitri just now..woke up at 7 plus just to watch cinta fitri at 8 was worth it...will do anything for cinta fitri sake....camwhore with farrel..hehes:)u will know what i mean when i upload the pic later....btw just found another cinta fitri fan..invite her to me by friend at was fun meeting new people who have the same interest like me...and here's the name that a fan make for fitri and farrel child for season 3.the name is filda is it?it is the combination of both fitri and farrel name...go to if you are truly a CF Fan...though we mainly talk about shireen and wisnu...:)
thats all for today...adios amigos:)
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Be not the first by whom the new are tried,
Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.
Alexander Pope (1688 - 1744), An Essay on Criticism, 1711
back after 1 night at dead beat as i reac home at about close to 11pm....haix...change clothes and then bunk eyes are like so sleepy..cannot the tahan..hehes:)i wake up early just to watch cinta fitri...luckily there is an encore telecast...or else i will be so devastated.
so the night was spent not at my village but at my aunt house.her house was so legs were aching climbing up and down the mum were complaining all day..hahax!!so the night spent at m'sia is fun.i like the environment celebrating hari raya at m' while hari raya-ing at my village i saw my cute little cousins..will post the pic for you to see..hehes:)they were super duper cute and they get along with people...i was like squeezing their hands are kissing their chubby cheeks...hehes:)
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.
Alexander Pope (1688 - 1744), An Essay on Criticism, 1711
back after 1 night at dead beat as i reac home at about close to 11pm....haix...change clothes and then bunk eyes are like so sleepy..cannot the tahan..hehes:)i wake up early just to watch cinta fitri...luckily there is an encore telecast...or else i will be so devastated.
so the night was spent not at my village but at my aunt house.her house was so legs were aching climbing up and down the mum were complaining all day..hahax!!so the night spent at m'sia is fun.i like the environment celebrating hari raya at m' while hari raya-ing at my village i saw my cute little cousins..will post the pic for you to see..hehes:)they were super duper cute and they get along with people...i was like squeezing their hands are kissing their chubby cheeks...hehes:)
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Sunday, 28 September 2008
found this video link on
hope you enjoy it...
one more thing,this one too...better go to this link if you are a fan of The Sisters(shireen sungkar and sister, zaskia sungkar)just found it this morning...yeah!!!!:)
hope you enjoy it...
one more thing,this one too...better go to this link if you are a fan of The Sisters(shireen sungkar and sister, zaskia sungkar)just found it this morning...yeah!!!!:)
Sunday, 14 September 2008
You can observe a lot just by watching.
Yogi Berra (1925 - ), Berra's Law
back again after a few days of disappearance..hehes:)yesterday watched F1 night race on channel was exciting as it was the first night race ever recorded in history...singapore may not replace monaco as the F1 most memorable race as monaco will be celebrating its 80th anniversary of F1...but why not..maybe ONE day it might replace monaco and be the top spot for having F1 races...watching the cars zooming by on the singapore streets on tv make me somewhat proud to be a singaporean.because there this year many MAJOR events happen in singapore and somemore with singapore hosting youth olympic on 2010(hope the information) is correct.anyway i aam supporting ferrari but i like lewis hamilton as he is so cute...but nothing can beat TEUKU WISNU cuteness...still going strong...hahax!!!but i support ferrari group as before lewis hamilton i had been supporting dad supports ferrari.he had gone to sepang once when i was in primary school just to watch F1 race.what a fan...after the practice/qualifying around have finish they show the top 3 drivers and i was screaming at the top pf my lungs to my sister saying there's LEWIS!!!aww he is cute.(though not as cute as you know who..hehes:))can't wait for today night race...i think lewis might win...or if not f.massa.
been wearing henna the whole day on my feet and and hands..though it is only on the right hand and feet...its been so tiring...but worth it...will be posting pictures of it as soon as i can...
anyway will be hari raya-ing on my village at johor at my mum side..will be going to johor on tuesday and go back to s'pore on wed..luckily just one breaks the every year tradition where we will be going to my grandma's house on the first day of hari's been a long time since i spend my hari raya on my excited but sad cause i will MISS ONE EPISODE OF CINTA FITRI!!!urrghh!!!boo hoo..:'(
anyway i read my tagboard and there was asyura name on it..i donnoe who but i guess i know who it is from.. but am glad when i read the content...she is a fan of cinta fitri too!!!!..just like me:)i hopefully hope she will get the ticket for the hi-tea...then we could go together:)you see what cinta fitri can do to CONNECTS people makes us be mum and sis you better read this...hehes:)i'll pray for you ya asyura..hopefully we can go together darl!!!
anyway,will be posting videos on the opening ceremony of the light at geylang serai(although it is too late) either at youtube or multiply...
for youtube just type:dirahbumblebee and you can see the videos i had posted.just clicked on my name
but for multiply account i have not update much...just random things...
it is on either one of this accounts so check it out yaw!!!hehes:)
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Yogi Berra (1925 - ), Berra's Law
back again after a few days of disappearance..hehes:)yesterday watched F1 night race on channel was exciting as it was the first night race ever recorded in history...singapore may not replace monaco as the F1 most memorable race as monaco will be celebrating its 80th anniversary of F1...but why not..maybe ONE day it might replace monaco and be the top spot for having F1 races...watching the cars zooming by on the singapore streets on tv make me somewhat proud to be a singaporean.because there this year many MAJOR events happen in singapore and somemore with singapore hosting youth olympic on 2010(hope the information) is correct.anyway i aam supporting ferrari but i like lewis hamilton as he is so cute...but nothing can beat TEUKU WISNU cuteness...still going strong...hahax!!!but i support ferrari group as before lewis hamilton i had been supporting dad supports ferrari.he had gone to sepang once when i was in primary school just to watch F1 race.what a fan...after the practice/qualifying around have finish they show the top 3 drivers and i was screaming at the top pf my lungs to my sister saying there's LEWIS!!!aww he is cute.(though not as cute as you know who..hehes:))can't wait for today night race...i think lewis might win...or if not f.massa.
been wearing henna the whole day on my feet and and hands..though it is only on the right hand and feet...its been so tiring...but worth it...will be posting pictures of it as soon as i can...
anyway will be hari raya-ing on my village at johor at my mum side..will be going to johor on tuesday and go back to s'pore on wed..luckily just one breaks the every year tradition where we will be going to my grandma's house on the first day of hari's been a long time since i spend my hari raya on my excited but sad cause i will MISS ONE EPISODE OF CINTA FITRI!!!urrghh!!!boo hoo..:'(
anyway i read my tagboard and there was asyura name on it..i donnoe who but i guess i know who it is from.. but am glad when i read the content...she is a fan of cinta fitri too!!!!..just like me:)i hopefully hope she will get the ticket for the hi-tea...then we could go together:)you see what cinta fitri can do to CONNECTS people makes us be mum and sis you better read this...hehes:)i'll pray for you ya asyura..hopefully we can go together darl!!!
anyway,will be posting videos on the opening ceremony of the light at geylang serai(although it is too late) either at youtube or multiply...
for youtube just type:dirahbumblebee and you can see the videos i had posted.just clicked on my name
but for multiply account i have not update much...just random things...
it is on either one of this accounts so check it out yaw!!!hehes:)
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
May your walls know joy; May every room hold laughter and every window open to great possibility.
Maryanne Radmacher-Hershey, 1995
am posting was a hectic day.was out from afternoon after my prayers till night.
so today's menu for breakfast and pre-dawn meal is and going to be:
JENG!JENG!JENG!!!drumroll please:
kuah lodeh with lontong...hehes:)my fav...
tomorrow's menu is:
roti kirai with beef curry...yum.yum.
so tomorrow am going to my grandparent house for breakfast.hope my cuz will be joining too...hopefully.or i will be utterly disappointed.
the places i visit today:
-causeway point
-tanjong pagar(accidental)
~joo chiat complex(muzika records)
so as i say today was a hectic day.after withdrawing money from the bank rush to causeway to meet keela.i phone her like a dozen time to confirm the time and place to meet but cannot get through.later i gather that she was praying..hehes:)
fast fowarding time,today i uber duber happy.i get my hands on the hi-tea hari raya ticket.we were like searching for muzika records from storey-storey but later gather information that it was at the the malu ser.cinta fitri season 2 vcd was out.can't wait to get my hands on cost 25.90.will totally be saving money on that.
anyway when i was choosing and going to pay for the tix this was the conversation:
sv:okay.ticket nak braper?
me:(i can't remember what i say.but i was not answering his qn)
sv:dik saya tanyer ticket nak braper?
me:(i was like so the malu standing there,keela was browsing the vcds there)ermm...satu jek.(smiling)
sv:betol satu jek tak ajk kwn yg tu ker.betol pegi sorang?
sv:(searching for the table which have 1 seat)ok ader 2 meja.nak maner satu?table 36 atau 38?
me:ermm...(i was like frowning and i was super super blurr at that took me a few minutes to decide and later ask keela opinion)
keela:ambek yang paling depan ah.
me:ader tmpt dudok yg lagi depan?
sv:ni jer yg ader dik.pejabat sensasi bagi ticket from(i forgot what table no it is)sampai ygni aja.yg meja kat depan dah habes di jual.
me:(super duper shock.)lastly decide on table 36.
pay the ticket and walk around for awhile.keela was at one corner calling my name holding CF vcd.and i rush to her.and the SV talk about something.and i ask how much is long of a story.
skipping that part,later went to bazaar to accompany keela to buy food for breakfast.keela bought many food for her family memebers.i only buy shark fin's soup.1 for $2.
later go home my mum was like screaming at me for going back late.quickly perform my asar prayers.then after breakfast went to meet keela at bus-stop to go to mosque and perform terawih together.was super duper fun.:)only perform 8 today.anyway meet by BFF aishah with her mum.shout her name.she is s cute and sweet wearing tudung.aishah if you are reading this i think i prefer you wearing tudung.more preetier and sweeter like candy..hehes:)
thats all for pre-dawn meal will only be me and dad.TOGETHER.urrghh...
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Maryanne Radmacher-Hershey, 1995
am posting was a hectic day.was out from afternoon after my prayers till night.
so today's menu for breakfast and pre-dawn meal is and going to be:
JENG!JENG!JENG!!!drumroll please:
kuah lodeh with lontong...hehes:)my fav...
tomorrow's menu is:
roti kirai with beef curry...yum.yum.
so tomorrow am going to my grandparent house for breakfast.hope my cuz will be joining too...hopefully.or i will be utterly disappointed.
the places i visit today:
-causeway point
-tanjong pagar(accidental)
~joo chiat complex(muzika records)
so as i say today was a hectic day.after withdrawing money from the bank rush to causeway to meet keela.i phone her like a dozen time to confirm the time and place to meet but cannot get through.later i gather that she was praying..hehes:)
fast fowarding time,today i uber duber happy.i get my hands on the hi-tea hari raya ticket.we were like searching for muzika records from storey-storey but later gather information that it was at the the malu ser.cinta fitri season 2 vcd was out.can't wait to get my hands on cost 25.90.will totally be saving money on that.
anyway when i was choosing and going to pay for the tix this was the conversation:
sv:okay.ticket nak braper?
me:(i can't remember what i say.but i was not answering his qn)
sv:dik saya tanyer ticket nak braper?
me:(i was like so the malu standing there,keela was browsing the vcds there)ermm...satu jek.(smiling)
sv:betol satu jek tak ajk kwn yg tu ker.betol pegi sorang?
sv:(searching for the table which have 1 seat)ok ader 2 meja.nak maner satu?table 36 atau 38?
me:ermm...(i was like frowning and i was super super blurr at that took me a few minutes to decide and later ask keela opinion)
keela:ambek yang paling depan ah.
me:ader tmpt dudok yg lagi depan?
sv:ni jer yg ader dik.pejabat sensasi bagi ticket from(i forgot what table no it is)sampai ygni aja.yg meja kat depan dah habes di jual.
me:(super duper shock.)lastly decide on table 36.
pay the ticket and walk around for awhile.keela was at one corner calling my name holding CF vcd.and i rush to her.and the SV talk about something.and i ask how much is long of a story.
skipping that part,later went to bazaar to accompany keela to buy food for breakfast.keela bought many food for her family memebers.i only buy shark fin's soup.1 for $2.
later go home my mum was like screaming at me for going back late.quickly perform my asar prayers.then after breakfast went to meet keela at bus-stop to go to mosque and perform terawih together.was super duper fun.:)only perform 8 today.anyway meet by BFF aishah with her mum.shout her name.she is s cute and sweet wearing tudung.aishah if you are reading this i think i prefer you wearing tudung.more preetier and sweeter like candy..hehes:)
thats all for pre-dawn meal will only be me and dad.TOGETHER.urrghh...
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Most people are good. They may not be saints, but they are good.
Jimmy Wales, Keynote Speech, SXSW 2006
hey is 7.30am in the morning.i was about to dozed back off just now but after going to the toilet i return fresh and decided to switch on the com.decides to read other people blog which was my 'favourite' pastime as it was fun reading about other people's everyday life.
so,today for sahur i eat was super nice but at the same time spicy.and i eat just that.with rice.
am mixed up lately with day and night.maybe due to the fasting preiod i always get mixed me and my sis did a little talking about princess diana and about hari raya which is just 2 weeks aways.i do not why but i feel this year hari raya is just another day in a new month.nothing sis said that too and we rather fast for another 1 whole month.the only thing i am excited about is wearing my new shoes and hari raya clothes thats all and nothing major.
and on friday i get to know this guy who is an ns men through to chat with.he had problems regarding her girlfriend.ask him for his number and wanted to call him but after asking opinion from keela i think i should not call him due to the fact that he already has a girlfriend.just wanted to make friends with him but i think it is not the RIGHT time yet...hope to chat with him and his relationships problem will be solved...
anyway will be posting pictures taken yesterday when i have a study date with keela.
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Jimmy Wales, Keynote Speech, SXSW 2006
hey is 7.30am in the morning.i was about to dozed back off just now but after going to the toilet i return fresh and decided to switch on the com.decides to read other people blog which was my 'favourite' pastime as it was fun reading about other people's everyday life.
so,today for sahur i eat was super nice but at the same time spicy.and i eat just that.with rice.
am mixed up lately with day and night.maybe due to the fasting preiod i always get mixed me and my sis did a little talking about princess diana and about hari raya which is just 2 weeks aways.i do not why but i feel this year hari raya is just another day in a new month.nothing sis said that too and we rather fast for another 1 whole month.the only thing i am excited about is wearing my new shoes and hari raya clothes thats all and nothing major.
and on friday i get to know this guy who is an ns men through to chat with.he had problems regarding her girlfriend.ask him for his number and wanted to call him but after asking opinion from keela i think i should not call him due to the fact that he already has a girlfriend.just wanted to make friends with him but i think it is not the RIGHT time yet...hope to chat with him and his relationships problem will be solved...
anyway will be posting pictures taken yesterday when i have a study date with keela.
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Monday, 25 August 2008
It is how people respond to stress that determines whether they will profit from misfortune or be miserable.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, 1990
i'm back again after going through depression..hahax!!!kidding..some may noe what i mean by the term not sick but more to devastation.(if there is such a word)so i'm posting the same quote yet again cause it relate to my life..
and BOY!!!do i get some news to tell you.god are answering my prayers one by not boasting but it is the truth..but there are obstacles that i must go through.
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, 1990
i'm back again after going through depression..hahax!!!kidding..some may noe what i mean by the term not sick but more to devastation.(if there is such a word)so i'm posting the same quote yet again cause it relate to my life..
and BOY!!!do i get some news to tell you.god are answering my prayers one by not boasting but it is the truth..but there are obstacles that i must go through.
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
It is how people respond to stress that determines whether they will profit from misfortune or be miserable.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, 1990
OMG!!!cinta fitri season 2 has ended.and there will be season 3.will be SOOOOOO!!!!looking foward to that.the ending makes my heart stops literally and my heart is so heartbroken.but the best part is fitri is PREGNANT!!!yey!!!anyway,teuku wisnu and shireen sungkar is coming to singapore and i am super duper excited.but my mum don't let me is like the one and only chance of meeting them both...will be thinking of deeds to do to my mum that will soften my mum heart and will let me go there.
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, 1990
OMG!!!cinta fitri season 2 has ended.and there will be season 3.will be SOOOOOO!!!!looking foward to that.the ending makes my heart stops literally and my heart is so heartbroken.but the best part is fitri is PREGNANT!!!yey!!!anyway,teuku wisnu and shireen sungkar is coming to singapore and i am super duper excited.but my mum don't let me is like the one and only chance of meeting them both...will be thinking of deeds to do to my mum that will soften my mum heart and will let me go there.
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Saturday, 23 August 2008
Do not bite at the bait of pleasure till you know there is no hook beneath it.
Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826)
i'm feeling very cold right now.even my hands are cold.i had woke up to a COLD saturday morning shivering and i have to go to the toilet quite frequently.asked my mum why it had been cold and she said it is because due to the rain in the morning.
now i am very super duper happy or sould i say estatic cause i say happy too much and too going too johor in the afternoon.going to buy shoes at AGSANA.note to self:reach home before is cinta fitri season 2 last episode!!!yeah...and my mum's guessing that fitri MIGHT be pregnant cause she had not had her period yet and is already a few days SUPER SUPER ESTATIC.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my dad and sis are not dad went fishing.AGAIN!!!!my sis went to some cca prom.and she have to borrow my makeup.everyday she have a special event my makep bag will be rummage through.URRGHH!!!
anyway woke up and am being scolded for not charging the digital camera.i just woke up and my eyes were not fully open and am being scolded for not charging the what the HECK!!all you had to do was yank yak yak!!!
going to edit photos now.dadas:)
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826)
i'm feeling very cold right now.even my hands are cold.i had woke up to a COLD saturday morning shivering and i have to go to the toilet quite frequently.asked my mum why it had been cold and she said it is because due to the rain in the morning.
now i am very super duper happy or sould i say estatic cause i say happy too much and too going too johor in the afternoon.going to buy shoes at AGSANA.note to self:reach home before is cinta fitri season 2 last episode!!!yeah...and my mum's guessing that fitri MIGHT be pregnant cause she had not had her period yet and is already a few days SUPER SUPER ESTATIC.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my dad and sis are not dad went fishing.AGAIN!!!!my sis went to some cca prom.and she have to borrow my makeup.everyday she have a special event my makep bag will be rummage through.URRGHH!!!
anyway woke up and am being scolded for not charging the digital camera.i just woke up and my eyes were not fully open and am being scolded for not charging the what the HECK!!all you had to do was yank yak yak!!!
going to edit photos now.dadas:)
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Friday, 22 August 2008
Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.
Carol Burnett (1936 - )
so yesterday i have a migraine.terrible migraine.maybe due to too much of sleep.i woke up at 3.00pm yesterday.wth!so yesterday while on the bus on the way home received an sms from isha.her msg was so funny that she send me smiling all the way on the bus until the auntie beside me look at suspiciously.hahax!!thanx for that isha.hehes:)
okay now i am clueless.not knowing what to blog.craving for milk nice..yummy..addicted to it already.tuning into marie digby song title unfold.quite a nice song but i prefer when she sing the song 'spell'.her voice is superb.her talent is recognised on youtube.people these days get popular just by posting their video on youtube and the next thing you know you might get a phonecall from a record company asking you to sign a deal.gone are those days when people have to go to every recording company just to get a deal signed.maybe i should try my luck sometimes.NOT!!HAHAX:)
by the way cinta fitri season 2 is only 2 days left.i do not know whether i am excited or sad.have a combination of both i guess.i hate getting this feeling when a good drama is coming to an end.hope there will be cinta fitri season 2 dvd,vcd whatever it is.
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Carol Burnett (1936 - )
so yesterday i have a migraine.terrible migraine.maybe due to too much of sleep.i woke up at 3.00pm yesterday.wth!so yesterday while on the bus on the way home received an sms from isha.her msg was so funny that she send me smiling all the way on the bus until the auntie beside me look at suspiciously.hahax!!thanx for that isha.hehes:)
okay now i am clueless.not knowing what to blog.craving for milk nice..yummy..addicted to it already.tuning into marie digby song title unfold.quite a nice song but i prefer when she sing the song 'spell'.her voice is superb.her talent is recognised on youtube.people these days get popular just by posting their video on youtube and the next thing you know you might get a phonecall from a record company asking you to sign a deal.gone are those days when people have to go to every recording company just to get a deal signed.maybe i should try my luck sometimes.NOT!!HAHAX:)
by the way cinta fitri season 2 is only 2 days left.i do not know whether i am excited or sad.have a combination of both i guess.i hate getting this feeling when a good drama is coming to an end.hope there will be cinta fitri season 2 dvd,vcd whatever it is.
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
May your service of love a beautiful thing; want nothing else, fear nothing else and let love be free to become what love truly is.
Hadewijch of Antwerp
okay.on monday went to bookcase and some rod to hang my curtains on and my mum buy some rugs and wok for her to cook in.and at ikea saw sabrina's cousin hanisa with her mum and her cute little sister sofia.
on tuesday went to watson.revlon haircolor is finally approved halal by the islamic law of usa.and before that went to metro where i met this wonderful lady known as sue.i was looking around the store where she suddenly approach me and ask to try pupa products from italy.she was super friendly.she ask me to search for her again if i was going to buy the products.she let me try on the eyeshadow and pressed powder.she also asked for my phone number so she will update me if metro have a nice of her:)love her i am so going to buy is on my wishlist:)
i am so craving for milk tea right now.i was like drinking the milk tea and only the pearl was left.and i was chasing the pearl till the last one and sucking it making loud noises and some people look at me.and i show them the mind-your-own-business kind of face.also went to courts.and i saw this phillips hairdryer with 3 speeds and 2 heat or the other way cost 39.90.urrgghh!!!
want that too for my bdae present.
yesterday cinta fitri season 2 was fun.can't believe cinta fitri season 2 is only 4 days left.urrghh!!!!!!!missing it the way for the sctv awards teuku wisnu,shireen sungkar,rossa and the drama itself is nominated for the award.hope they all win.
have a sleepless night.i slept at 4 am.all the time while i cannot sleep,i was watching gymnastic.was my favourite part of olympic.the guys were so hot!!!!!!!so for the women gymnas shawn johnson,from usa, won the gold medal with 16.225 scoring.she is so cute.i heard her father used to be a gymnas father like daughter.hehes:)
by the way katie holmes is pregnant and victoria beckham had gain
thats all.dadas:)mauckzz.......
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Hadewijch of Antwerp
okay.on monday went to bookcase and some rod to hang my curtains on and my mum buy some rugs and wok for her to cook in.and at ikea saw sabrina's cousin hanisa with her mum and her cute little sister sofia.
on tuesday went to watson.revlon haircolor is finally approved halal by the islamic law of usa.and before that went to metro where i met this wonderful lady known as sue.i was looking around the store where she suddenly approach me and ask to try pupa products from italy.she was super friendly.she ask me to search for her again if i was going to buy the products.she let me try on the eyeshadow and pressed powder.she also asked for my phone number so she will update me if metro have a nice of her:)love her i am so going to buy is on my wishlist:)
i am so craving for milk tea right now.i was like drinking the milk tea and only the pearl was left.and i was chasing the pearl till the last one and sucking it making loud noises and some people look at me.and i show them the mind-your-own-business kind of face.also went to courts.and i saw this phillips hairdryer with 3 speeds and 2 heat or the other way cost 39.90.urrgghh!!!
want that too for my bdae present.
yesterday cinta fitri season 2 was fun.can't believe cinta fitri season 2 is only 4 days left.urrghh!!!!!!!missing it the way for the sctv awards teuku wisnu,shireen sungkar,rossa and the drama itself is nominated for the award.hope they all win.
have a sleepless night.i slept at 4 am.all the time while i cannot sleep,i was watching gymnastic.was my favourite part of olympic.the guys were so hot!!!!!!!so for the women gymnas shawn johnson,from usa, won the gold medal with 16.225 scoring.she is so cute.i heard her father used to be a gymnas father like daughter.hehes:)
by the way katie holmes is pregnant and victoria beckham had gain
thats all.dadas:)mauckzz.......
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Sunday, 17 August 2008
When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream. When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of reality.
Dom Helder Camara a major HISTORY is going to be made.singapore is in the finals.the match is between china and spore.i am so excited and after finishing my prayers i quickly open the television like a little girl who was granted her wish to watch cartoon,quickly changed to channel U.i was like rooting like hell and shouting loudly not realising that my brother was sleeping on the sofa till my mum told me.the sports presenter was saying that he could hear people in orchard road and bishan rooting for singapore.and my mum says 'then marsiling?cannot hear?'.and i said to her that if he mention marsiling then he might be referring to me and my sis agrees with me and roll her irritating.luckily i was not in the stadium rooting or i will be shouting loudly and will disturb the game.HAHAX!!!But after watching china winning up i quickly flip channel.and my mum says so much for the country spirit.and by the way singapore got is good enough already.but i wish it was gold.
and so here i was switching on the computer and practice singing.(which i fail) and it irritate the people in my house as my version of singing is like shouting and it was irritating but i just can't stop.hehes:)they kept mentioning to use diaphgram.whatever it is.and it is under the lungs.but i just can't keep it right.
will be practicing again and make them irritating.chow!!!!
and by the way today is my dad 49 birthday.hope he have a long healthy,happy live.and may he look young forever.hehes:)i know you don't show your feelings but i know deep down that you care for you:)
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Dom Helder Camara a major HISTORY is going to be made.singapore is in the finals.the match is between china and spore.i am so excited and after finishing my prayers i quickly open the television like a little girl who was granted her wish to watch cartoon,quickly changed to channel U.i was like rooting like hell and shouting loudly not realising that my brother was sleeping on the sofa till my mum told me.the sports presenter was saying that he could hear people in orchard road and bishan rooting for singapore.and my mum says 'then marsiling?cannot hear?'.and i said to her that if he mention marsiling then he might be referring to me and my sis agrees with me and roll her irritating.luckily i was not in the stadium rooting or i will be shouting loudly and will disturb the game.HAHAX!!!But after watching china winning up i quickly flip channel.and my mum says so much for the country spirit.and by the way singapore got is good enough already.but i wish it was gold.
and so here i was switching on the computer and practice singing.(which i fail) and it irritate the people in my house as my version of singing is like shouting and it was irritating but i just can't stop.hehes:)they kept mentioning to use diaphgram.whatever it is.and it is under the lungs.but i just can't keep it right.
will be practicing again and make them irritating.chow!!!!
and by the way today is my dad 49 birthday.hope he have a long healthy,happy live.and may he look young forever.hehes:)i know you don't show your feelings but i know deep down that you care for you:)
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Friday, 15 August 2008
Trust the dreams for hidden in them is the gate to eternity.
-Kahlil Gibran
having a major headache.had just been nag by my mum for opening the computer instead of cleaning up my what the heck!hehes:)i'm having blister on my feet due to wearing a new shoe.i hate wearing a new shoe cause it will end up with me having blisters all over my feet.currently i have 7 plasters in my feet.that's ow painful it was.and yesterday i was like walking through hell limping all the way.feel like taking off the shoes and walk barefooted-so i make a mental note to self:bring slippers when you are wearing new shoes.and i was screaming when bathing as it hurt so much even though i wear plasters.'thanks' for the help make my life even more miserable.
yesterday was an unlucky day for me.keep bumping into people.i was at the library happily sms-ing sabrina when suddenly BOOM!!!!the person in front of me bump into me and the impact was so hard and luckily i don't end up falling or else i would have cried on the spot.he was a chinese man wearing spectacles.and i can still remember his round face with a panic expression on his face as if to check if i was hurt.and i stammer by saying sorry for 3 times.and later when i was walking down the escalator i heard a guy maybe mimicking me.and i was like what the heck!!!!!!!!
okay my sis just reach home from school.and she bought this faboulous dress!!!!!!!!!i say FABOLOUS!PRETTY!GORGEOUS!and it cost her only $15!am so going to buy i have to keep aside my wish on buying a belt AGAIN!!!.UURGGHHH!!!!and by the way,she just tell me a super duper scary story about her freaking send shivers down my spine everytime i think about it.
thats all for now.dadas and kisses:)
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
-Kahlil Gibran
having a major headache.had just been nag by my mum for opening the computer instead of cleaning up my what the heck!hehes:)i'm having blister on my feet due to wearing a new shoe.i hate wearing a new shoe cause it will end up with me having blisters all over my feet.currently i have 7 plasters in my feet.that's ow painful it was.and yesterday i was like walking through hell limping all the way.feel like taking off the shoes and walk barefooted-so i make a mental note to self:bring slippers when you are wearing new shoes.and i was screaming when bathing as it hurt so much even though i wear plasters.'thanks' for the help make my life even more miserable.
yesterday was an unlucky day for me.keep bumping into people.i was at the library happily sms-ing sabrina when suddenly BOOM!!!!the person in front of me bump into me and the impact was so hard and luckily i don't end up falling or else i would have cried on the spot.he was a chinese man wearing spectacles.and i can still remember his round face with a panic expression on his face as if to check if i was hurt.and i stammer by saying sorry for 3 times.and later when i was walking down the escalator i heard a guy maybe mimicking me.and i was like what the heck!!!!!!!!
okay my sis just reach home from school.and she bought this faboulous dress!!!!!!!!!i say FABOLOUS!PRETTY!GORGEOUS!and it cost her only $15!am so going to buy i have to keep aside my wish on buying a belt AGAIN!!!.UURGGHHH!!!!and by the way,she just tell me a super duper scary story about her freaking send shivers down my spine everytime i think about it.
thats all for now.dadas and kisses:)
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Thursday, 14 August 2008
yesterday is the ghost
of the past
just been reading namira's blog.mental note to self:link her soon.okay.with that off my mind today my mum's going to cook fried noodles and is going to fry two favourite food in my entire life.can't imagine living, without those two food.those are my essentials in order to survive.i can survive without rice.YUCKS!!had a weird dream yesterday.its very weird.really.REALLY weird.
skipping that part.yesterday i cried.and you know why i cried?i cried after reading the book.i 'hate' books or movies or dramas which makes me cry.for that matter the book makes me realise how does one feel when they loss the person that they later that same night i end up laughing my hearts out.i am like a retard person literally..but not currenlt books are my latest anecdote.
so i can't sleep.AGAIN.and i was 'forced' to open the television.there's only one way to make me sleepy.and that is with the colours blazing and the noise coming from the televison i dozed off.just like that.but not before i put a timer on the television so 'it' can too dozed off just in case i have fell asleep which i always does.
my current favourite show or drama is cinta fitri and gossip girl and ghost whisperer and hearts of 19(pure 19).just can't get enough of those kept me hooked and glued to the tv besides on my timetable which i dont follow i put a time on which i will watching television and when i am not though now my current television is book.hehes:)
been promising to myself to buy my makeup is a need not a want ok!just can't imagine living life without on my list:
maybelline mousse foundation
la girl blusher
lip gloss
and before i forgot, it looks like i have to starve myself and put the money in some secret hiding place so that my itchy,ITCHY hand would not take it out before the time comes.
and anyway my sis is superduper irritating.feel like smacking her in the face and shouting at her right now.i hate how my 6-year old did this to me.she always make me scream my heads off like one mad person.and she always get away with it with me at the fault.urrrghh!!!just wish i could zip her mouth and she would keep mum for one day.just one day and it will make my life peaceful.she always run off with her bouncy ponytail and sticking her tounge out at me when she did something wrong.i HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
thats all for today.dadas.muackzz!!!!!!!!!
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
of the past
just been reading namira's blog.mental note to self:link her soon.okay.with that off my mind today my mum's going to cook fried noodles and is going to fry two favourite food in my entire life.can't imagine living, without those two food.those are my essentials in order to survive.i can survive without rice.YUCKS!!had a weird dream yesterday.its very weird.really.REALLY weird.
skipping that part.yesterday i cried.and you know why i cried?i cried after reading the book.i 'hate' books or movies or dramas which makes me cry.for that matter the book makes me realise how does one feel when they loss the person that they later that same night i end up laughing my hearts out.i am like a retard person literally..but not currenlt books are my latest anecdote.
so i can't sleep.AGAIN.and i was 'forced' to open the television.there's only one way to make me sleepy.and that is with the colours blazing and the noise coming from the televison i dozed off.just like that.but not before i put a timer on the television so 'it' can too dozed off just in case i have fell asleep which i always does.
my current favourite show or drama is cinta fitri and gossip girl and ghost whisperer and hearts of 19(pure 19).just can't get enough of those kept me hooked and glued to the tv besides on my timetable which i dont follow i put a time on which i will watching television and when i am not though now my current television is book.hehes:)
been promising to myself to buy my makeup is a need not a want ok!just can't imagine living life without on my list:
maybelline mousse foundation
la girl blusher
lip gloss
and before i forgot, it looks like i have to starve myself and put the money in some secret hiding place so that my itchy,ITCHY hand would not take it out before the time comes.
and anyway my sis is superduper irritating.feel like smacking her in the face and shouting at her right now.i hate how my 6-year old did this to me.she always make me scream my heads off like one mad person.and she always get away with it with me at the fault.urrrghh!!!just wish i could zip her mouth and she would keep mum for one day.just one day and it will make my life peaceful.she always run off with her bouncy ponytail and sticking her tounge out at me when she did something wrong.i HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
thats all for today.dadas.muackzz!!!!!!!!!
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Life is like a journey,
it is full of bumps,
and ups and downs
-by dirahbumblebee is 1 am in the morning.i could not control myself from opening the computer and as usual i was the last one sleeping.tuning to keajaiban cinta by this two sisters..anyway i am currently hooked on a booked by cecelia ahern title:p.s i love you.i had only read almost halfway and damn!!!was it excellent.throughout the story there had been time when i laugh my hearts out but there are times when my eyes became teary and all welled is so me reading the book is far more better than watching the movie itself as i can relate to the character more than ever as if i,myself had gone through the same experience as her.i rate the book 5/5..probably the best book ever.
and i know i was not supposed to say this but i already had a birthday wish listed inside my handphone.
and the wishlist is:
by the way,got a call from with her for a while regarding her problems and 'things'.was told she get C6 and merit for her mt o level exam.and btw my sis got A1 and distinction for her mt happy for her and am a little bit jealous of her which i am not supposed to.
kaes..thats all...dadas...muackzzz!!!!!!!!!peace and much love to the world.
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
it is full of bumps,
and ups and downs
-by dirahbumblebee is 1 am in the morning.i could not control myself from opening the computer and as usual i was the last one sleeping.tuning to keajaiban cinta by this two sisters..anyway i am currently hooked on a booked by cecelia ahern title:p.s i love you.i had only read almost halfway and damn!!!was it excellent.throughout the story there had been time when i laugh my hearts out but there are times when my eyes became teary and all welled is so me reading the book is far more better than watching the movie itself as i can relate to the character more than ever as if i,myself had gone through the same experience as her.i rate the book 5/5..probably the best book ever.
and i know i was not supposed to say this but i already had a birthday wish listed inside my handphone.
and the wishlist is:
by the way,got a call from with her for a while regarding her problems and 'things'.was told she get C6 and merit for her mt o level exam.and btw my sis got A1 and distinction for her mt happy for her and am a little bit jealous of her which i am not supposed to.
kaes..thats all...dadas...muackzzz!!!!!!!!!peace and much love to the world.
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Monday, 11 August 2008
Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.
-John Wayne (1907 - 1979)
yesterday i was rudely interrupted in by peaceful sleep by my beauty sleep was disturbed yesterday i went to the art competition at mega sports park near blk 337.we arrived at about 8am.there was already a crowd gathering and the sound booming through the speakers.i was still in my state of sleepiness kind of mood and i wear a black good right.i was seeing red and white everywhere cause it was observence day and i was like wearing black.good i reflect my mood on going there the colouring contest ends at 9.30 and the rules clearly stated there that parents or guardian cannot help.but everywhere i see was parents helping.later there was a check.random check.they saw me helping and i pretend to be searching something in my bag and pretend i cannot hear what they are saying but they still bugs me until lastly i pretend to be surprised by her and she yak yak yak!!!!and finally she go.away from me.and she was my nightmare.and my cousin arrive a few minutes laters..and my mum grab some food..saw umairah and haniz there.and miss or should i say mdm herianti,my p1 teacher was there too and i have a chat with her for a while and we took pictures together and she say she was teaching p2.she is so cute.miss her like hell.hope i can attend mps anniversary on 14 nov.
and so the observence day finish at 12.30pm.and we go fetch fara,my cuz and my sis to go and eat at banquet at cwp.after that go to my mum sister house.i was being asked by my mum to wait for her friend who will be sending rambutan and belacan...and so i wait with fara and we camwhore,ignoring the people around us.wait patiently but they still no sign of my mum's friend.beep her.and i go to the place where she ask me too and there they i salam her.everybody was out of the car and i was like the superstar walking on the red carpet..hahax!!!at last the feeling the moment...hehes:)and my heart was thumping cause i saw ehem ehem...and i was like..suddenly cannot breath..well not literally..or i would have died or faint on the spot...
fast fowarding time now my cousin was at my house.they sleepover at my house yesterday..i was dead beat after watching cinta fitri season 2.
thats all.dadas:)
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
-John Wayne (1907 - 1979)
yesterday i was rudely interrupted in by peaceful sleep by my beauty sleep was disturbed yesterday i went to the art competition at mega sports park near blk 337.we arrived at about 8am.there was already a crowd gathering and the sound booming through the speakers.i was still in my state of sleepiness kind of mood and i wear a black good right.i was seeing red and white everywhere cause it was observence day and i was like wearing black.good i reflect my mood on going there the colouring contest ends at 9.30 and the rules clearly stated there that parents or guardian cannot help.but everywhere i see was parents helping.later there was a check.random check.they saw me helping and i pretend to be searching something in my bag and pretend i cannot hear what they are saying but they still bugs me until lastly i pretend to be surprised by her and she yak yak yak!!!!and finally she go.away from me.and she was my nightmare.and my cousin arrive a few minutes laters..and my mum grab some food..saw umairah and haniz there.and miss or should i say mdm herianti,my p1 teacher was there too and i have a chat with her for a while and we took pictures together and she say she was teaching p2.she is so cute.miss her like hell.hope i can attend mps anniversary on 14 nov.
and so the observence day finish at 12.30pm.and we go fetch fara,my cuz and my sis to go and eat at banquet at cwp.after that go to my mum sister house.i was being asked by my mum to wait for her friend who will be sending rambutan and belacan...and so i wait with fara and we camwhore,ignoring the people around us.wait patiently but they still no sign of my mum's friend.beep her.and i go to the place where she ask me too and there they i salam her.everybody was out of the car and i was like the superstar walking on the red carpet..hahax!!!at last the feeling the moment...hehes:)and my heart was thumping cause i saw ehem ehem...and i was like..suddenly cannot breath..well not literally..or i would have died or faint on the spot...
fast fowarding time now my cousin was at my house.they sleepover at my house yesterday..i was dead beat after watching cinta fitri season 2.
thats all.dadas:)
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Saturday, 9 August 2008
Pain makes man think. Thought makes man wise. Wisdom makes life endurable
-John Patrick
am watching cinta fitri.the last few episode.the actors and actress are so cute.especially shireen sungkar and teuku wisnu.okay.skipping that part.i woke up finding that my parents were not home.and i found that they were out to mustafa centres and to jurong to find some bedsheet covers which are on edit some stuff here and there and i can say that it is today it is national day.again HAPPY 43RD BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!!!
So today i was supposed to go to my cousin house to visit has been month since i visit them.she were sms-ing me and calling me since yesterday and persuading me to come head is spinning thinking about them.
thats all.
♥hey mr
♥you're my secret lover
-John Patrick
am watching cinta fitri.the last few episode.the actors and actress are so cute.especially shireen sungkar and teuku wisnu.okay.skipping that part.i woke up finding that my parents were not home.and i found that they were out to mustafa centres and to jurong to find some bedsheet covers which are on edit some stuff here and there and i can say that it is today it is national day.again HAPPY 43RD BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!!!
So today i was supposed to go to my cousin house to visit has been month since i visit them.she were sms-ing me and calling me since yesterday and persuading me to come head is spinning thinking about them.
thats all.
♥hey mr
♥you're my secret lover
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
so,updates,updates and more updates.regarding cinta fitri season 2,farrel was awake and was no longer in coma...yay!!!fitri,moza and aldo won the project which only come once a year and it makes pak hutama berserk...(crazy)he was hopping mad...farrel was allowed to go home on the next day which makes fitri very happy.farrel too.but the doctor advise him not to do any activities for the mean time...ummppphh...any activities including which includes his night.hehes:)you know what i mean.
skipping that part.i decided to make another blog.title:beautybuzzonline.and i am collecting info about the in and out of fashion and beauty secrets.
just now at causeway point,cwp for short there was a sale at metro.i buy a pretty yellow dress.i want a black one but after asking my mum's opinion on the phone,idecided not i can imagine myself wearing a yellow dress with my blue skinny jeans and a i don't have any shawl,decided to buy one and i remembered a kiosk outside mcdonald selling is from isrida cost only $3!!!!!!!so cheap!!!search for black but there was i asked the man selling the shawl if he have any black colour shawl.luckily he got was the last piece for the day.yay me!!!but tom there will be another stock coming.100piece of the exact black my image is complete.yellow skinny jeans,shawl and by big shades!!!
besides that i saw courts having a laptop sale.i'm in love with the sony vaio laptop and dell laptop cause they are both PINK!!!my favourite colour and it is on sale for $1,299-$2000.hehes:)that's all for today folks.more updates coming up.
Isrida Silk & Tie Collections
11 Collyer Quay #02-01 The Arcade Singapore 049317
Tel : 6339 7655
go to for routes on going there.
found a fab search engine for
skipping that part.i decided to make another blog.title:beautybuzzonline.and i am collecting info about the in and out of fashion and beauty secrets.
just now at causeway point,cwp for short there was a sale at metro.i buy a pretty yellow dress.i want a black one but after asking my mum's opinion on the phone,idecided not i can imagine myself wearing a yellow dress with my blue skinny jeans and a i don't have any shawl,decided to buy one and i remembered a kiosk outside mcdonald selling is from isrida cost only $3!!!!!!!so cheap!!!search for black but there was i asked the man selling the shawl if he have any black colour shawl.luckily he got was the last piece for the day.yay me!!!but tom there will be another stock coming.100piece of the exact black my image is complete.yellow skinny jeans,shawl and by big shades!!!
besides that i saw courts having a laptop sale.i'm in love with the sony vaio laptop and dell laptop cause they are both PINK!!!my favourite colour and it is on sale for $1,299-$2000.hehes:)that's all for today folks.more updates coming up.
Isrida Silk & Tie Collections
11 Collyer Quay #02-01 The Arcade Singapore 049317
Tel : 6339 7655
go to for routes on going there.
found a fab search engine for
Monday, 28 July 2008 is a bad day head was thumping when i wake up,my legs are aching,and i feel totally restless today.yesterday i have been doing maths practice like mad.more formulas are being glued to my brain that will be remembered for the rest of my life.i hope i pass this time round cause i have put 101% effort.o's are just a few months away.i am not as nervous on taking the exam,it is the PLACE THAT i am going to take the exam in that makes me nervous..understood?i am going to take it at si ling secondary school.urrghh!!!i want marsiling sec my former school but got si ling instead.talking about my former school,i have yet to collect my certificate.sholud have taken it last tuesday but lazy...hehes:)
i got one exciting news.i actually won a lucky draw price.and the prize is a ...Book...haix...thought it might be mp3 or ipod.hehes:)must collect the price together with colouring contest prize that my small siblings won.
okaes.regarding yesterday cinta was nerve recking and my palm was sweaty and my heart is thumping so fast that can make it jump out of my mouth.farrel was being stabbed while trying to save abel,pak hadinoto daughter,which is also his friend.fitri was crying when she knows it.but before she knows about it,she was busy preparing meals for farrel and can't wait for her husband arrival after pity of her.boy,was that episode interesting..but farrel didn't die.i think.the hospital has runs out of AB- blood which is farrel blood group.none of them at the hospital ahve that blood so the doctor said that one of their family members must come and donate the blood.fitri want and do not want must inform farrel's family.luckily her in-laws have farrel blood group and farrel's dad will be donating his.farrel's mum fainted upon hearing the news...
thats all i have to deciding whether i should change the blogskins.hmm.....
i got one exciting news.i actually won a lucky draw price.and the prize is a ...Book...haix...thought it might be mp3 or ipod.hehes:)must collect the price together with colouring contest prize that my small siblings won.
okaes.regarding yesterday cinta was nerve recking and my palm was sweaty and my heart is thumping so fast that can make it jump out of my mouth.farrel was being stabbed while trying to save abel,pak hadinoto daughter,which is also his friend.fitri was crying when she knows it.but before she knows about it,she was busy preparing meals for farrel and can't wait for her husband arrival after pity of her.boy,was that episode interesting..but farrel didn't die.i think.the hospital has runs out of AB- blood which is farrel blood group.none of them at the hospital ahve that blood so the doctor said that one of their family members must come and donate the blood.fitri want and do not want must inform farrel's family.luckily her in-laws have farrel blood group and farrel's dad will be donating his.farrel's mum fainted upon hearing the news...
thats all i have to deciding whether i should change the blogskins.hmm.....
Sunday, 27 July 2008
so,today i go to woodlands library and study there from to study lots and learn new things.finally we got a table to sit on and it is way comfortable than sitting on the floor.i study maths and sab study poa.weekends are the days where we spents our time together studying.i'm studying for o's and she,for n level.shakeela is not there.she has a date with her bf..hahax!!naughty of her...
aniwaes i'm so dead beat but can't resist on telling you about what happen in cinta fitri yesterday,today and tom.
okaes ytd this is what happen.
ibu farrel(lia):"dulu kamu culik cucu saya!skrang anak saya farrel..ngak tau malu ya kamu!!!"she was shouting like one mad women here in aldo house.
bapa aldo:patut nya kamu datang rumah orang beri salam dulu.bukan masok sahaja rumah orang.ngak sopan.(calmly)
bapa farrel:udah kamu!!jangan pura-pura baik mana bapak sembunyikan anak saya!!!!(shouting.they are one big family who scores high in shouting.hahax!!)
bapa aldo:ya.kami memang sembunyikan anak kamu.carilah ni semua kamar termasok kamar mandi.(calmly.again.)
-and pak hutama and bu lia search the house.
bapak aldo:nenek(mischa)kau ngak mau tolong carik?
mischa:grumpily says-"ngak".
and it goes on..lazy to type...
today episode shows that omma is taken home after a few days at the hospital due to stroke.she can't talk and move which is a pity...haix...poor omma.omma already found that mischa is not pregnant few days ago.skipping that part pak hadinoto daughter,abel,is kidnapped.
tom EXCITING episode which left my mouth hanging is when farrel is being stab after trying to safe abel hoo...DON'T DIE FARREL!!!!STAY ALIVE FOR FITRI!!!!and they also shows that farrel die while being operated and fitri saw it...hope it is a dream or i swear to you i will not be watching cinta fitri again!!!!
aniwaes i'm so dead beat but can't resist on telling you about what happen in cinta fitri yesterday,today and tom.
okaes ytd this is what happen.
ibu farrel(lia):"dulu kamu culik cucu saya!skrang anak saya farrel..ngak tau malu ya kamu!!!"she was shouting like one mad women here in aldo house.
bapa aldo:patut nya kamu datang rumah orang beri salam dulu.bukan masok sahaja rumah orang.ngak sopan.(calmly)
bapa farrel:udah kamu!!jangan pura-pura baik mana bapak sembunyikan anak saya!!!!(shouting.they are one big family who scores high in shouting.hahax!!)
bapa aldo:ya.kami memang sembunyikan anak kamu.carilah ni semua kamar termasok kamar mandi.(calmly.again.)
-and pak hutama and bu lia search the house.
bapak aldo:nenek(mischa)kau ngak mau tolong carik?
mischa:grumpily says-"ngak".
and it goes on..lazy to type...
today episode shows that omma is taken home after a few days at the hospital due to stroke.she can't talk and move which is a pity...haix...poor omma.omma already found that mischa is not pregnant few days ago.skipping that part pak hadinoto daughter,abel,is kidnapped.
tom EXCITING episode which left my mouth hanging is when farrel is being stab after trying to safe abel hoo...DON'T DIE FARREL!!!!STAY ALIVE FOR FITRI!!!!and they also shows that farrel die while being operated and fitri saw it...hope it is a dream or i swear to you i will not be watching cinta fitri again!!!!
Friday, 25 July 2008
been busy with schooling and studying.and there is this laziness that had overcome me when it comes to switching on the computer.the reason for that?my speaker is spoilt.and i can't watch youtube no more because of a reason that i still don't know and it sucks.
niwaes have been watching cinta fitri season 1 and 2 at the same time.season 2 is better but more irritating than is already ep 138 and i can't wait for it to finish.can't wait till fitri gets pregnant which she haven't..YET..but i am still hopeful that she will.farrel grandma is n hospital and she has already found out about mischa ill-intention.too bad,she is suffering from stroke and can't talk...UURGHH!!!pak hutama had chase both farrel and fitri out of the house,but later begging them to come back.but farrel still insist on going to prove his love for fitri is strong and he did not want money.he just want everybody to accept fitri.and farrel and fitri stays in aldo house but later the next day decides to purchase a house that he used to live in when he and fitri used to be boyfriend and girlfriend.(but now they both stays together as they are married.yay!!!)
will update more if i am not LAZY...MUACKZZ....
psst:just bought a new thin belt.saving up money for dresses,more belts,macs latest collection,gladiator sandals.
niwaes have been watching cinta fitri season 1 and 2 at the same time.season 2 is better but more irritating than is already ep 138 and i can't wait for it to finish.can't wait till fitri gets pregnant which she haven't..YET..but i am still hopeful that she will.farrel grandma is n hospital and she has already found out about mischa ill-intention.too bad,she is suffering from stroke and can't talk...UURGHH!!!pak hutama had chase both farrel and fitri out of the house,but later begging them to come back.but farrel still insist on going to prove his love for fitri is strong and he did not want money.he just want everybody to accept fitri.and farrel and fitri stays in aldo house but later the next day decides to purchase a house that he used to live in when he and fitri used to be boyfriend and girlfriend.(but now they both stays together as they are married.yay!!!)
will update more if i am not LAZY...MUACKZZ....
psst:just bought a new thin belt.saving up money for dresses,more belts,macs latest collection,gladiator sandals.
Friday, 11 July 2008
okay guys:for your info i just find out information regarding swarovski crystals that are located in s'pore.i just find this website a few minutes ago.actually,days before,i have go s'pore yellow pages and found the site.well not actually the site.i copied the email and email the prson in charge and i got a reply from oober doober i will share with you the website so you can the hot-fix flatback swarovski crystals that can be decorated to your phone.
the outlet:
BeadtleSweet : #03-09 Jurong point Shopping Centre, tel : 6794 7933C Rashiwala Bros : 100 Arab Street, tel: 6293 3385
Clay Doodle: #01-09 Toa Payoh Entertainment Centre, tel: 6253 5543
Koi Ming Enterprise : 50 South Bridge Road, #01-00 CMO bldg, tel: 6533 0096
Lallubhai & Bros : 103 Arab Street, tel: 6293 8656
Mix & Match Merchandise : #01-04A People's Park Centre, tel: 6532 0181 or #02-69 People's Park Centre, tel: 6532 2939
Ren Ting Trading : #03-08 Fu Lu Shou Complex, tel : 6334 7273
Swalk 88 : #01-15 People's Park Centre, tel: 6533 2445 or #01-27 Textile Centre, tel : 6297 0211
so you just ask for the '2028' flatbacks in hotfix versions. or if you want to see how the crystals look like go to this website:
and if you want designs for your phone go to:
if you are lazy to do it yourself you can go to gmask website:
or go to their outlets in s'pore:(small kiosk)
Wisma Atria
435 Orchard Road, Basement 1
Singapore 238877
Plaza Singapura
68 Orchard Road, Basement 1
Singapore 238839
391 Orchard Road, Basement 2
Singapore 238873
Suntec City
3 Temasek Boulevard, Level 2
Singapore 038983
Junction 8 Shopping Centre(near escalator)
9 Bishan Place, Level 4
Singapore 579837
Raffles City
Basement 1
the outlet:
BeadtleSweet : #03-09 Jurong point Shopping Centre, tel : 6794 7933C Rashiwala Bros : 100 Arab Street, tel: 6293 3385
Clay Doodle: #01-09 Toa Payoh Entertainment Centre, tel: 6253 5543
Koi Ming Enterprise : 50 South Bridge Road, #01-00 CMO bldg, tel: 6533 0096
Lallubhai & Bros : 103 Arab Street, tel: 6293 8656
Mix & Match Merchandise : #01-04A People's Park Centre, tel: 6532 0181 or #02-69 People's Park Centre, tel: 6532 2939
Ren Ting Trading : #03-08 Fu Lu Shou Complex, tel : 6334 7273
Swalk 88 : #01-15 People's Park Centre, tel: 6533 2445 or #01-27 Textile Centre, tel : 6297 0211
so you just ask for the '2028' flatbacks in hotfix versions. or if you want to see how the crystals look like go to this website:
and if you want designs for your phone go to:
if you are lazy to do it yourself you can go to gmask website:
or go to their outlets in s'pore:(small kiosk)
Wisma Atria
435 Orchard Road, Basement 1
Singapore 238877
Plaza Singapura
68 Orchard Road, Basement 1
Singapore 238839
391 Orchard Road, Basement 2
Singapore 238873
Suntec City
3 Temasek Boulevard, Level 2
Singapore 038983
Junction 8 Shopping Centre(near escalator)
9 Bishan Place, Level 4
Singapore 579837
Raffles City
Basement 1
so,yesterday i go to bishan.SECRETLY.JUNCTION 8 is full of great things.seriously,i have not been there since last few months i think.been missing i actually went to sasa to look the at the gmask kiosk at level 4.firstly gmask is a phone store that decorate phone with swarovski crystals and many more.skipping that part,i went to sasa and face shop.the brushes are great there and the eyelash are oober cheap.can't wait.anyway saving money to buy mac cosmetics.i have to wait for 10 weeks for that..AARGGH!!!!!!!!!and i just lost my PINK ring.huuhuhh:'(
aniwaes i just painted by nails!!!i do french manicure on my hands and feet for the whole night.
nxt wed will be going to republic poly.hakimah a.k.a kimmy invite me over for some course about entrepenuership or something from will be meeting has been months since i saw her.thinking of what clothes to wear.umm...somebody help??
i will be going back to my village for 2 days...will be missing my favourite shows such as cinta fitri season 1 and 2.wil miss the best part of thte drama.urrghh!!!!
aniwaes i just painted by nails!!!i do french manicure on my hands and feet for the whole night.
nxt wed will be going to republic poly.hakimah a.k.a kimmy invite me over for some course about entrepenuership or something from will be meeting has been months since i saw her.thinking of what clothes to wear.umm...somebody help??
i will be going back to my village for 2 days...will be missing my favourite shows such as cinta fitri season 1 and 2.wil miss the best part of thte drama.urrghh!!!!
Friday, 4 July 2008
okay..todaes i am super duper happy!!!i have just bought a new bag using my own money.the bag cost $15 and it is worth it...i was like grinning the whole time as i have been eyeing that bag for a long time...skip that popular just now i saw seri wahyuni jais with her daughter...hahax!!!
and i am a witness to a fight which happen in front of bossini i think between two!!!did they create a scene..everybody was like stopping in the middle of their track and stop to watch it like a free show.and because of them i almost bump into i am,too a kaypoh..hahax!!i watch for a while and let it off my mind....
went to the library to return books.i found this terrific hair mag.i put one of the mag that i was holding on the shelf(cause i was holding 5 mag) and unluckyly, a lady with black shades came and took it before i could even lay my hands on it.this type of people makes me irritated.but i forgot about it soon after.usual me....hehes:)
though my cursor is still creating problem,i couldn't resist laying my hands on the keyboard nor i could stop myself from switching on the computer....
i've been thinking of dying my hair again at the end of the hair colour had note to self:use shampoo specially for coloured hair.i can't wait to dye my hair in frapuccino/cappucino whatever colour it is...and i want to cut my hair like katie holmes!!!she is my hair icon...
kaes...dadas for now...byez...much love and kisses to y'all!!!
and i am a witness to a fight which happen in front of bossini i think between two!!!did they create a scene..everybody was like stopping in the middle of their track and stop to watch it like a free show.and because of them i almost bump into i am,too a kaypoh..hahax!!i watch for a while and let it off my mind....
went to the library to return books.i found this terrific hair mag.i put one of the mag that i was holding on the shelf(cause i was holding 5 mag) and unluckyly, a lady with black shades came and took it before i could even lay my hands on it.this type of people makes me irritated.but i forgot about it soon after.usual me....hehes:)
though my cursor is still creating problem,i couldn't resist laying my hands on the keyboard nor i could stop myself from switching on the computer....
i've been thinking of dying my hair again at the end of the hair colour had note to self:use shampoo specially for coloured hair.i can't wait to dye my hair in frapuccino/cappucino whatever colour it is...and i want to cut my hair like katie holmes!!!she is my hair icon...
kaes...dadas for now...byez...much love and kisses to y'all!!!
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
seriously my cursor sucks!!!had not been working properly...been wanting to update my blog but since i had a hard time scrolling i guess i am going to postpone my posting...tomorrow sabrinais coming over...anyway i saw this bag at the bazaar for $15...i have $10 with me which means that i am $5 short...will ask my mum to cut off my allowance next week by $5...hope the bag is till there ,or the bazaar AND the bag is still there so i can buy them buy on my wishlist is new aviator shades SHOES??I have been hook on pink slippers,pink bag,pink rings...hahax!!though my fav colour is purple i think that i favour pink more....hahax!!!anyways my dad's parking receipt is lost...i think i had drop it when i take a file out of my bag...luckily it is just the receipt...not the coupon or i will be dead....
thats all for todaes....feel like smashing the cursor right now...going to do late night study..AGAIN!!so i can pass my maths,science and poa...i want to go to ngee ann POLY!!!!
thats all for todaes....feel like smashing the cursor right now...going to do late night study..AGAIN!!so i can pass my maths,science and poa...i want to go to ngee ann POLY!!!!
Saturday, 28 June 2008
okaes,i am supposed to check hp price for sab..but i end up going to other people blog...anyway,it is not a stranger blog i am seeing,it is my ex-classmate blog...long timme no see them....hahax!!!so singlish....firstly i went to pei qing blog,then jing yi,then ana,then finally opie blog...haix...hehes:0its fun reading other blog..miss them...NOT!!!hahax!!just kidding....i am too kind not to miss them..LOL:p
So this afternoon i have gone to sab house to make was fun...our hand was all sticky and messy....ewww!!!but it was fun...laughing throughout the day with sab and her sis....been there for less than one hour i short!!!cause she had last minute outing with her mum to mustapha centre....and when i was on the bus,going home,i realise there was a major traffic jam...i know all this while i should not have risk my precious time and just follow my instinct instead of following my heart....haixx....i am unlucky today cause..going to sab house there is a traffic jam...i waited and waited for bus 912 which does not appear and the only bus that appear is 950...i had forgotten that the bus is going towards cwp.and only after the 3rd 950 bus had gone was when i realise that i should have taken that bus and i stood there like an idiot all those time....okaes it is a long story seriously....
let us go back to ytd night...ytd night i chop off my fringe,which is now just below my happy with it...will post some pics...thats all for todae..dadas:)
So this afternoon i have gone to sab house to make was fun...our hand was all sticky and messy....ewww!!!but it was fun...laughing throughout the day with sab and her sis....been there for less than one hour i short!!!cause she had last minute outing with her mum to mustapha centre....and when i was on the bus,going home,i realise there was a major traffic jam...i know all this while i should not have risk my precious time and just follow my instinct instead of following my heart....haixx....i am unlucky today cause..going to sab house there is a traffic jam...i waited and waited for bus 912 which does not appear and the only bus that appear is 950...i had forgotten that the bus is going towards cwp.and only after the 3rd 950 bus had gone was when i realise that i should have taken that bus and i stood there like an idiot all those time....okaes it is a long story seriously....
let us go back to ytd night...ytd night i chop off my fringe,which is now just below my happy with it...will post some pics...thats all for todae..dadas:)
Friday, 27 June 2008
today was a great day for me...the whole day was spent at sabrina's house doing cake for isya...her b'dae was yesterday but as yesterday i have class,so it was postponed to was fun doing the cake.we started doing it at 3 something and end at exactly 5pm including the cleaning....but before that sab sms-ed aishah to come over as we didi not have any clue how to carry the cake to aishah house which was just at the next block...hahax!!!have fun doing the cake...feel like doing the cake again and we even joke about setting up a cake shop....
ok lets fast foward time....aishah arrive at about 5.45pm.she was like 'jgn bikin bukan bukan ehk!!'hehes:)and sab and i was like grinning from ear to ear like some crazy we asked aishah to closed her eyes and we take the cake out of the fridge and present it to her!!!boy...was she surprised....i will not forget the reaction on her face forever....:)so after that we camwhore with the birthday girl and we watched vcd together...the title of the vcd was congkak...and boy was it scary!!!i was like freaking out the whole time and sab was frightening me the whole time and i keep melatah-ing.covering my eyes the whole time...the storyline was good but the sound effect was super duper scary....hehes:)
now i am going to post some pictures....enjoys!!!!!!!!!
ok lets fast foward time....aishah arrive at about 5.45pm.she was like 'jgn bikin bukan bukan ehk!!'hehes:)and sab and i was like grinning from ear to ear like some crazy we asked aishah to closed her eyes and we take the cake out of the fridge and present it to her!!!boy...was she surprised....i will not forget the reaction on her face forever....:)so after that we camwhore with the birthday girl and we watched vcd together...the title of the vcd was congkak...and boy was it scary!!!i was like freaking out the whole time and sab was frightening me the whole time and i keep melatah-ing.covering my eyes the whole time...the storyline was good but the sound effect was super duper scary....hehes:)
now i am going to post some pictures....enjoys!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, 21 June 2008
okaes...i am watching youtube and doing origami for that special was difficult at first but i get the hang of it at last.doing the cat was the most difficult part but i manage to do it with many rewinding,fastfowarding...haiz..its fun,but can be stressful..hehes:)thats all for tonight...dadas:)
Thursday, 19 June 2008
am watching youtube at the same time blogging.iwoke up early this morning at is my mum 38 birthday and i am super duper excited for her.but her present will have to wait until later cause both my sis and i are broke..well not exactly broke.i have $1 something in my purse.does that count?hehes:)just finished watching my favourite drama at sensasi,which is cinta fitri.the story is humouring and i have been videotapping it using my mum digital camera.standing in front of the tv every 2pm videotaping...hahax!!!
am excited for tomorrow to come.have not been out this week except to the store near my house to buy some things.:)thats all.still in my pink panther night clothes.will bath later...dadas...much kisses and loves<3<3
am excited for tomorrow to come.have not been out this week except to the store near my house to buy some things.:)thats all.still in my pink panther night clothes.will bath later...dadas...much kisses and loves<3<3
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
have not been updating the blog for quite sometime.been lazy as usual.i am recently hooked on this book called the white mariage by charlotte bhingam(hope the spelling is right).all the time in the world is dedicated to read this book.and my mum had been nagging cause everytime she seees me,my face will be hidden behind the book.have not started studying since i started reading.i hate what books did to me sometime but i can't just stop once i started reading.hiazz....
skipping over,now i am left alone at home cause my mum and siblings had just go to sheng siong supermarket and i am left to clean the house which is irritating.will be going across the border this friday with my mum's friend if god permit.
also i have been checking website after website regarding make-up.well,not actually make-up but their products.i discover that buying things online is like so much x100 cheaper than buying in the store.been hoping that i can purchase it someday,sometime...god knows when...
and anyway,i am super duper excited with my manicured nails which i painted myself and i learned it from watching the tutorials at youtube.though it is not as good as being professionally done,but the end result can be,say...quite satisfying....the base is light pink and the tips is coloured dark pink i think.i used UGNY nail polish in sweet dreams no.19.nice it.
thats all for now...dadas...much kisses and love<3<3
skipping over,now i am left alone at home cause my mum and siblings had just go to sheng siong supermarket and i am left to clean the house which is irritating.will be going across the border this friday with my mum's friend if god permit.
also i have been checking website after website regarding make-up.well,not actually make-up but their products.i discover that buying things online is like so much x100 cheaper than buying in the store.been hoping that i can purchase it someday,sometime...god knows when...
and anyway,i am super duper excited with my manicured nails which i painted myself and i learned it from watching the tutorials at youtube.though it is not as good as being professionally done,but the end result can be,say...quite satisfying....the base is light pink and the tips is coloured dark pink i think.i used UGNY nail polish in sweet dreams no.19.nice it.
thats all for now...dadas...much kisses and love<3<3
Sunday, 8 June 2008
Monday, 26 May 2008
okaes...just got back from my maths class....i want to tell my experience before i go to my night class.i was walking around cwp shopping centre,as usual window shopping and all i see is SALE!SALE!SALE!50% off,60% eyes were roaming aimlessly searching for a spot to attack before i go and fax some papers that my aunt ask me to do....after that i go to more than words to search for the PERFECT diary...and i found 1...ermm...3 actually...hehes:)it cost $10.50,$6.90 and $14.90 respectively....and in my pocket i have $10.50 exactly...and i do the unexpected decision...a decision that i would not have made in a million years.....i actually do not BUY it..i am dying to get my hands on the $10.50 diary....but my instinct told me not too.....and i don't BELIEVE IT!REPEAT:BELIEVE IT!!!!!arrghh...okay skip the screaming part...
my next target is metro,but decided to 'drop by' at bata...the shoes was nice...but the price is not as nice as the shoes is..and they does not do any mercy to me...which i last attack is metro which i spend the longest time in...i tell you...the dresses and clothes was superb!!!the price were superb too...luckily it gave mercy on the time i was out of metro i was heart thumping,my brain is short-circuiting and i feel like i was about to explode...i 'need to tell somebody at that time about the fantastic sale' my head was telling me.and i walk around smiling like some crazy person cause i was super duper excited.i hate what SALES do to me.....and lastly i saw this gorgeous zebra print cashmere scarf for about SGD10 only!!!!!!!!!!!I WAS HAVING PANIC ATTACK....cannot put my feelings at that time into words....
lazy to type mind is full of the words SALE and OFFERS!!!!off to youtube now....:):):):):):):)
my next target is metro,but decided to 'drop by' at bata...the shoes was nice...but the price is not as nice as the shoes is..and they does not do any mercy to me...which i last attack is metro which i spend the longest time in...i tell you...the dresses and clothes was superb!!!the price were superb too...luckily it gave mercy on the time i was out of metro i was heart thumping,my brain is short-circuiting and i feel like i was about to explode...i 'need to tell somebody at that time about the fantastic sale' my head was telling me.and i walk around smiling like some crazy person cause i was super duper excited.i hate what SALES do to me.....and lastly i saw this gorgeous zebra print cashmere scarf for about SGD10 only!!!!!!!!!!!I WAS HAVING PANIC ATTACK....cannot put my feelings at that time into words....
lazy to type mind is full of the words SALE and OFFERS!!!!off to youtube now....:):):):):):):)
Saturday, 24 May 2008
i've been shouting like some mad women now because of 1 STUPID BEETLE.i was like jumping all aover my sis room and touching every part of my body from head to toe.until now i am still watching out for that stupid little i see even a small ant i freak out.the bettle kept coming from yesterday...:'(
ok...moving over:currently hook on leona lewis song...her voice are so powerful and she is from the reality tv winner in britain called X-factor or something.
ok...moving over:currently hook on leona lewis song...her voice are so powerful and she is from the reality tv winner in britain called X-factor or something.
its raining its hooray??more to boo hoo....though it is raining it is still hot.things have not been good either for me.had a bad bad bad day....its like somewhat irritating and my siblings will cause the death of me...they kept asking this and that while i am relaxing and i'm always the one who must entertain them....its like s***a**..i feel like running away so i can be more peaceful for a period of time...i have been listing things that i wanted to buy for the great s'pore my mind set now is SAVE MONEY and three words that have been stuck on my head is SALE,SHOPPING,MONEY.those three wonderful words...awwww....and by the way david cook wins...i was like..what the heck!!!!waste of time watching american idol for me....david archuletta is way 1 million times sweet,innocent and finally YOUNG!!!!i feel like crying when i hear the result and my sis and i decided to mute the tv when the result are about to be announce.and when finally my sis broke the silence by saying cook wins i was like shock.we were suddenly silent.and if we were to put a cricket there,the cricket will be the noisiest...
Friday, 23 May 2008
okaes...update:summer is HERE!!!!!i've been dying to go to siloso beacH at setosa if my mum permit soo...can't wait to put on my sunnies,sunscreen,summer dress and tie up my hair in braids.oh yeah baby!!!its heaven...:)aniwaes THE GREAT SINGAPORE SALE has started!!!!!another OH YEAH !!!,BOOYAH !!!! and finally HALLELUYAH!!!!!!going to save up my money and go shopping...!!!!!OMG!!!!!hope the great singapore sale come every 2 wonder singapore is called a shopping heaven by most tourists....:)offers are everywhere right now and my hands are getting itchy to get my hands on the offers....arrrghhh!!!!i'm like punching the computer keyboard right now!!!!!SUPER DUPER EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Saturday, 17 May 2008
so today i go to republic poly with shakeela.our initial plan was to go on a study date.but since there was an open house there we don't.the open house was not what i expected it would be.i mean it in a bad way...we just go there and took photos.since i was the camera freak i started the photo session deciding on the 'perfect' spot for us to took we receive nothing else but t-shirt inside the goodie bag.and i donated $0.50 to the mynmar cyclone victim on the entry to the rp open house.the cam whoring was the most fun part of the bff gave me a cute cupcake which taste delicious by the way and she made it specially for me which was sweet.:)i ate it secretly in my bedroom when i reached home so that no one can eat or finish my precious and special cuppycake especially the little irritating small siblings of mine.took photos and video while i'm eating the cuppycake.btw,it has cherry on top.:)i only gave them a tinny tiny part of the cuppycake and i finish all of them.
so when i reached home i am starving.actually not so.the picture of the cuppycake was on my mind and i having a bad headache while at the bus.i cannot read or see pictures when i am on the bus cause it will cause me SEVERE HEADACHE for days to come.but i forgot about that and get excited to see the photos that i had taken when suddenly...BANG!!!!it hit me.and till now i'm having the headache and i feel like smashing my head against the wall.when i reached home with ntuc fairprice plastics with beansprout,chye sim and bread which my mum ask me to buy i saw my favourite finger food on the table and quickly grab it.yum yum...i realise that my mum have not prepared fried mee which i initially thought she was going to COOK but later change the menu suddenly.
so to sum up my day today, i'm half happy and half sad and angry.i hate myself for being too sensitive and CHOOSY.when i don't like that thing or food i will never ever like mum cooked noodles soup which is so not my favourite!!!!i protest by not eating which makes her mad,i get scolded and i ACCIDENTALLY shout at her but actually i intend not to since she makes me so mad and my head is pounding so to make my stress go away i kinda shout and cry..typing it now makes me want to cry.a few minutes later she soften up and ask me to eat,this time politely...which i prefer better than the shouting she gave me a few moments ago...i ate it.but only a small bite.i hate noodles soup which contains yellow noodles and kway teow.Now i OFFICIALLY hate it like forever...and i am craving fried noodles write now.i hope i do not die the next day while craving for my fried noodles.:'(my mother ask if it taste nice and with my honest opinion i say it does not taste must be true to yourself right by saying the right thing although it might hurt others.i don't like her soup noodles soup but i like her other cookings which is a plus point rightt?
in a bad sis just scolded me for pluging off her hp while she is charging it.i don't reply or shout at her.she was lucky today.i just continue typing and keep my mouth shut and staring at the thats my day today.
forget to type morning was bad sis called my mum to inform her that she and friends received golden village movie tickets.i know she wants to make me jealous.seriously,I DON'T CARE!!!!my mum as usual nag at me and use that excuse that i must always wake up early as by doing that luck will it be on my side..i'm so pissed off as she told me this while i was sleeping.i woke up dragging my towel along and go to the toilet and i mumble to myself and i realise my mum was outside the toilet listening to my whole mumbling.and by the way last time i won creative mp3 while at the ngee ann polytechnic and by the way i don't have to wake up so early just to won the mp3 does it???DOES IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????UURRGHHH!!!!movie ticket?its not a big is cost just $6.oo btw if you are a student.SO LAME!!
and btw i like withdrawing money fROM the atm machine and i was like hook by it...hehes:)the smell of money is so nice....
david archeletta(if mispelled sorry....)went to the final!!!yeah!!!!!I LOVE YOU DAVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so step aside david cook.this time the 17-years old david is going to conquer the whole stage and win the title!!!!!
so when i reached home i am starving.actually not so.the picture of the cuppycake was on my mind and i having a bad headache while at the bus.i cannot read or see pictures when i am on the bus cause it will cause me SEVERE HEADACHE for days to come.but i forgot about that and get excited to see the photos that i had taken when suddenly...BANG!!!!it hit me.and till now i'm having the headache and i feel like smashing my head against the wall.when i reached home with ntuc fairprice plastics with beansprout,chye sim and bread which my mum ask me to buy i saw my favourite finger food on the table and quickly grab it.yum yum...i realise that my mum have not prepared fried mee which i initially thought she was going to COOK but later change the menu suddenly.
so to sum up my day today, i'm half happy and half sad and angry.i hate myself for being too sensitive and CHOOSY.when i don't like that thing or food i will never ever like mum cooked noodles soup which is so not my favourite!!!!i protest by not eating which makes her mad,i get scolded and i ACCIDENTALLY shout at her but actually i intend not to since she makes me so mad and my head is pounding so to make my stress go away i kinda shout and cry..typing it now makes me want to cry.a few minutes later she soften up and ask me to eat,this time politely...which i prefer better than the shouting she gave me a few moments ago...i ate it.but only a small bite.i hate noodles soup which contains yellow noodles and kway teow.Now i OFFICIALLY hate it like forever...and i am craving fried noodles write now.i hope i do not die the next day while craving for my fried noodles.:'(my mother ask if it taste nice and with my honest opinion i say it does not taste must be true to yourself right by saying the right thing although it might hurt others.i don't like her soup noodles soup but i like her other cookings which is a plus point rightt?
in a bad sis just scolded me for pluging off her hp while she is charging it.i don't reply or shout at her.she was lucky today.i just continue typing and keep my mouth shut and staring at the thats my day today.
forget to type morning was bad sis called my mum to inform her that she and friends received golden village movie tickets.i know she wants to make me jealous.seriously,I DON'T CARE!!!!
and btw i like withdrawing money fROM the atm machine and i was like hook by it...hehes:)the smell of money is so nice....
david archeletta(if mispelled sorry....)went to the final!!!yeah!!!!!I LOVE YOU DAVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so step aside david cook.this time the 17-years old david is going to conquer the whole stage and win the title!!!!!
Monday, 12 May 2008
today maths class was super duper fun as always.was always looking forward to it.i like maths for the first time EVER!!!can you believe it.the teacher change my perception of usual new stories being told to us.he is such a joker.and he like to chit chat with story was about biology and many more.lazy to type.will miss him when he class finished on 6 october.he was the best 'he' teacher i ever had in my study experience.he changed everything.and he always cracks joke which makes it less stressful.
more stories....
but lazy to type.
i might as well forget about it.hope not.
more stories....
but lazy to type.
i might as well forget about it.hope not.
so on mother's day me and my sis fry 2 pieces of ready-made prata.actually it's my sis idea.then i make nescafe drinks for her as she likes it a lot.the dish were completed with deserts and all.and she don't know it was for good is that?hehes:)then we light up candles for her.the mini candles that you can found in ikea inside a big sis try to light it up.but fail.cos she freak out everytime the newspaper turn into a flame.and i turn panicky and my mum was laughing at her and saying please don't burn up her kitchen.and i was laughing like sis went to the hall to play 'ibu' song sung by taufik batisah.and my two spoiler for the day as usual was my two little irritating siblings who make the mother's day worse.fighting lil sis actually named mother's day into mama day.and she asked if there was ever a sister day cause she is excited making cards and all...
write poem for my and my sis join heads to make was long.but worth it.and my mum hug and kiss us both which makes me want to cry.but i control it.i feel bad for her here goes our poem:
your endless love flows,
like a never ending river.
you shower us with care,
like a rain that waters its land.
you shaped us from a chunk of mould,
into a well mannered human being.
your sacrifices,
have made us into everything that we are today.
your sincerity in everything that you do,
have made us wept as we realise nothing more is pure than a mother's love.
you are my heart,
you are my soul.
you have make us into everyhing that we are.
though we might not show you our love to you,
we always wanted to tell you that we cherished everything that you have done for us.
we wanted to beg for forgiveness,
if we have cause you pain.
you are the melody to our song,
you are our doctor when we are sick,
you are the spine to our body,
you are the pole that we lean on,
you are the shoulder when we cry,
last but not least you are our best friend that will always and forever stay in our heart.
we love you mom always and forever.....
write poem for my and my sis join heads to make was long.but worth it.and my mum hug and kiss us both which makes me want to cry.but i control it.i feel bad for her here goes our poem:
your endless love flows,
like a never ending river.
you shower us with care,
like a rain that waters its land.
you shaped us from a chunk of mould,
into a well mannered human being.
your sacrifices,
have made us into everything that we are today.
your sincerity in everything that you do,
have made us wept as we realise nothing more is pure than a mother's love.
you are my heart,
you are my soul.
you have make us into everyhing that we are.
though we might not show you our love to you,
we always wanted to tell you that we cherished everything that you have done for us.
we wanted to beg for forgiveness,
if we have cause you pain.
you are the melody to our song,
you are our doctor when we are sick,
you are the spine to our body,
you are the pole that we lean on,
you are the shoulder when we cry,
last but not least you are our best friend that will always and forever stay in our heart.
we love you mom always and forever.....
Friday, 9 May 2008
Saturday, 3 May 2008
haven't blog for a few usual.LAZY.hahax!!!nothing much.and i am so addicted to curry'o from old chang kee right now.and have been craving for it like forever though i just ate it a few days usual everybody's asleep except me.during labour day i have study date with my cousin.last minute decision.went to republic poly as library is we walk there from cwp affter eating at favourite fast food craving the crispy chicken right now...arrghh!!!aniwaes the study date was going on well until my mum called to inform that my sis had reached home but my cousin haven't.and got to know that she was secretly out with her boyfriend without her mum knowing as she was thinking they were still studying.okay,back to before that happened.i am happily taking photo with her sis and talking crap and eating lays and drinking large coke and 7-11 brain freeze drink while doing our revision and i was laying down and doing crazy stuff and we were the most noisiet 'couple' there when suddenly my mum called me to tell the bad news which my sis sis insist on me not telling but my mum sort of pestering me to tell her sister what happened and my mum finally asked me to decide and hung up and she says 'it is for her own good'.that is when i tell her sis and we were suddenly quiet and start talking about serious business......
too long of a story.will complete it next time.but i was shocked initially.but my mouth can't stop grinning and smiling though it is a serious issues.i always have the tendency to do that and my sis is like me too.hate it.
me and my sis started talking about being a pyschologist when we grew up.:)
too long of a story.will complete it next time.but i was shocked initially.but my mouth can't stop grinning and smiling though it is a serious issues.i always have the tendency to do that and my sis is like me too.hate it.
me and my sis started talking about being a pyschologist when we grew up.:)
Thursday, 24 April 2008
today was a short day for me.everything went smooth sailing.nothing bad happen and i am satisfied.except that i am still on a debate with my sis about issues regarding dying of hair.she was always the one who is the last one talking and i am not satisfied cause i am the only one who ends up losing whenever there is a debate and i f***-ing hate it.will not give up.and while debating we were shouting like two crazy monkeys who is fighting over a bunch of bananas and we are going psycho.i was shouting so bad until i got to stop and gasp for breath and then continue on my shouting like a babarian and we stop suddenly like it started suddenly.weird.but it was sis was debating with her towels on her 'glamorous' is that.i thought of tugging her towel and let her stand there naked and i will end up winning.hahas!!!!
today poa lessons was quite okay.i do not look at the watch as much as last week.this week lesson ends fast mayb due to doing of many practices.and i hate to say this but i actually like this lesson.
during the lesson my sis smsed me without thinking that i was in 'thoughtful' of her.she asked me to buy for her mac chicken and when i arrived home i found her sleeping and until now she have not even touch her burger cause guess what she was still sleeping!!!!try singing to her cause she is easily irritate by my bad singing but that fails and i am freaking pissed off right now.only now i realised that she is closing her!!!everybody asleep.i,as usual was always the midnight owl.will only sleep till it is 2-4 am and wake up late in the afternoon.hahax!!!the tv is on and it is watching my dad sleeping.not the other way round.when i or any other person off or change the channel he will woke up and scold whoever it is and then continue to doze off again.weird but true and my mum was always pissed by it.:)
am irritatingly tring to create my own blogskin.and it is freaking hard i tell you!i don't understand why do need to understand html and irritating and useless.thats all for tonite.!!
today poa lessons was quite okay.i do not look at the watch as much as last week.this week lesson ends fast mayb due to doing of many practices.and i hate to say this but i actually like this lesson.
during the lesson my sis smsed me without thinking that i was in 'thoughtful' of her.she asked me to buy for her mac chicken and when i arrived home i found her sleeping and until now she have not even touch her burger cause guess what she was still sleeping!!!!try singing to her cause she is easily irritate by my bad singing but that fails and i am freaking pissed off right now.only now i realised that she is closing her!!!everybody asleep.i,as usual was always the midnight owl.will only sleep till it is 2-4 am and wake up late in the afternoon.hahax!!!the tv is on and it is watching my dad sleeping.not the other way round.when i or any other person off or change the channel he will woke up and scold whoever it is and then continue to doze off again.weird but true and my mum was always pissed by it.:)
am irritatingly tring to create my own blogskin.and it is freaking hard i tell you!i don't understand why do need to understand html and irritating and useless.thats all for tonite.!!
Monday, 21 April 2008
okay yesterday started badly and ends life can be supposingly boring and i am like dying.never talk the whole day cause not in the mood and is angry about what my sis says about me.its like wtf!!!if i want to wear tank top what hell do you care!!its not like its stated no tank tops allowed in this family members can be so old-fashioned,not sometimes most of the time.their way of thinking is like way back to the stone hello this is the 21st century!!!and no one bothers anymore about what you wear only idiots do that.
and yesterday it ends bro had bad extreme bad cough and have short breath and my mum says it could be bronchitis(sorry if i mispelled)and it to kkh and the fee was 16.20...hehes..mental note:stop taking note of those just kinda stuck to my head once i saw something.registered to the emergency department and go to observation room 2.the same place where he is admitted on mum was right and he was diagnosed with bronchitis.was given a puff every few minutes through this funny gadget.seriosly the hospital sometimes freak me out with their unusual gadgets.
while i was there my eyes was on the wild goose chase,checking out the doctors there.and i created my own manhunt nadhirah version which entertain me.there was one cute not to mention HOT!!chinese doctor which is quite young.he wear a watch!!!i am so excited!!!!i am so addicted with guys who wears watch.donnoe why..pathetic isn't it...but i like it.anyway i was grinning ear to ear everytime i saw he came by...i watch his every move like a stalker..:)i even check out the room he ws on when i was on the way out to buy hot milo for my mum but he wasn't there.:'( and there was this one time where he go to treat my bro and i was grinnig form one ear to another like a complete idiot and my mum notice it and she was like "why are you smiling?" and i was like stammering trying to think of a word to say...seriously why must my mum notice that?and i sort of laughing half-heartedly and say my bro is funny though there is no particular reason to say that.and my mum sort of take that though i know she sort of suspect something which i hope not.
and while he was atending to my bro as he was supposed to warded i was like standing there and quickly took out my phone before i forget about it and took videos while he was talking..he so cute even with his mouth covered.i was like practically drooling over there and melting.when i want to snap his pic he turn around and i think he know i am taking his pic..hehes:)mental note:chinese guys are least some of them are.
registered my bro and after a few painstaking moment waiting at last he was admid to his ward.every ward was mums wants B1 but it was full and that sort of make my mum angry and she was sulking when i told A2 was full at last being admitted to B2 where it is very noisy...haha!!!pitied my mum...she had to bear with all the noise.
and after i went home,was super duper tired.seriously,i am practically running everywhere at kkh.felt like i had finished running when i arrived home changed clothes,wash my face and iron my sis school clothes and after that hang the wet clothes.felt like crying as i was going to pass out at that moment and my eyes was already heavy and my whole body ache.ate mutton chop which my dad bought at beach rood.ALONE!!!!:'(at 2.00am.everybody was asleep.felt like crying.after that wash the whole stack of dishes.ALONE!!!and after grab some water take a newspaper close the light and head to my room where i read newpaper and by that time it was already 3.30am.decided to bunk in.and guess what?at 7.00am was woke up by my dad.i only got 4 or maybe 3 hours of sleep only!!!!!take my sis to school and this is where i end life is like a complete disaster right now.hate it.!!!felt like skipping class today but don't have the heart too...i am always like that angry with myself..hmmph...
few words to describe today:CRANKY,TIRED,GET ANGRY EASILY,SLEEPY(need my beauty sleep!!!,EMOTIONAL(will feel like crying),SENSITIVE,DEPRESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!so don't get me angry or i will snap your head out and i will not tolerate any nonsense.will not me entertaining people today.not in the mood.sorry.will not reply any msgs.
and yesterday it ends bro had bad extreme bad cough and have short breath and my mum says it could be bronchitis(sorry if i mispelled)and it to kkh and the fee was 16.20...hehes..mental note:stop taking note of those just kinda stuck to my head once i saw something.registered to the emergency department and go to observation room 2.the same place where he is admitted on mum was right and he was diagnosed with bronchitis.was given a puff every few minutes through this funny gadget.seriosly the hospital sometimes freak me out with their unusual gadgets.
while i was there my eyes was on the wild goose chase,checking out the doctors there.and i created my own manhunt nadhirah version which entertain me.there was one cute not to mention HOT!!chinese doctor which is quite young.he wear a watch!!!i am so excited!!!!i am so addicted with guys who wears watch.donnoe why..pathetic isn't it...but i like it.anyway i was grinning ear to ear everytime i saw he came by...i watch his every move like a stalker..:)i even check out the room he ws on when i was on the way out to buy hot milo for my mum but he wasn't there.:'( and there was this one time where he go to treat my bro and i was grinnig form one ear to another like a complete idiot and my mum notice it and she was like "why are you smiling?" and i was like stammering trying to think of a word to say...seriously why must my mum notice that?and i sort of laughing half-heartedly and say my bro is funny though there is no particular reason to say that.and my mum sort of take that though i know she sort of suspect something which i hope not.
and while he was atending to my bro as he was supposed to warded i was like standing there and quickly took out my phone before i forget about it and took videos while he was talking..he so cute even with his mouth covered.i was like practically drooling over there and melting.when i want to snap his pic he turn around and i think he know i am taking his pic..hehes:)mental note:chinese guys are least some of them are.
registered my bro and after a few painstaking moment waiting at last he was admid to his ward.every ward was mums wants B1 but it was full and that sort of make my mum angry and she was sulking when i told A2 was full at last being admitted to B2 where it is very noisy...haha!!!pitied my mum...she had to bear with all the noise.
and after i went home,was super duper tired.seriously,i am practically running everywhere at kkh.felt like i had finished running when i arrived home changed clothes,wash my face and iron my sis school clothes and after that hang the wet clothes.felt like crying as i was going to pass out at that moment and my eyes was already heavy and my whole body ache.ate mutton chop which my dad bought at beach rood.ALONE!!!!:'(at 2.00am.everybody was asleep.felt like crying.after that wash the whole stack of dishes.ALONE!!!and after grab some water take a newspaper close the light and head to my room where i read newpaper and by that time it was already 3.30am.decided to bunk in.and guess what?at 7.00am was woke up by my dad.i only got 4 or maybe 3 hours of sleep only!!!!!take my sis to school and this is where i end life is like a complete disaster right now.hate it.!!!felt like skipping class today but don't have the heart too...i am always like that angry with myself..hmmph...
few words to describe today:CRANKY,TIRED,GET ANGRY EASILY,SLEEPY(need my beauty sleep!!!,EMOTIONAL(will feel like crying),SENSITIVE,DEPRESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!so don't get me angry or i will snap your head out and i will not tolerate any nonsense.will not me entertaining people today.not in the mood.sorry.will not reply any msgs.
Friday, 18 April 2008
hiehiehie...well i'm back...!!!!!my internet connection had been down for a few days or should i say almost a week.almost because of a wire which is disconnected from the phone line and no one realises pathetic is that.So it had been two weeks since i first started my night classes at unity sec.the teachers who taught me is quite good though i kept looking at the watch wishing i could fast foward time and make it to 10pm cause i am easily bored.
so yesterday i had poa lesson.realise there was a new teacher.and she speaks with these accent that sounds really made up and at the same thime annoying and i wanna puke to the sound of it.she is just plain making it up.i don't care people with natural speaking accent but hers,if you heard it you can in once know that it is fake.
have this fucking headache throughout the lessons.couldn't concentrate on bit and feel like going home during break but decided to say in case she go through some important point which she does.but it is a waste though cause none of it make sense to me cause nothing is going through my head and i am going through a major blank moment.
and also there was this thermal fogging at my estate which is completely disgusting.Roaches everywhere and i have to be careful not to step on it.i was freaking out every moment seeing some of them crawling but mostly they are dead and SQUASHED!!!!EWWWWWW!!!!!!disgusting isn't it?but still got to go through that one hell of a moment.
watch american idol.kristy cook(sorry if i mispelled it.not good at spelling name) was out.she is so pretty!!but i like brooke,both of the davids.but i like the younger version better. David Archuleta is so young and he is 17 and i am going to be 17 and i was like gogogaga over him whenever he smiles:)it was mariah carey week.mariah carey had such a powerful and wonderful wonder she is a diva.she deserves that title.
and by the way i found this video on youtube which shows justin timberlake,christina aguilera and britney spears when they were on mickey mouse cute.:)enjoyzz....:)
so yesterday i had poa lesson.realise there was a new teacher.and she speaks with these accent that sounds really made up and at the same thime annoying and i wanna puke to the sound of it.she is just plain making it up.i don't care people with natural speaking accent but hers,if you heard it you can in once know that it is fake.
have this fucking headache throughout the lessons.couldn't concentrate on bit and feel like going home during break but decided to say in case she go through some important point which she does.but it is a waste though cause none of it make sense to me cause nothing is going through my head and i am going through a major blank moment.
and also there was this thermal fogging at my estate which is completely disgusting.Roaches everywhere and i have to be careful not to step on it.i was freaking out every moment seeing some of them crawling but mostly they are dead and SQUASHED!!!!EWWWWWW!!!!!!disgusting isn't it?but still got to go through that one hell of a moment.
watch american idol.kristy cook(sorry if i mispelled it.not good at spelling name) was out.she is so pretty!!but i like brooke,both of the davids.but i like the younger version better. David Archuleta is so young and he is 17 and i am going to be 17 and i was like gogogaga over him whenever he smiles:)it was mariah carey week.mariah carey had such a powerful and wonderful wonder she is a diva.she deserves that title.
and by the way i found this video on youtube which shows justin timberlake,christina aguilera and britney spears when they were on mickey mouse cute.:)enjoyzz....:)
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