It is how people respond to stress that determines whether they will profit from misfortune or be miserable.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, 1990
i'm back again after going through depression..hahax!!!kidding..some may noe what i mean by the term not sick but more to devastation.(if there is such a word)so i'm posting the same quote yet again cause it relate to my life..
and BOY!!!do i get some news to tell you.god are answering my prayers one by not boasting but it is the truth..but there are obstacles that i must go through.
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Monday, 25 August 2008
It is how people respond to stress that determines whether they will profit from misfortune or be miserable.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, 1990
OMG!!!cinta fitri season 2 has ended.and there will be season 3.will be SOOOOOO!!!!looking foward to that.the ending makes my heart stops literally and my heart is so heartbroken.but the best part is fitri is PREGNANT!!!yey!!!anyway,teuku wisnu and shireen sungkar is coming to singapore and i am super duper excited.but my mum don't let me is like the one and only chance of meeting them both...will be thinking of deeds to do to my mum that will soften my mum heart and will let me go there.
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, 1990
OMG!!!cinta fitri season 2 has ended.and there will be season 3.will be SOOOOOO!!!!looking foward to that.the ending makes my heart stops literally and my heart is so heartbroken.but the best part is fitri is PREGNANT!!!yey!!!anyway,teuku wisnu and shireen sungkar is coming to singapore and i am super duper excited.but my mum don't let me is like the one and only chance of meeting them both...will be thinking of deeds to do to my mum that will soften my mum heart and will let me go there.
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Saturday, 23 August 2008
Do not bite at the bait of pleasure till you know there is no hook beneath it.
Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826)
i'm feeling very cold right now.even my hands are cold.i had woke up to a COLD saturday morning shivering and i have to go to the toilet quite frequently.asked my mum why it had been cold and she said it is because due to the rain in the morning.
now i am very super duper happy or sould i say estatic cause i say happy too much and too going too johor in the afternoon.going to buy shoes at AGSANA.note to self:reach home before is cinta fitri season 2 last episode!!!yeah...and my mum's guessing that fitri MIGHT be pregnant cause she had not had her period yet and is already a few days SUPER SUPER ESTATIC.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my dad and sis are not dad went fishing.AGAIN!!!!my sis went to some cca prom.and she have to borrow my makeup.everyday she have a special event my makep bag will be rummage through.URRGHH!!!
anyway woke up and am being scolded for not charging the digital camera.i just woke up and my eyes were not fully open and am being scolded for not charging the what the HECK!!all you had to do was yank yak yak!!!
going to edit photos now.dadas:)
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826)
i'm feeling very cold right now.even my hands are cold.i had woke up to a COLD saturday morning shivering and i have to go to the toilet quite frequently.asked my mum why it had been cold and she said it is because due to the rain in the morning.
now i am very super duper happy or sould i say estatic cause i say happy too much and too going too johor in the afternoon.going to buy shoes at AGSANA.note to self:reach home before is cinta fitri season 2 last episode!!!yeah...and my mum's guessing that fitri MIGHT be pregnant cause she had not had her period yet and is already a few days SUPER SUPER ESTATIC.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my dad and sis are not dad went fishing.AGAIN!!!!my sis went to some cca prom.and she have to borrow my makeup.everyday she have a special event my makep bag will be rummage through.URRGHH!!!
anyway woke up and am being scolded for not charging the digital camera.i just woke up and my eyes were not fully open and am being scolded for not charging the what the HECK!!all you had to do was yank yak yak!!!
going to edit photos now.dadas:)
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Friday, 22 August 2008
Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.
Carol Burnett (1936 - )
so yesterday i have a migraine.terrible migraine.maybe due to too much of sleep.i woke up at 3.00pm yesterday.wth!so yesterday while on the bus on the way home received an sms from isha.her msg was so funny that she send me smiling all the way on the bus until the auntie beside me look at suspiciously.hahax!!thanx for that isha.hehes:)
okay now i am clueless.not knowing what to blog.craving for milk nice..yummy..addicted to it already.tuning into marie digby song title unfold.quite a nice song but i prefer when she sing the song 'spell'.her voice is superb.her talent is recognised on youtube.people these days get popular just by posting their video on youtube and the next thing you know you might get a phonecall from a record company asking you to sign a deal.gone are those days when people have to go to every recording company just to get a deal signed.maybe i should try my luck sometimes.NOT!!HAHAX:)
by the way cinta fitri season 2 is only 2 days left.i do not know whether i am excited or sad.have a combination of both i guess.i hate getting this feeling when a good drama is coming to an end.hope there will be cinta fitri season 2 dvd,vcd whatever it is.
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Carol Burnett (1936 - )
so yesterday i have a migraine.terrible migraine.maybe due to too much of sleep.i woke up at 3.00pm yesterday.wth!so yesterday while on the bus on the way home received an sms from isha.her msg was so funny that she send me smiling all the way on the bus until the auntie beside me look at suspiciously.hahax!!thanx for that isha.hehes:)
okay now i am clueless.not knowing what to blog.craving for milk nice..yummy..addicted to it already.tuning into marie digby song title unfold.quite a nice song but i prefer when she sing the song 'spell'.her voice is superb.her talent is recognised on youtube.people these days get popular just by posting their video on youtube and the next thing you know you might get a phonecall from a record company asking you to sign a deal.gone are those days when people have to go to every recording company just to get a deal signed.maybe i should try my luck sometimes.NOT!!HAHAX:)
by the way cinta fitri season 2 is only 2 days left.i do not know whether i am excited or sad.have a combination of both i guess.i hate getting this feeling when a good drama is coming to an end.hope there will be cinta fitri season 2 dvd,vcd whatever it is.
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
May your service of love a beautiful thing; want nothing else, fear nothing else and let love be free to become what love truly is.
Hadewijch of Antwerp
okay.on monday went to bookcase and some rod to hang my curtains on and my mum buy some rugs and wok for her to cook in.and at ikea saw sabrina's cousin hanisa with her mum and her cute little sister sofia.
on tuesday went to watson.revlon haircolor is finally approved halal by the islamic law of usa.and before that went to metro where i met this wonderful lady known as sue.i was looking around the store where she suddenly approach me and ask to try pupa products from italy.she was super friendly.she ask me to search for her again if i was going to buy the products.she let me try on the eyeshadow and pressed powder.she also asked for my phone number so she will update me if metro have a nice of her:)love her i am so going to buy is on my wishlist:)
i am so craving for milk tea right now.i was like drinking the milk tea and only the pearl was left.and i was chasing the pearl till the last one and sucking it making loud noises and some people look at me.and i show them the mind-your-own-business kind of face.also went to courts.and i saw this phillips hairdryer with 3 speeds and 2 heat or the other way cost 39.90.urrgghh!!!
want that too for my bdae present.
yesterday cinta fitri season 2 was fun.can't believe cinta fitri season 2 is only 4 days left.urrghh!!!!!!!missing it the way for the sctv awards teuku wisnu,shireen sungkar,rossa and the drama itself is nominated for the award.hope they all win.
have a sleepless night.i slept at 4 am.all the time while i cannot sleep,i was watching gymnastic.was my favourite part of olympic.the guys were so hot!!!!!!!so for the women gymnas shawn johnson,from usa, won the gold medal with 16.225 scoring.she is so cute.i heard her father used to be a gymnas father like daughter.hehes:)
by the way katie holmes is pregnant and victoria beckham had gain
thats all.dadas:)mauckzz.......
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Hadewijch of Antwerp
okay.on monday went to bookcase and some rod to hang my curtains on and my mum buy some rugs and wok for her to cook in.and at ikea saw sabrina's cousin hanisa with her mum and her cute little sister sofia.
on tuesday went to watson.revlon haircolor is finally approved halal by the islamic law of usa.and before that went to metro where i met this wonderful lady known as sue.i was looking around the store where she suddenly approach me and ask to try pupa products from italy.she was super friendly.she ask me to search for her again if i was going to buy the products.she let me try on the eyeshadow and pressed powder.she also asked for my phone number so she will update me if metro have a nice of her:)love her i am so going to buy is on my wishlist:)
i am so craving for milk tea right now.i was like drinking the milk tea and only the pearl was left.and i was chasing the pearl till the last one and sucking it making loud noises and some people look at me.and i show them the mind-your-own-business kind of face.also went to courts.and i saw this phillips hairdryer with 3 speeds and 2 heat or the other way cost 39.90.urrgghh!!!
want that too for my bdae present.
yesterday cinta fitri season 2 was fun.can't believe cinta fitri season 2 is only 4 days left.urrghh!!!!!!!missing it the way for the sctv awards teuku wisnu,shireen sungkar,rossa and the drama itself is nominated for the award.hope they all win.
have a sleepless night.i slept at 4 am.all the time while i cannot sleep,i was watching gymnastic.was my favourite part of olympic.the guys were so hot!!!!!!!so for the women gymnas shawn johnson,from usa, won the gold medal with 16.225 scoring.she is so cute.i heard her father used to be a gymnas father like daughter.hehes:)
by the way katie holmes is pregnant and victoria beckham had gain
thats all.dadas:)mauckzz.......
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Sunday, 17 August 2008
When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream. When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of reality.
Dom Helder Camara a major HISTORY is going to be made.singapore is in the finals.the match is between china and spore.i am so excited and after finishing my prayers i quickly open the television like a little girl who was granted her wish to watch cartoon,quickly changed to channel U.i was like rooting like hell and shouting loudly not realising that my brother was sleeping on the sofa till my mum told me.the sports presenter was saying that he could hear people in orchard road and bishan rooting for singapore.and my mum says 'then marsiling?cannot hear?'.and i said to her that if he mention marsiling then he might be referring to me and my sis agrees with me and roll her irritating.luckily i was not in the stadium rooting or i will be shouting loudly and will disturb the game.HAHAX!!!But after watching china winning up i quickly flip channel.and my mum says so much for the country spirit.and by the way singapore got is good enough already.but i wish it was gold.
and so here i was switching on the computer and practice singing.(which i fail) and it irritate the people in my house as my version of singing is like shouting and it was irritating but i just can't stop.hehes:)they kept mentioning to use diaphgram.whatever it is.and it is under the lungs.but i just can't keep it right.
will be practicing again and make them irritating.chow!!!!
and by the way today is my dad 49 birthday.hope he have a long healthy,happy live.and may he look young forever.hehes:)i know you don't show your feelings but i know deep down that you care for you:)
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Dom Helder Camara a major HISTORY is going to be made.singapore is in the finals.the match is between china and spore.i am so excited and after finishing my prayers i quickly open the television like a little girl who was granted her wish to watch cartoon,quickly changed to channel U.i was like rooting like hell and shouting loudly not realising that my brother was sleeping on the sofa till my mum told me.the sports presenter was saying that he could hear people in orchard road and bishan rooting for singapore.and my mum says 'then marsiling?cannot hear?'.and i said to her that if he mention marsiling then he might be referring to me and my sis agrees with me and roll her irritating.luckily i was not in the stadium rooting or i will be shouting loudly and will disturb the game.HAHAX!!!But after watching china winning up i quickly flip channel.and my mum says so much for the country spirit.and by the way singapore got is good enough already.but i wish it was gold.
and so here i was switching on the computer and practice singing.(which i fail) and it irritate the people in my house as my version of singing is like shouting and it was irritating but i just can't stop.hehes:)they kept mentioning to use diaphgram.whatever it is.and it is under the lungs.but i just can't keep it right.
will be practicing again and make them irritating.chow!!!!
and by the way today is my dad 49 birthday.hope he have a long healthy,happy live.and may he look young forever.hehes:)i know you don't show your feelings but i know deep down that you care for you:)
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Friday, 15 August 2008
Trust the dreams for hidden in them is the gate to eternity.
-Kahlil Gibran
having a major headache.had just been nag by my mum for opening the computer instead of cleaning up my what the heck!hehes:)i'm having blister on my feet due to wearing a new shoe.i hate wearing a new shoe cause it will end up with me having blisters all over my feet.currently i have 7 plasters in my feet.that's ow painful it was.and yesterday i was like walking through hell limping all the way.feel like taking off the shoes and walk barefooted-so i make a mental note to self:bring slippers when you are wearing new shoes.and i was screaming when bathing as it hurt so much even though i wear plasters.'thanks' for the help make my life even more miserable.
yesterday was an unlucky day for me.keep bumping into people.i was at the library happily sms-ing sabrina when suddenly BOOM!!!!the person in front of me bump into me and the impact was so hard and luckily i don't end up falling or else i would have cried on the spot.he was a chinese man wearing spectacles.and i can still remember his round face with a panic expression on his face as if to check if i was hurt.and i stammer by saying sorry for 3 times.and later when i was walking down the escalator i heard a guy maybe mimicking me.and i was like what the heck!!!!!!!!
okay my sis just reach home from school.and she bought this faboulous dress!!!!!!!!!i say FABOLOUS!PRETTY!GORGEOUS!and it cost her only $15!am so going to buy i have to keep aside my wish on buying a belt AGAIN!!!.UURGGHHH!!!!and by the way,she just tell me a super duper scary story about her freaking send shivers down my spine everytime i think about it.
thats all for now.dadas and kisses:)
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
-Kahlil Gibran
having a major headache.had just been nag by my mum for opening the computer instead of cleaning up my what the heck!hehes:)i'm having blister on my feet due to wearing a new shoe.i hate wearing a new shoe cause it will end up with me having blisters all over my feet.currently i have 7 plasters in my feet.that's ow painful it was.and yesterday i was like walking through hell limping all the way.feel like taking off the shoes and walk barefooted-so i make a mental note to self:bring slippers when you are wearing new shoes.and i was screaming when bathing as it hurt so much even though i wear plasters.'thanks' for the help make my life even more miserable.
yesterday was an unlucky day for me.keep bumping into people.i was at the library happily sms-ing sabrina when suddenly BOOM!!!!the person in front of me bump into me and the impact was so hard and luckily i don't end up falling or else i would have cried on the spot.he was a chinese man wearing spectacles.and i can still remember his round face with a panic expression on his face as if to check if i was hurt.and i stammer by saying sorry for 3 times.and later when i was walking down the escalator i heard a guy maybe mimicking me.and i was like what the heck!!!!!!!!
okay my sis just reach home from school.and she bought this faboulous dress!!!!!!!!!i say FABOLOUS!PRETTY!GORGEOUS!and it cost her only $15!am so going to buy i have to keep aside my wish on buying a belt AGAIN!!!.UURGGHHH!!!!and by the way,she just tell me a super duper scary story about her freaking send shivers down my spine everytime i think about it.
thats all for now.dadas and kisses:)
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Thursday, 14 August 2008
yesterday is the ghost
of the past
just been reading namira's blog.mental note to self:link her soon.okay.with that off my mind today my mum's going to cook fried noodles and is going to fry two favourite food in my entire life.can't imagine living, without those two food.those are my essentials in order to survive.i can survive without rice.YUCKS!!had a weird dream yesterday.its very weird.really.REALLY weird.
skipping that part.yesterday i cried.and you know why i cried?i cried after reading the book.i 'hate' books or movies or dramas which makes me cry.for that matter the book makes me realise how does one feel when they loss the person that they later that same night i end up laughing my hearts out.i am like a retard person literally..but not currenlt books are my latest anecdote.
so i can't sleep.AGAIN.and i was 'forced' to open the television.there's only one way to make me sleepy.and that is with the colours blazing and the noise coming from the televison i dozed off.just like that.but not before i put a timer on the television so 'it' can too dozed off just in case i have fell asleep which i always does.
my current favourite show or drama is cinta fitri and gossip girl and ghost whisperer and hearts of 19(pure 19).just can't get enough of those kept me hooked and glued to the tv besides on my timetable which i dont follow i put a time on which i will watching television and when i am not though now my current television is book.hehes:)
been promising to myself to buy my makeup is a need not a want ok!just can't imagine living life without on my list:
maybelline mousse foundation
la girl blusher
lip gloss
and before i forgot, it looks like i have to starve myself and put the money in some secret hiding place so that my itchy,ITCHY hand would not take it out before the time comes.
and anyway my sis is superduper irritating.feel like smacking her in the face and shouting at her right now.i hate how my 6-year old did this to me.she always make me scream my heads off like one mad person.and she always get away with it with me at the fault.urrrghh!!!just wish i could zip her mouth and she would keep mum for one day.just one day and it will make my life peaceful.she always run off with her bouncy ponytail and sticking her tounge out at me when she did something wrong.i HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
thats all for today.dadas.muackzz!!!!!!!!!
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
of the past
just been reading namira's blog.mental note to self:link her soon.okay.with that off my mind today my mum's going to cook fried noodles and is going to fry two favourite food in my entire life.can't imagine living, without those two food.those are my essentials in order to survive.i can survive without rice.YUCKS!!had a weird dream yesterday.its very weird.really.REALLY weird.
skipping that part.yesterday i cried.and you know why i cried?i cried after reading the book.i 'hate' books or movies or dramas which makes me cry.for that matter the book makes me realise how does one feel when they loss the person that they later that same night i end up laughing my hearts out.i am like a retard person literally..but not currenlt books are my latest anecdote.
so i can't sleep.AGAIN.and i was 'forced' to open the television.there's only one way to make me sleepy.and that is with the colours blazing and the noise coming from the televison i dozed off.just like that.but not before i put a timer on the television so 'it' can too dozed off just in case i have fell asleep which i always does.
my current favourite show or drama is cinta fitri and gossip girl and ghost whisperer and hearts of 19(pure 19).just can't get enough of those kept me hooked and glued to the tv besides on my timetable which i dont follow i put a time on which i will watching television and when i am not though now my current television is book.hehes:)
been promising to myself to buy my makeup is a need not a want ok!just can't imagine living life without on my list:
maybelline mousse foundation
la girl blusher
lip gloss
and before i forgot, it looks like i have to starve myself and put the money in some secret hiding place so that my itchy,ITCHY hand would not take it out before the time comes.
and anyway my sis is superduper irritating.feel like smacking her in the face and shouting at her right now.i hate how my 6-year old did this to me.she always make me scream my heads off like one mad person.and she always get away with it with me at the fault.urrrghh!!!just wish i could zip her mouth and she would keep mum for one day.just one day and it will make my life peaceful.she always run off with her bouncy ponytail and sticking her tounge out at me when she did something wrong.i HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
thats all for today.dadas.muackzz!!!!!!!!!
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Life is like a journey,
it is full of bumps,
and ups and downs
-by dirahbumblebee is 1 am in the morning.i could not control myself from opening the computer and as usual i was the last one sleeping.tuning to keajaiban cinta by this two sisters..anyway i am currently hooked on a booked by cecelia ahern title:p.s i love you.i had only read almost halfway and damn!!!was it excellent.throughout the story there had been time when i laugh my hearts out but there are times when my eyes became teary and all welled is so me reading the book is far more better than watching the movie itself as i can relate to the character more than ever as if i,myself had gone through the same experience as her.i rate the book 5/5..probably the best book ever.
and i know i was not supposed to say this but i already had a birthday wish listed inside my handphone.
and the wishlist is:
by the way,got a call from with her for a while regarding her problems and 'things'.was told she get C6 and merit for her mt o level exam.and btw my sis got A1 and distinction for her mt happy for her and am a little bit jealous of her which i am not supposed to.
kaes..thats all...dadas...muackzzz!!!!!!!!!peace and much love to the world.
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
it is full of bumps,
and ups and downs
-by dirahbumblebee is 1 am in the morning.i could not control myself from opening the computer and as usual i was the last one sleeping.tuning to keajaiban cinta by this two sisters..anyway i am currently hooked on a booked by cecelia ahern title:p.s i love you.i had only read almost halfway and damn!!!was it excellent.throughout the story there had been time when i laugh my hearts out but there are times when my eyes became teary and all welled is so me reading the book is far more better than watching the movie itself as i can relate to the character more than ever as if i,myself had gone through the same experience as her.i rate the book 5/5..probably the best book ever.
and i know i was not supposed to say this but i already had a birthday wish listed inside my handphone.
and the wishlist is:
by the way,got a call from with her for a while regarding her problems and 'things'.was told she get C6 and merit for her mt o level exam.and btw my sis got A1 and distinction for her mt happy for her and am a little bit jealous of her which i am not supposed to.
kaes..thats all...dadas...muackzzz!!!!!!!!!peace and much love to the world.
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Monday, 11 August 2008
Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.
-John Wayne (1907 - 1979)
yesterday i was rudely interrupted in by peaceful sleep by my beauty sleep was disturbed yesterday i went to the art competition at mega sports park near blk 337.we arrived at about 8am.there was already a crowd gathering and the sound booming through the speakers.i was still in my state of sleepiness kind of mood and i wear a black good right.i was seeing red and white everywhere cause it was observence day and i was like wearing black.good i reflect my mood on going there the colouring contest ends at 9.30 and the rules clearly stated there that parents or guardian cannot help.but everywhere i see was parents helping.later there was a check.random check.they saw me helping and i pretend to be searching something in my bag and pretend i cannot hear what they are saying but they still bugs me until lastly i pretend to be surprised by her and she yak yak yak!!!!and finally she go.away from me.and she was my nightmare.and my cousin arrive a few minutes laters..and my mum grab some food..saw umairah and haniz there.and miss or should i say mdm herianti,my p1 teacher was there too and i have a chat with her for a while and we took pictures together and she say she was teaching p2.she is so cute.miss her like hell.hope i can attend mps anniversary on 14 nov.
and so the observence day finish at 12.30pm.and we go fetch fara,my cuz and my sis to go and eat at banquet at cwp.after that go to my mum sister house.i was being asked by my mum to wait for her friend who will be sending rambutan and belacan...and so i wait with fara and we camwhore,ignoring the people around us.wait patiently but they still no sign of my mum's friend.beep her.and i go to the place where she ask me too and there they i salam her.everybody was out of the car and i was like the superstar walking on the red carpet..hahax!!!at last the feeling the moment...hehes:)and my heart was thumping cause i saw ehem ehem...and i was like..suddenly cannot breath..well not literally..or i would have died or faint on the spot...
fast fowarding time now my cousin was at my house.they sleepover at my house yesterday..i was dead beat after watching cinta fitri season 2.
thats all.dadas:)
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
-John Wayne (1907 - 1979)
yesterday i was rudely interrupted in by peaceful sleep by my beauty sleep was disturbed yesterday i went to the art competition at mega sports park near blk 337.we arrived at about 8am.there was already a crowd gathering and the sound booming through the speakers.i was still in my state of sleepiness kind of mood and i wear a black good right.i was seeing red and white everywhere cause it was observence day and i was like wearing black.good i reflect my mood on going there the colouring contest ends at 9.30 and the rules clearly stated there that parents or guardian cannot help.but everywhere i see was parents helping.later there was a check.random check.they saw me helping and i pretend to be searching something in my bag and pretend i cannot hear what they are saying but they still bugs me until lastly i pretend to be surprised by her and she yak yak yak!!!!and finally she go.away from me.and she was my nightmare.and my cousin arrive a few minutes laters..and my mum grab some food..saw umairah and haniz there.and miss or should i say mdm herianti,my p1 teacher was there too and i have a chat with her for a while and we took pictures together and she say she was teaching p2.she is so cute.miss her like hell.hope i can attend mps anniversary on 14 nov.
and so the observence day finish at 12.30pm.and we go fetch fara,my cuz and my sis to go and eat at banquet at cwp.after that go to my mum sister house.i was being asked by my mum to wait for her friend who will be sending rambutan and belacan...and so i wait with fara and we camwhore,ignoring the people around us.wait patiently but they still no sign of my mum's friend.beep her.and i go to the place where she ask me too and there they i salam her.everybody was out of the car and i was like the superstar walking on the red carpet..hahax!!!at last the feeling the moment...hehes:)and my heart was thumping cause i saw ehem ehem...and i was like..suddenly cannot breath..well not literally..or i would have died or faint on the spot...
fast fowarding time now my cousin was at my house.they sleepover at my house yesterday..i was dead beat after watching cinta fitri season 2.
thats all.dadas:)
♥hey mr
♥you are my secret lover
Saturday, 9 August 2008
Pain makes man think. Thought makes man wise. Wisdom makes life endurable
-John Patrick
am watching cinta fitri.the last few episode.the actors and actress are so cute.especially shireen sungkar and teuku wisnu.okay.skipping that part.i woke up finding that my parents were not home.and i found that they were out to mustafa centres and to jurong to find some bedsheet covers which are on edit some stuff here and there and i can say that it is today it is national day.again HAPPY 43RD BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!!!
So today i was supposed to go to my cousin house to visit has been month since i visit them.she were sms-ing me and calling me since yesterday and persuading me to come head is spinning thinking about them.
thats all.
♥hey mr
♥you're my secret lover
-John Patrick
am watching cinta fitri.the last few episode.the actors and actress are so cute.especially shireen sungkar and teuku wisnu.okay.skipping that part.i woke up finding that my parents were not home.and i found that they were out to mustafa centres and to jurong to find some bedsheet covers which are on edit some stuff here and there and i can say that it is today it is national day.again HAPPY 43RD BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!!!
So today i was supposed to go to my cousin house to visit has been month since i visit them.she were sms-ing me and calling me since yesterday and persuading me to come head is spinning thinking about them.
thats all.
♥hey mr
♥you're my secret lover
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