have not been updating the blog for quite sometime.been lazy as usual.i am recently hooked on this book called the white mariage by charlotte bhingam(hope the spelling is right).all the time in the world is dedicated to read this book.and my mum had been nagging cause everytime she seees me,my face will be hidden behind the book.have not started studying since i started reading.i hate what books did to me sometime but i can't just stop once i started reading.hiazz....
skipping over,now i am left alone at home cause my mum and siblings had just go to sheng siong supermarket and i am left to clean the house which is irritating.will be going across the border this friday with my mum's friend if god permit.
also i have been checking website after website regarding make-up.well,not actually make-up but their products.i discover that buying things online is like so much x100 cheaper than buying in the store.been hoping that i can purchase it someday,sometime...god knows when...
and anyway,i am super duper excited with my manicured nails which i painted myself and i learned it from watching the tutorials at youtube.though it is not as good as being professionally done,but the end result can be,say...quite satisfying....the base is light pink and the tips is coloured dark pink i think.i used UGNY nail polish in sweet dreams no.19.nice colour.love it.
thats all for now...dadas...much kisses and love<3<3