Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow. ~Swedish Proverb
Oh how i miss those kindergarden and primary school moments.Life are so stress free,and we need not need to worry about things like education.Those time when our parents will help us with our school work and also will help us in studying for our exams.
But people grow.Everything changes.And we must accept it regardless how much we hate it.
Its not like i hate growing up.When i was little,i envy those who were adult,now,i envy those kids in those kindergarden uniform.. example my siblings who are now in primary 1 and 3 respectively.
Things are like going downhill for me now.School sucks big time.I try to love every subject that i took.But..the feeling is just not there..No matter how much i try to persuade myself to like it...No chemistry you know...
And i hate myself whining about it almost everyday of my polytechnic life.Like little kid only.And i am turning 20 this 16 of November..-.-
Nonetheless,trying my very best.Like my mum says.Its okay if we fail,as long as we know we had try and fight for it.
But still,hoping for success,even if the chance of it is small.
Last Saturday,after a zillion years of wanting to bake nutella brownies,at last i manage to do it.
My baking/cooking mood have come..And i hope it last..
The brownies turn out okay.Like my "Chef Ramsey" says i need to cut down on my chocolate chips.
And this is the end result.
I heart this guy. | | | |
My everything.(: