will make other people's day as it will make is free anyway..
okays..i think i am getting better after all the shouting fom the previous post.tomorrow i am having afternoon shift..LUCKILY!though it will bring some sadness cause i will miss my cinta fitri drama and anyway afternoon shift is wayyyyyyyyyy too long for me..considered on taking part-time..maria have even asked me this evening on whether i will be continuing next year..and i say yes...i can't believe i have said yes...but i will ONLY enjoy work provided my new found friend,anna, is around...she is always around to make my day...but for the next two days...she won't...and it will cause me MAJOR depression for a short period..having no one to talk,joke and laugh too...haiizz...
so after sweeping and mopping the floor,i and anna go to our usual,favourite hang out place,which is the cosmetcis section ...and the place that we will go to is the bourjois cosmetics and we will tahe the eyeliner...cause it is superdark.and i like super dark as i never put any eyeliner to work,i wear the eyeliner...and a mascara..but i can't rememeber the mascara brand we can only do a few minute of catwalk as rowena open the shop early today...and we are like dragging our feet and complaining as to why the shop is be open was a great day to sum it up..and i made a new friend from levi signature store named maricel...such a cute and pretty,fillipino me fillipino girls are beautiful and to sum it up TODAY was a great day...and i can't believe i have just said that...hope tomorrow will be the same...or i will be like DEAD WALKING uploading cinta fitri season 3 go visit to my multiply if you have time...:)
dadas for now....wish me luck for tomorrow..:)
soory for having a lot of grammar and vocab...i am rushing as i am typing this...
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will.
Jawaharal Nehru
now,i am so bloody pissed cause i can't insert pictures and videos into the thumbdrive.second the computer is driving me crazy having error message popping out every few minutes and it will be stuck for a few seconds.third,my legs are aching and i feel like crying and i feel like taking mc tomorrow but my mum does not sum it all off I AM SO BLOODY AND FUCKING PISSED OFF!I'M TIRED!I'M SICK!AND I THINK I AM GOING PHYSCO IF THE ROUTINE KEEP GOING ON LIKE THIS!PLUS THE SPEAKER IS MAKING A LOUD AND IRRITATING SOUND BECAUSE OF SOME RADIATION!I HAVE TO UPLOAD VIDEOS AND SEND IT TO PEOPLE WHICH I OWE AND I FEEL BAD TOWARDS THEM FOR GIVING EMPTY PROMISES WHICH IS DRIVING ME SAD AND CRAZY!!!MY MUM AND SIS AND BROTHER ARE SHOUTING EVERY SINGLE DAY AT ME!!!DO NOT ADD TO MY PROBLEM OR I WILL BE SCREAMING MY HEADS OFF AND WILL BE SMILING MY HEADS OFF THE NEXT MINUTE EACH TIME I HEAR MY FAVOURITE TUNE.SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!GOD!!!!!!!I EAT ALONE LIKE A LONER AT BANQUET EVERY SINGLE DAY!!AND 1 MORE THING I FORGOT TO ADD I AM SLEEPY!I SLEEP AT MRT TRIPS!I YAWN COUNTLESS TIME WHILE WORKING!I DO NOT GET ENOUGH SLEEP AND I WILL BE GETTING EYEBAGS AND DARK CIRCLES CAUSE I HAVE TO WAKE UP AT 6.15 AM EVERYDAY...GOOSSHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!now you will know why i will not be myself this past few days,WEEKS or even MONTHS!!!!!so do tag and give comments on whether i should continue working or not,or change to part-time or take no paid leave(npl)countless time which will give me a bad reputation.thats it!i'm off.the mad lady is signing off.
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Jawaharal Nehru
now,i am so bloody pissed cause i can't insert pictures and videos into the thumbdrive.second the computer is driving me crazy having error message popping out every few minutes and it will be stuck for a few seconds.third,my legs are aching and i feel like crying and i feel like taking mc tomorrow but my mum does not sum it all off I AM SO BLOODY AND FUCKING PISSED OFF!I'M TIRED!I'M SICK!AND I THINK I AM GOING PHYSCO IF THE ROUTINE KEEP GOING ON LIKE THIS!PLUS THE SPEAKER IS MAKING A LOUD AND IRRITATING SOUND BECAUSE OF SOME RADIATION!I HAVE TO UPLOAD VIDEOS AND SEND IT TO PEOPLE WHICH I OWE AND I FEEL BAD TOWARDS THEM FOR GIVING EMPTY PROMISES WHICH IS DRIVING ME SAD AND CRAZY!!!MY MUM AND SIS AND BROTHER ARE SHOUTING EVERY SINGLE DAY AT ME!!!DO NOT ADD TO MY PROBLEM OR I WILL BE SCREAMING MY HEADS OFF AND WILL BE SMILING MY HEADS OFF THE NEXT MINUTE EACH TIME I HEAR MY FAVOURITE TUNE.SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!GOD!!!!!!!I EAT ALONE LIKE A LONER AT BANQUET EVERY SINGLE DAY!!AND 1 MORE THING I FORGOT TO ADD I AM SLEEPY!I SLEEP AT MRT TRIPS!I YAWN COUNTLESS TIME WHILE WORKING!I DO NOT GET ENOUGH SLEEP AND I WILL BE GETTING EYEBAGS AND DARK CIRCLES CAUSE I HAVE TO WAKE UP AT 6.15 AM EVERYDAY...GOOSSHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!now you will know why i will not be myself this past few days,WEEKS or even MONTHS!!!!!so do tag and give comments on whether i should continue working or not,or change to part-time or take no paid leave(npl)countless time which will give me a bad reputation.thats it!i'm off.the mad lady is signing off.
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Life is full of mystery.once you find yourself,all happy and laughing and the next you found yourself crying and sobbing.-dirahbumblebee
so tomorrow i am going to dye my hair into brunette using revlon hair confused with which colour to go relying on the internet to find my shade...wanted to go a salon to dye my hair based on their recommendations but i have not even got my here are my wishlist:
-cinta fitri vcds
-guess bag
-dye my hair in salon and enough of the d.i.y hair dye.
-suscribe to cleo mag
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
so tomorrow i am going to dye my hair into brunette using revlon hair confused with which colour to go relying on the internet to find my shade...wanted to go a salon to dye my hair based on their recommendations but i have not even got my here are my wishlist:
-cinta fitri vcds
-guess bag
-dye my hair in salon and enough of the d.i.y hair dye.
-suscribe to cleo mag
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
The thing is to rely on God. The time will come when you will regard all this misery as a small price to pay for having been brought to that dependence. Meanwhile, the trouble is that relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing has yet been done.
-C.S. Lewis
so i was blog mum and siblings were out to my cousin last..peace and quiet....i was supposed to sleep but NAHHH!!!!!i get internal peace from i got a tag from natasha,a friend of my sister..later i found myself blog hopping...and i decided to read ain's blog...what i read at her blog cause me to cry....i donnoe if it is just me being too sensitive or the song that matches the ambience...but the words touched my heart..and i can feel teardrops falling on my cheek,later on the i will copy and paste the passage that i have did i realise that when we thought that noone care about us,love us,or we are just one useless human being,god will always be with us through it all..through up and down....cause everyone is specially created by him....and he love us all the same....hope this touched you as it has touched me....
Sebuah renungan
A reflection
Ketahuilah olehmu . . .
Jika kau merasa lelah dan tak berdaya dari usaha yang sepertinya sia-sia
Allah SWT tahu betapa keras engkau sudah berusaha
Ketika kau sudah menangis sekian lama dan hatimu masih terasa pedih
Allah SWT sudah menghitung air matamu
Ketika kau fikir bahawa hidupmu sedang menunggu sesuatu dan waktu terasa berjalan begitu sahaja
Allah SWT sedang menunggu bersamamu
Ketika kau berfikir bahawa kau sudah mencuba segalanya dan tidak tahu hendak berbuat apa lagi
Allah SWT sudah punya jawapannya
Ketika segala sesuatu menjadi tak masuk akal dan kau merasa tertekan
Allah SWT dapat menenangkanmu
Ketika kau merasa sendirian dan teman-temanmu terlalu sibuk untuk menelefon
Allah SWT selalu berada disampingmu
Ketika kau mendambakan sebuah cinta sejati yang tak kunjung datang
Allah SWT mempunyai cinta dan kasih yang lebih besar dari segalanya dan Dia menciptakan seseorang yang akan menjadi pasangan hidupmu kelak
Ketika kau merasa bahawa kau mencinta seseorang namun cintamu tak terbalas
Allah SWT tahu apa yang ada di depanmu dan Dia sedang mempersiapkan segala yang terbaik untukmu
Ketika kau merasa telah dikhianati dan dikecewakan
Allah dapat menyembuhkan lukamu dan membuatmu tersenyum
Jika tiba-tiba kau dapat melihat jejak-jejak
Harapan Allah SWT sedang berbisik kepadamu
Ketika segala sesuatu berjalan lancar dan kau merasa ingin mengucap syukur
Allah SWT telah memberkahimu
Ketika sesuatu terjadi dan kau dipenuhi ketakjuban
Allah SWT telah tersenyum kepadamu
Ketika kau memiliki tujuan untuk dipenuhi dan mimpi untuk digenapi
Allah SWT sudah membuka matamu dan memanggilmu dengan namamu
Ingat, dimanapun kau atau kemanapun kau menghadap
Allah SWT tahu
Credits : Dongeng Peri | Sebuah renungan
taken from:
ps:this is my 101 post...hahahax!!!
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
-C.S. Lewis
so i was blog mum and siblings were out to my cousin last..peace and quiet....i was supposed to sleep but NAHHH!!!!!i get internal peace from i got a tag from natasha,a friend of my sister..later i found myself blog hopping...and i decided to read ain's blog...what i read at her blog cause me to cry....i donnoe if it is just me being too sensitive or the song that matches the ambience...but the words touched my heart..and i can feel teardrops falling on my cheek,later on the i will copy and paste the passage that i have did i realise that when we thought that noone care about us,love us,or we are just one useless human being,god will always be with us through it all..through up and down....cause everyone is specially created by him....and he love us all the same....hope this touched you as it has touched me....
Sebuah renungan
A reflection
Ketahuilah olehmu . . .
Jika kau merasa lelah dan tak berdaya dari usaha yang sepertinya sia-sia
Allah SWT tahu betapa keras engkau sudah berusaha
Ketika kau sudah menangis sekian lama dan hatimu masih terasa pedih
Allah SWT sudah menghitung air matamu
Ketika kau fikir bahawa hidupmu sedang menunggu sesuatu dan waktu terasa berjalan begitu sahaja
Allah SWT sedang menunggu bersamamu
Ketika kau berfikir bahawa kau sudah mencuba segalanya dan tidak tahu hendak berbuat apa lagi
Allah SWT sudah punya jawapannya
Ketika segala sesuatu menjadi tak masuk akal dan kau merasa tertekan
Allah SWT dapat menenangkanmu
Ketika kau merasa sendirian dan teman-temanmu terlalu sibuk untuk menelefon
Allah SWT selalu berada disampingmu
Ketika kau mendambakan sebuah cinta sejati yang tak kunjung datang
Allah SWT mempunyai cinta dan kasih yang lebih besar dari segalanya dan Dia menciptakan seseorang yang akan menjadi pasangan hidupmu kelak
Ketika kau merasa bahawa kau mencinta seseorang namun cintamu tak terbalas
Allah SWT tahu apa yang ada di depanmu dan Dia sedang mempersiapkan segala yang terbaik untukmu
Ketika kau merasa telah dikhianati dan dikecewakan
Allah dapat menyembuhkan lukamu dan membuatmu tersenyum
Jika tiba-tiba kau dapat melihat jejak-jejak
Harapan Allah SWT sedang berbisik kepadamu
Ketika segala sesuatu berjalan lancar dan kau merasa ingin mengucap syukur
Allah SWT telah memberkahimu
Ketika sesuatu terjadi dan kau dipenuhi ketakjuban
Allah SWT telah tersenyum kepadamu
Ketika kau memiliki tujuan untuk dipenuhi dan mimpi untuk digenapi
Allah SWT sudah membuka matamu dan memanggilmu dengan namamu
Ingat, dimanapun kau atau kemanapun kau menghadap
Allah SWT tahu
Credits : Dongeng Peri | Sebuah renungan
taken from:
ps:this is my 101 post...hahahax!!!
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
"Fear less, hope more;
Whine less, breathe more;
Talk less, say more;
Hate less, love more;
And all good things are yours."
-Swedish Proverb as you guess it.i survive through the 4 days of afternoon shift and going back late till about is my off day.and i am uber uber uber my thought suddenly came to remind me of cinta fitri...teuku wisnu and shireen sungkar...i love them so much...and my heart beats fast whenever i think of them..hope they are in a good state of health...and may they always be protected by god...amin..:)
so yesterday there was a lot of work to do.and guess what.of all the things that i must stock,i must stock at the condom section cause no one was stocking it up...i was very the malu(shy)and paiseh....imagine a 17year old girl stcocking up the condoms.luckily no one was watching and there was no customer who was walking at that aisles...everybody was working full shift today except the part-time untie who was super cute with spectacles in her head..everybody was wearing christmas hat ecxcept me,maria(manager) and cik noor...imagine the headscarf and the christmas does not match right?everybody was preparing for christmas...stocking up things...
so eat lunch..ALONE.everybody have different lunch eat at banquet after the past few days eating at long john and ordering the same meals.though now i am addicted to the laksa and my new love iced milk tea..
mediacorp was shooting at imm yesterday.i aws at both places when it took place.firstly at osim when i was about to have lunch and giant manager and supervisor were both very 'kaypoh'.my supervisor who was working came out of the store and and i can recognise her with the red christmas hat among the different coloured hair..i was on the verge of laughing manager was the first to go out..first she was beside me talking with me.the next,when i turn my back she disappear..hahax:)i also join lah..'kaypoh' too what..hahax:)
so,as everybody was having full shift when we are going home,anne was asking me if we can go back together,but i feel so bad cause everytime cik noor and i go back late,she will send me home...
have a little chat with my sis before she go to work...we now realise that our life now revolves around work.and we must do a lot of in a missing those time i used to spend with my families and friends..hope can make time for you all when i am free ya...
am excited today cause will be able to watch cinta fitri 3...hehes:)my no.1 love....always...this is my one and only love..hahax:)my boyfie you might call it....
off now..a lot of video 'debts' must be settled.inserting pictures and videos on cds cause the com is already full and is already protesting to me by popping a small memory space...hahax!!!
much love,
dirah bumblebee..
-will post on my next off day
-gd luck to shakeela..hope you get a job soon
-congrats to natasha dear for getting a job at coffee bean,paragon, orchard.will find time to drop drinks please...hahax:)
-thanx for the b'dae you all..:)
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Whine less, breathe more;
Talk less, say more;
Hate less, love more;
And all good things are yours."
-Swedish Proverb as you guess it.i survive through the 4 days of afternoon shift and going back late till about is my off day.and i am uber uber uber my thought suddenly came to remind me of cinta fitri...teuku wisnu and shireen sungkar...i love them so much...and my heart beats fast whenever i think of them..hope they are in a good state of health...and may they always be protected by god...amin..:)
so yesterday there was a lot of work to do.and guess what.of all the things that i must stock,i must stock at the condom section cause no one was stocking it up...i was very the malu(shy)and paiseh....imagine a 17year old girl stcocking up the condoms.luckily no one was watching and there was no customer who was walking at that aisles...everybody was working full shift today except the part-time untie who was super cute with spectacles in her head..everybody was wearing christmas hat ecxcept me,maria(manager) and cik noor...imagine the headscarf and the christmas does not match right?everybody was preparing for christmas...stocking up things...
so eat lunch..ALONE.everybody have different lunch eat at banquet after the past few days eating at long john and ordering the same meals.though now i am addicted to the laksa and my new love iced milk tea..
mediacorp was shooting at imm yesterday.i aws at both places when it took place.firstly at osim when i was about to have lunch and giant manager and supervisor were both very 'kaypoh'.my supervisor who was working came out of the store and and i can recognise her with the red christmas hat among the different coloured hair..i was on the verge of laughing manager was the first to go out..first she was beside me talking with me.the next,when i turn my back she disappear..hahax:)i also join lah..'kaypoh' too what..hahax:)
so,as everybody was having full shift when we are going home,anne was asking me if we can go back together,but i feel so bad cause everytime cik noor and i go back late,she will send me home...
have a little chat with my sis before she go to work...we now realise that our life now revolves around work.and we must do a lot of in a missing those time i used to spend with my families and friends..hope can make time for you all when i am free ya...
am excited today cause will be able to watch cinta fitri 3...hehes:)my no.1 love....always...this is my one and only love..hahax:)my boyfie you might call it....
off now..a lot of video 'debts' must be settled.inserting pictures and videos on cds cause the com is already full and is already protesting to me by popping a small memory space...hahax!!!
much love,
dirah bumblebee..
-will post on my next off day
-gd luck to shakeela..hope you get a job soon
-congrats to natasha dear for getting a job at coffee bean,paragon, orchard.will find time to drop drinks please...hahax:)
-thanx for the b'dae you all..:)
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Monday, 17 November 2008
What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but, scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable-Joseph Addison
so..will not be able to blog for a certain days due to my shift...from monday to thursday. i will be working afternoon shift from tired but this is the sacrifice i must made to earn some i learn that working need a lot of patience,responsibility,work fast and so much more.
so yesterday WAS my birthday..i WORK on my BIRTHDAY and i feel like crying...when maria told me the previous day that on sunday i have to work from 1.30-10pm my heart stop beating and tears are already welling up in my heart shattered into PIECES..PIECES...that was how devastated i am.i want to take sick leave but..NAHH!!!!!just start working then want to ask for my leave...bad yesterday though deep inside i was crying,i put up a brave front and just SMILE...YA SMILE like one heck of a happy person....
i do mostly wrapping from the moment i start working until 8 plus with 3.30pm break in between..the one and only time for me to be i do the packing with an untie and a 15 plus years old promoter who help a little bit....the untie was SUPER nice and friendly..she mostly do the wrapping cause once she was rapper..i mean a expert in wrapping and so fast...i do one she already do two...then while she do the wrapping been ask by cik su,my supervisor, to do the price tag label on the wrapped the untie do the packing i do the price label....until 8 plus when cik su ask both of us to stop and ask me to supervise the store....before that doris asked me to clear the rubbish....
so go home near 11 plus...cik su was such a dear...she ask me to back with her cause we live in the same area..i live in block 28,she in block her husband pick her up with me along and send me home....little did i expect that when i reached my house and knock on the door the door was being SLAMMED on my face...hehes:)actually my mum and 3 siblings did a mini suprise party with a cute cake...awwwwwwwwwwwwww....sweet right..all my tiredness(if there is such a word)disappear instantly...and my mum was such such such such a fear to have videotaped cinta fitri season 3 for me so i can watch it when i reached them so much!!!!!!!
this is the only time that i can spare and use the will see more of me on friday...cause it is my OFF DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yipee.....
psss:my manager is maria and not doris
doris is my supervisor...
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
so..will not be able to blog for a certain days due to my shift...from monday to thursday. i will be working afternoon shift from tired but this is the sacrifice i must made to earn some i learn that working need a lot of patience,responsibility,work fast and so much more.
so yesterday WAS my birthday..i WORK on my BIRTHDAY and i feel like crying...when maria told me the previous day that on sunday i have to work from 1.30-10pm my heart stop beating and tears are already welling up in my heart shattered into PIECES..PIECES...that was how devastated i am.i want to take sick leave but..NAHH!!!!!just start working then want to ask for my leave...bad yesterday though deep inside i was crying,i put up a brave front and just SMILE...YA SMILE like one heck of a happy person....
i do mostly wrapping from the moment i start working until 8 plus with 3.30pm break in between..the one and only time for me to be i do the packing with an untie and a 15 plus years old promoter who help a little bit....the untie was SUPER nice and friendly..she mostly do the wrapping cause once she was rapper..i mean a expert in wrapping and so fast...i do one she already do two...then while she do the wrapping been ask by cik su,my supervisor, to do the price tag label on the wrapped the untie do the packing i do the price label....until 8 plus when cik su ask both of us to stop and ask me to supervise the store....before that doris asked me to clear the rubbish....
so go home near 11 plus...cik su was such a dear...she ask me to back with her cause we live in the same area..i live in block 28,she in block her husband pick her up with me along and send me home....little did i expect that when i reached my house and knock on the door the door was being SLAMMED on my face...hehes:)actually my mum and 3 siblings did a mini suprise party with a cute cake...awwwwwwwwwwwwww....sweet right..all my tiredness(if there is such a word)disappear instantly...and my mum was such such such such a fear to have videotaped cinta fitri season 3 for me so i can watch it when i reached them so much!!!!!!!
this is the only time that i can spare and use the will see more of me on friday...cause it is my OFF DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yipee.....
psss:my manager is maria and not doris
doris is my supervisor...
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Friday, 14 November 2008
You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.
Ok!!!!i'm back after a few weeks of disappearing...been busy with exams and searching for jobs...have just finished my paper last tuesday on 12/11/2008.i just collected my o level certificate.have not collected it since february...a few of my clasmates still have not collect it.i thought i was the last one.i also collected by graduation book..luckily the malay untie in my school was not there.or else i will be nag....i got d7 for cca and i was shocked by my teacher are so sweet..i miss my secondary school days....
so on tuesday i go to watson headquarters and go for job a few sweet girls there who was there for the interview too...after my interview it was my sis turn so i talk to them and they were fun to talk today i meet them again...i report at the watson hq at 8.45am with some talk talk..sign here sign there...i was so nervous!!!!we board the same train and go out at different stations...but before that we exchange is at suntec,one is at tiong baharu or tanjong pagar...and the other one at clementi..mine at IMM watsons..the staff there were super friendly...and i was the youngest...i was like the baby manager name was a lot of thing to do..but not that tired....can managelah..tom i will start work at 8.30am and end at 4.30pm.will update more on now..want to watch cinta fitri season 3 at number ONE LOVE AND MY TOP PRIORITY!!!!!!!!!!
go to this website if you are a crazy fan of cinta me..hehehes:):)
or my
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
Ok!!!!i'm back after a few weeks of disappearing...been busy with exams and searching for jobs...have just finished my paper last tuesday on 12/11/2008.i just collected my o level certificate.have not collected it since february...a few of my clasmates still have not collect it.i thought i was the last one.i also collected by graduation book..luckily the malay untie in my school was not there.or else i will be nag....i got d7 for cca and i was shocked by my teacher are so sweet..i miss my secondary school days....
so on tuesday i go to watson headquarters and go for job a few sweet girls there who was there for the interview too...after my interview it was my sis turn so i talk to them and they were fun to talk today i meet them again...i report at the watson hq at 8.45am with some talk talk..sign here sign there...i was so nervous!!!!we board the same train and go out at different stations...but before that we exchange is at suntec,one is at tiong baharu or tanjong pagar...and the other one at clementi..mine at IMM watsons..the staff there were super friendly...and i was the youngest...i was like the baby manager name was a lot of thing to do..but not that tired....can managelah..tom i will start work at 8.30am and end at 4.30pm.will update more on now..want to watch cinta fitri season 3 at number ONE LOVE AND MY TOP PRIORITY!!!!!!!!!!
go to this website if you are a crazy fan of cinta me..hehehes:):)
or my
♥her mr
♥you are my secret lover
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This thought has be occupying my mind for a while now.Does it have ever come across ones mind that one day they will be someone influential....
Just a random thought ♥ Have you ever feel that your thoughts on a certain issues is usele...
~~Tears are words the heart can't express~~ Oh my...i'm scared of moving on and realising that you are not here to be with me....It ...