i'm going crazy over my internet connection!!!!!!!!so damn slow lah sei...the only problem lies on lunapic online editor..it can't seem to finish loading...evey website is PERFECTLY FINE except that stupid stupid site...but it is all because of the connection!!!!!!!!!
while waiting for the website to load...i'm taking pics using my webcam like crazy...nothing better to do mah..just recover from sore throat or radang tenggorokan in bahasa indonesia..i'm getting addicted over id dramas and i am writing like one...one of my fb friends rate my speaking of bahasa indonesia and he said it is quite good and better than good considering tha fact that i am a true singaporean blood!!so happy:)and my mum is going crazy over my indonesian addiction...and now she is trying to speak though rarely like one, cause her ancestors from her mother side is from java i think...so it is in the blood man..hahaha!!!
aniwaes,am getting addicted to facebook..it is way way better than friendster..no offends lah...but it have exciting features like eg knowing who's online and who's not...we can also chat together without using msn and only using facebook chat system...it means getting to know our friends better...
finishing my grandma story,tom will be accompanying my mum to woodlands polyclinic for dental appoinment at 3.30pm...haiisshh....
lastly,gd nite,slip tite,swit drims and don't let the bed bugs bite...:)love you all!!!muah muah..hehes:)
Monday, 30 March 2009
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Oh my oh my!!!!i so so so so so so so so LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE vanessa...she's so cute,pretty,beautiful,fashionista...i so love every clothes that she wear...from simple outing outfit to vavaVOOM....she is SO my celeb inspired style....from hair...oh my such beautiful wavy,curl tressses to her makeup to her clothes her shoes...can't say enough...
Okayy...i'm bored dead as in BORED dead.supposed to go out today but it is cancel due to my mum problem...haaaiiissshh!!!!i am so BORED that i have been doing quizzes on facebook non-stop..it is like my routine..everytime i am bored,i will log in to facebook,stare into it and later check other people profile and comment on their pics or wall and so forth and see what quizzes they had take,and i will take the quiz too..it is like SO lame..i know it but i can't just seen to stop...i THINK it will eventually stop when i start school but when i think about weekends...NAH!!!its a habit that i will NEVER be able to stop...
Thinking of burger king AGAIN!!!tom is the last day for coupon and i have not EVEN use ANY of them..should be today...i would have been having a scrumptuos meal at BK with my mum eating OH THAT HEAVEN TASTE mushroom burger...but..here i am stuck in my room typing on my laptop keyboard with nothing better to do that whine and whine and whine..that is my talent..WHINING...i can whine all day if i want to.and further more it is raining....
Yesterday,i hurt my feet...i am SO SO CLUMSY!!!!!!!!i once again broke my mum's plate which she called the expensive plate...later i without knowing step on one of the glassses..i have a sharp pain at first in my feet and continue walking...later i saw a glass stuck INSIDE my feet....i quickly hop and hop inside the toilet and take out the glass....IT WAS SOO PAINFUL!!!!!I was like owwwww oowww owww!!!and later blood start to drip...i cannot see blood....i was SHOUTING LIKE A MAD WOMAN and crying...my other siblings is tougher than me..even the younger one..even though i scratch a bit on my leg or hurt myself i will cry like one hell of a person...but my other siblings...if they hurt themselves they just relax...and seldom cry...
Enough of that,i am planning what items to buy if i did go to ORCHARD...haaishh..enough for now..my arm is hurting...
Thinking of burger king AGAIN!!!tom is the last day for coupon and i have not EVEN use ANY of them..should be today...i would have been having a scrumptuos meal at BK with my mum eating OH THAT HEAVEN TASTE mushroom burger...but..here i am stuck in my room typing on my laptop keyboard with nothing better to do that whine and whine and whine..that is my talent..WHINING...i can whine all day if i want to.and further more it is raining....
Yesterday,i hurt my feet...i am SO SO CLUMSY!!!!!!!!i once again broke my mum's plate which she called the expensive plate...later i without knowing step on one of the glassses..i have a sharp pain at first in my feet and continue walking...later i saw a glass stuck INSIDE my feet....i quickly hop and hop inside the toilet and take out the glass....IT WAS SOO PAINFUL!!!!!I was like owwwww oowww owww!!!and later blood start to drip...i cannot see blood....i was SHOUTING LIKE A MAD WOMAN and crying...my other siblings is tougher than me..even the younger one..even though i scratch a bit on my leg or hurt myself i will cry like one hell of a person...but my other siblings...if they hurt themselves they just relax...and seldom cry...
Enough of that,i am planning what items to buy if i did go to ORCHARD...haaishh..enough for now..my arm is hurting...
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Okay!!!i am am sucker for bags,clothes and make up...just find this website which sell juicy couture bag and it is SUPER CUTE!!as usual,i am left to dream about having it here in my shoulders...aarrgghhh!!!!!!!!!haizz...when will i be able to get my hands on that UURRRGGHH!!!!juicy couture bag....need to ask my aunt about the postage fee and so on...but i'm worried that she might tell my mum about it...enough of the teasing from my mum and sis...there's not much money left on my bank acc due to negligince....but there's one thing that have kept me from spending and i am restricting myself a lot this days...and it all pins down to tickets of cinta fitri.. IF sensasi team will be inviting them here again in singapore...i'm having 2nd thoughts and it is making me worry my ass out!!!!but,I,as a FULL-PLEDGED FAN AND PROUD OF IT cinta fitri fan i am back to square 1....IF only last time i have managed to take photos with them meet them,THIS will not be a problem but it will be a WHOLE different situation......i hate this when it happens...i,and other fans of CF have been asking the p-i-c about inviting them again here,but all he got to say is MAYBE!!if the demand for them is still high..but from what i have seen from the poll...CF is still going strong baybeh!!!and he says too that MAYBE!!!(AGAIN)he will invite them during the hari raya event like last year,which is SO a bad experience..what with me jumping around,squezing around thousands of people,who, like me wants to get a clear view...because they too want to see other singers like imran ajmain and didicazli and so on which is wayyyyy behind my interest.....
enough of that,my sis just went for a interview to go to new york courtesy of her school....IF she get selected,she will be able to go to white house..WHITE HOUSE!!!!!i SO wants to see BARACK OBAMA....they hip and cool president...hehhes:)besides that,she will also be visiting the schools there and many more places...HOPE she get selected...then she will be able to buy me goodies there..wakakakakakaka!!!!!i have a long list awaiting her...after subsidise and so forth,the student need to pay $1500 bucks!!!sheeshhh...where will she get that money...all my family members are busy talking about it...hothping that she will be able to go..her trip will be 1 week long...so gonna miss her...she is like my partner in crime in bullying my little sis and bro....wakakakaka!!!!!!!!!!!
thats all for today...tom i will have a date with my cuz aisyah!!!hehes:)tom 1.15pm at cwp boots and shoes..
above is the jc bag...SO gonna put it on my wishlist...btw..though it is a little too late..want to wish a person from the sensasi team congrats on having a baby boy...name reizuan rais...hope both the baby and mother is healthy!!!:)
enough of that,my sis just went for a interview to go to new york courtesy of her school....IF she get selected,she will be able to go to white house..WHITE HOUSE!!!!!i SO wants to see BARACK OBAMA....they hip and cool president...hehhes:)besides that,she will also be visiting the schools there and many more places...HOPE she get selected...then she will be able to buy me goodies there..wakakakakakaka!!!!!i have a long list awaiting her...after subsidise and so forth,the student need to pay $1500 bucks!!!sheeshhh...where will she get that money...all my family members are busy talking about it...hothping that she will be able to go..her trip will be 1 week long...so gonna miss her...she is like my partner in crime in bullying my little sis and bro....wakakakaka!!!!!!!!!!!
thats all for today...tom i will have a date with my cuz aisyah!!!hehes:)tom 1.15pm at cwp boots and shoes..
above is the jc bag...SO gonna put it on my wishlist...btw..though it is a little too late..want to wish a person from the sensasi team congrats on having a baby boy...name reizuan rais...hope both the baby and mother is healthy!!!:)
Tuesday, 17 March 2009

am so addicted to tweenies..so cute..i self proclaim myself to be fizz...hehes:)she is just like me...i like pink..she like pink...thats the only similarities that i can think of right now...wakakakakaka;)and she is on my desktop background...
either tom or thursday will be going out with my cuz,aisyah...can't wait to see her...anyway,i want so want to go shopping!!my laziness has cause me to be lazy to go out to far east plaza orchard..thinking of buying more dresses...i am a SUCKER for dresses...necklaces,bags,shoes....i want every colour of that necklace...arrrggghhh!!!!
oh my..the LAPTOP screen is like SUPER bright..might need to adjust it later....it is spoiling my eyes...the laptop have been on for hours and i am already putting notebook coolpad under it..hope it does'nt overheat....
anyway,i'm so in love with my hello kitty mouse and speakers that i bought at rp...
pic above....
my sis is still not back from her outing with her friends nat and etc...why???is there a sale over at orchard that you don't want to tell me about...still,i'm so mad at my sis for borrowing my favourite head scarf..so bloody mad lah sey....i msg her and all she say is hehe...what is that supposed to mean?wait till you reach home and you will get it from me you head scarf stealer....anyway.tom you must return to school rite?why are still not home...hmmpphhh....
so,yesterday went to have dinner at yishun st 22 blk 292 01-301...called syed restaurant..the food there is superb!!!!my dad oder rojak..mann!!!was the gravy super super DELICIOUS....can go over there again?so hard lah to find delicious rojak gravy nowadays...i ate,cheese mushroom prata,my dad and siblings oder plain prata,my mum as usual her tom yam noodle...and i order mee grg for take away..my sis who do not follow us order tom yam too...
the school holiday is so great...well,i was not ONE of the holiday student....still waiting for school to start on the 20th of april...the great thing is i don't need to fetch my sis to and from school...haaixxx!!!what a tire....during that period ,my face is so pale without any makeup on...zits are showing..my time of the mth is going to start but still have not comeyet and this explain my short-temper and my EXTREME case of laziness....beforei forgot,my dad return on sunday from his trip to mersing,johor safely....alhamdulliah is all i got to say...he enjoys himself over there...goood then...:)
man!!!the slumdog millionaire soundtrack is SUPERB!!!!!no wonder they won 8 Oscars...A.Rahman..you are superb!!!it is so a fusion song..mix of indian and modern melody...so nicelah!!!!
so today is a VERY tiring day for me..it sucks sey...feel like doing nothing but lay in bed and sleep...
okay...while everybody practically worry abouts being fat...i was worrying about being thin...i desperately want to GAIN weight...they are bloody stupid to be STICK thin..they look SUPER ugly with their bone sticking out...i heard there is this curvacious girl which say that stick thin girls are like girls who are giving themseleves up to dog,cause dog likes bones..i rethink about what she says and it is true..haiizzz...i am practicaly stuffing food into my mouth so i can have curvacious body....some clothes that i try are like SUPER baggy cause i don't have fat...i wish i have more fats and i can fit into more clothes...its lke the complete opposite...people should start thinking about how being toothin can affect their health...i am like so depressed about my weight which is so little...i wish my weight ws about 50 plus..cause i consider those whose weight are between 50 and 60 plus are beautiful...don't women need to be curvacious ratherr than the ugly stick thin...urrghh!!the mentionning of bones sticking out of my body makes me have nightmare...they are in fact scarier than ghost!!!!hope this does not offend anybody...i am just stating the FACT here....
just now when to john little with my mum and siblings...seeing the cute baby stuff makes my heart melts...awww...so cute...dressing them up in SUPER cute clothes,shoes,etc....feel like buying them all for my baby cousin....
gtg for now...am so bored and tired..and i miss eating pasta though i just eat them a few days ago....i wish i can have the whole pasta packet to myself and gain 15kg!!!i will be SO over cloud nine...arrrg..wish my weight is 55kg....haaiiixxx....
okay...while everybody practically worry abouts being fat...i was worrying about being thin...i desperately want to GAIN weight...they are bloody stupid to be STICK thin..they look SUPER ugly with their bone sticking out...i heard there is this curvacious girl which say that stick thin girls are like girls who are giving themseleves up to dog,cause dog likes bones..i rethink about what she says and it is true..haiizzz...i am practicaly stuffing food into my mouth so i can have curvacious body....some clothes that i try are like SUPER baggy cause i don't have fat...i wish i have more fats and i can fit into more clothes...its lke the complete opposite...people should start thinking about how being toothin can affect their health...i am like so depressed about my weight which is so little...i wish my weight ws about 50 plus..cause i consider those whose weight are between 50 and 60 plus are beautiful...don't women need to be curvacious ratherr than the ugly stick thin...urrghh!!the mentionning of bones sticking out of my body makes me have nightmare...they are in fact scarier than ghost!!!!hope this does not offend anybody...i am just stating the FACT here....
just now when to john little with my mum and siblings...seeing the cute baby stuff makes my heart melts...awww...so cute...dressing them up in SUPER cute clothes,shoes,etc....feel like buying them all for my baby cousin....
gtg for now...am so bored and tired..and i miss eating pasta though i just eat them a few days ago....i wish i can have the whole pasta packet to myself and gain 15kg!!!i will be SO over cloud nine...arrrg..wish my weight is 55kg....haaiiixxx....
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Oh my!!!I just found this cute website which have all the things that i want in an accesories shop...well...maybe...the products shown in that website is SUPER SUPER cute....it have an element of pink products everywhere....i know of someone that love pink...well,i've known her through facebook and coincidentally she is in the same school as me and same age....the webby is here:http://www.fancypocket.sg/
they also got a shop in The Central at clarke quay...level 3...the extrior and interior of the shop is so cute...
skipping that,today i was spring cleaning my bedroom....boy!!!there were dust bunnies everywhere...and i found my small siblings toys,cds,colour pencils everywhere..under the bed,near the tv...and god knows where...i also found my long lost brown polka dots pencil case under the bed....i am a messy girl...i admit to that...but i can be super cleanahoolics too..it all depends on my mood.my mood determine everything...so let me continue,i vacuum my room all day long and i was so wear out,my body was super sticky and there were dust everywhere...on my clothes,my hands and knees(cause i was crawling to get to the hard to reach places such as under the bed)i wanted to bath so badly...i can already imagining myself sitting on my chair and typing away on blogger....finally,i finished cleaning at around 8+...and my vision came true....i was on my bed watching tv and playing with the laptop...as the signal on my other half of the room is bad,i move near the windOW and ta-daa!!!i got connected....
warning!!!don't sit or stay in the same room as nadhirah when she is watching cinta fitri...(based on my mum and sis feedback)u will have to censor your ear a lot...hahax!!!thought of posting it here..i am so dangerous if i am watching cinta fitri..i will get mad easily and will start cursing at the character though it is SO not my nature to curse...but this was exceptional...it is because i am so angry at the character which is so damn stupid i tell you...the devil is there but they are just so blind and deaf to recognise it!!arrffggghhh!!wtf lah they...one time they are nice,one time they are evil...why cant they just be good...so confusing..but i still want to watch!!!!arrrgghhh!!!!amacam dah!!
before,i was spring cleaning,i was watching ghost stories at sensasi...it was so super scary but i get addicted to the humming of the you know what that it sings everytime..remembering it now makes me shudder...while watching,the gas man came cause we are out of gas and before getting to the door my siblings and i was screaming..it is because i was putting my bowl of asam pedas in front of the tv and suddenly i saw this pair of eyes.luckly the bowl was already on the table...or else...godknows what will happen...the gas man was so cute...he was terrified when he heard our screaming and thought it was because of him andi told him the whole story and he laughs...so friendlylah he....
tom,the singtel/singnet people are coming over because of mio tv and internet connection...can't wait!!!!as i am typing away,my sis is playing the com outside and watching korean drama title:sassy girl chunkyang...so good and funny -lah that drama...i like...but it cannot beat my love for goong/princess hours and my girl..i can watch it over and over again non-stop...skipping the boring part...hehehehes:)
btw,my brother is complaining that his ears hurt...awww....i feel so bad for him... :( hope he will get better soon...since i got my own laptop,my blog will no longer be R.I.P...otherwise i will be lazy to update...i only like to blog at nite cause it have this ambience...furthermore,i get my inspiration mostly at night and on rainy days....weird huh?but that is the way i am...hmmm.....
haiz...today i have lie somebody...and i feel bad about it....it is so my bad habit...but i consider it white lie cause i don't want to disappoint her...
dadas for now...i'm off to song writing.i have just complete writing one song title: missing key...but i have not compose the melody yet...and i know of somebody who LOVES playing instrument..maybe i can ask for her help...ermmm...anybody knows is there any anugerah audition?cause somebody who is close to me wants to join...till then,gd nite..swit drims,slip tite and DON'T let the bed bugs bite...sounds fimiliar?guess....
they also got a shop in The Central at clarke quay...level 3...the extrior and interior of the shop is so cute...
skipping that,today i was spring cleaning my bedroom....boy!!!there were dust bunnies everywhere...and i found my small siblings toys,cds,colour pencils everywhere..under the bed,near the tv...and god knows where...i also found my long lost brown polka dots pencil case under the bed....i am a messy girl...i admit to that...but i can be super cleanahoolics too..it all depends on my mood.my mood determine everything...so let me continue,i vacuum my room all day long and i was so wear out,my body was super sticky and there were dust everywhere...on my clothes,my hands and knees(cause i was crawling to get to the hard to reach places such as under the bed)i wanted to bath so badly...i can already imagining myself sitting on my chair and typing away on blogger....finally,i finished cleaning at around 8+...and my vision came true....i was on my bed watching tv and playing with the laptop...as the signal on my other half of the room is bad,i move near the windOW and ta-daa!!!i got connected....
warning!!!don't sit or stay in the same room as nadhirah when she is watching cinta fitri...(based on my mum and sis feedback)u will have to censor your ear a lot...hahax!!!thought of posting it here..i am so dangerous if i am watching cinta fitri..i will get mad easily and will start cursing at the character though it is SO not my nature to curse...but this was exceptional...it is because i am so angry at the character which is so damn stupid i tell you...the devil is there but they are just so blind and deaf to recognise it!!arrffggghhh!!wtf lah they...one time they are nice,one time they are evil...why cant they just be good...so confusing..but i still want to watch!!!!arrrgghhh!!!!amacam dah!!
before,i was spring cleaning,i was watching ghost stories at sensasi...it was so super scary but i get addicted to the humming of the you know what that it sings everytime..remembering it now makes me shudder...while watching,the gas man came cause we are out of gas and before getting to the door my siblings and i was screaming..it is because i was putting my bowl of asam pedas in front of the tv and suddenly i saw this pair of eyes.luckly the bowl was already on the table...or else...godknows what will happen...the gas man was so cute...he was terrified when he heard our screaming and thought it was because of him andi told him the whole story and he laughs...so friendlylah he....
tom,the singtel/singnet people are coming over because of mio tv and internet connection...can't wait!!!!as i am typing away,my sis is playing the com outside and watching korean drama title:sassy girl chunkyang...so good and funny -lah that drama...i like...but it cannot beat my love for goong/princess hours and my girl..i can watch it over and over again non-stop...skipping the boring part...hehehehes:)
btw,my brother is complaining that his ears hurt...awww....i feel so bad for him... :( hope he will get better soon...since i got my own laptop,my blog will no longer be R.I.P...otherwise i will be lazy to update...i only like to blog at nite cause it have this ambience...furthermore,i get my inspiration mostly at night and on rainy days....weird huh?but that is the way i am...hmmm.....
haiz...today i have lie somebody...and i feel bad about it....it is so my bad habit...but i consider it white lie cause i don't want to disappoint her...
dadas for now...i'm off to song writing.i have just complete writing one song title: missing key...but i have not compose the melody yet...and i know of somebody who LOVES playing instrument..maybe i can ask for her help...ermmm...anybody knows is there any anugerah audition?cause somebody who is close to me wants to join...till then,gd nite..swit drims,slip tite and DON'T let the bed bugs bite...sounds fimiliar?guess....
Saturday, 14 March 2009
hey hey hey!!!!it is 1.47 am and i am typing away on the keyboard tuning to 95 fm while on it...so today i finally get to collect MY laptop...can you believe it?i am uber uber happy!!!!bought hello kitty mouse and speakers....and laptop skin....keyboard protector and so forth...
tom,my mom will be cooking pasta with mushroom and herbs and the traditional tomato sauce and pizza with pepporoni and chicken ham with mushroom toppings...yummm!kept thinking of my new favourite food,pasta with clams and mussles with tomato and herb sauce and also CHICKEN HAM AND MUSHROOM...a must try for first timers to pastamania..the food there is affordable too...i'm so hooked on it....
tom,my sis will be going on interview for the trip to new york that her school are consucting on behalf of the economics studies..she is one of the shortlisted candidates...wishes her the best of luck....
so,tom too,my dad will be going on holiday at mersing,johor, alone...without us all...SO not a typical family outing...going alone...my dad had asked my mum to follow along,but my mum don't agree to it, so he is there to survey the place first...he is following a group tour conducted by the mosque at potong pasir...as much as i am not closed to him..i will be missing him lots and will be praying for his save arrival there and return home in one piece...AMIN....
and i am currently hooked on songwriting and facebook...my mum too,is addicted to facebook...so cute lah she....am sonervous for the first day of school on the 20th april and orientation on 15-17 april...so,i'm schooling at rp now..am officially an rp student after receiving the student id....thinking about presenting everyday in front of class just made me sick already...arrrgghh!!!btw...my mum's friend and aishah mum's are working there at the foodcourt...coolll or what!
today's episode of cinta fitri is so damn good!!!!with all the slapping..man!i ws cursing at the mum of the main character all the way...shouting BODOH AH KAU!!TAKDR OTAK!!BODOH!!and so much more....
can't wait for the confession of a shopaholic the movie to be out on the 26 of march...i read the story from start to finish and it was uber interesting...btw on mon the singtel crew will be here installing the wireless network to the family com and installing mio tv at the same time replacing the old internet connection...it came with a package which includes free incoming phone calls all day 24/7 365 days a year....hehes:)
so the big news is all save for the last...i am in love....(bitting my finger)i think...i kept remembering my mum's fiend son,the same age as me....and only aihah knows bout it...i can't keep stopping saying about hm...aarrrgghh!!!one question is,why did he just have to turn his head at the same time as i did..not once...but many time...THAT!!!is what have cause sparks flying and i can't stop thinking bout it...awww..he is so tall and cute!!!okay...take a deep breathh...release the air...i'm thinking of sleeping over at my cuz house cause my mum kept complainig at my lazziness to go out...
enough of that..i'm off..enough off my grandma story..hehehehs;)smiles...gd nite..swit drims....slip titemuch love<3<3<3
tom,my mom will be cooking pasta with mushroom and herbs and the traditional tomato sauce and pizza with pepporoni and chicken ham with mushroom toppings...yummm!kept thinking of my new favourite food,pasta with clams and mussles with tomato and herb sauce and also CHICKEN HAM AND MUSHROOM...a must try for first timers to pastamania..the food there is affordable too...i'm so hooked on it....
tom,my sis will be going on interview for the trip to new york that her school are consucting on behalf of the economics studies..she is one of the shortlisted candidates...wishes her the best of luck....
so,tom too,my dad will be going on holiday at mersing,johor, alone...without us all...SO not a typical family outing...going alone...my dad had asked my mum to follow along,but my mum don't agree to it, so he is there to survey the place first...he is following a group tour conducted by the mosque at potong pasir...as much as i am not closed to him..i will be missing him lots and will be praying for his save arrival there and return home in one piece...AMIN....
and i am currently hooked on songwriting and facebook...my mum too,is addicted to facebook...so cute lah she....am sonervous for the first day of school on the 20th april and orientation on 15-17 april...so,i'm schooling at rp now..am officially an rp student after receiving the student id....thinking about presenting everyday in front of class just made me sick already...arrrgghh!!!btw...my mum's friend and aishah mum's are working there at the foodcourt...coolll or what!
today's episode of cinta fitri is so damn good!!!!with all the slapping..man!i ws cursing at the mum of the main character all the way...shouting BODOH AH KAU!!TAKDR OTAK!!BODOH!!and so much more....
can't wait for the confession of a shopaholic the movie to be out on the 26 of march...i read the story from start to finish and it was uber interesting...btw on mon the singtel crew will be here installing the wireless network to the family com and installing mio tv at the same time replacing the old internet connection...it came with a package which includes free incoming phone calls all day 24/7 365 days a year....hehes:)
so the big news is all save for the last...i am in love....(bitting my finger)i think...i kept remembering my mum's fiend son,the same age as me....and only aihah knows bout it...i can't keep stopping saying about hm...aarrrgghh!!!one question is,why did he just have to turn his head at the same time as i did..not once...but many time...THAT!!!is what have cause sparks flying and i can't stop thinking bout it...awww..he is so tall and cute!!!okay...take a deep breathh...release the air...i'm thinking of sleeping over at my cuz house cause my mum kept complainig at my lazziness to go out...
enough of that..i'm off..enough off my grandma story..hehehehs;)smiles...gd nite..swit drims....slip titemuch love<3<3<3
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