Some Day You'll Cry For Me Like I Cried For You,Some Day You'll Miss Me Like I Missed You,Some Day You'll Need Me Like I Needed You,Some Day You'll Love Me But I Won't Love You
It have been a tiring day for me...The time of the month have come....That is why i am suffering from terrible backaches,stomach cramps,sleepiness,headaches and over tiredness if there is such a word.......Plus...the unpredictable mood swings which sets me crying for no apparent reason....This are the reasons...
Just ate panadol 1 hour ago...and surprisingly it don't work out like it is supposed still suffering from cold water for me this few days then....haaiiissshh....
I missed my classmates...especially zura and aishah...they are much missed....
So skipping to a new topic...i won a lucky draw at hamid&son...hehes...won 2nd prize and was asked to dance in front of large crowd which set me shivering...haha:p it is all KC's and this other DJ idea...won a samsung washing machine...will be selling it as our home washing machine is still new.....
And yesterday was quite a weird day i must say...i did the think that i was able to confess that...hehes...but still,my heart is not totally cure from the recent heartbreak.....though a few weeks have already past.....and i think i am being unfair to that i is weird....
*have problems uploading no photo for today.....*
kay.i'm done.i'm spouting nonsense....:)
It takes a minute to like someone, and hour to love someone, but to forget someone takes a life time.
Monday, 29 June 2009
Sunday, 28 June 2009

Have been reading my previous post which have make me down.....I don't know why...but my heart still aches like so badly....And i hate it...It is like,here i am feeling down and i don't know what he is doing over there and how he is and all...oh my..i'm spouting nonsense again....
Now i know why there are a few brainless girl who killed themselves over love...haaiisshh......So now all i can think of is to concentrate on studies...Cause i hate getting this little fragile heart of mine broken again.....Buuuuuuut....i don't know....Hmmm.....something new might be happening...
Do you feel like someone have been reading your thoughts lately?Cause i do...And it is freaking me out...Both my mum and sis knows me too damn well to know what i am thinking about or EVEN feeling about...Goosshh!!!!No matter how much i want to hide it from them..they will just seem to its of no use....And that's the reason why i love them so so much.....
Skipping to a new topic...I am super sleepy.....Woke up due to my brother's shouting and crying which is so so IRRITATING!!!!Turn out he was being scolded by my mum cause he is saying nonsense word...Serve him right...:p
Will be going out today when i am supposed to stay at home...SShhhSSHhh...haha:p need to follow my mum cause there will be a lucky draw at this place with KC the ria deejay who is always aired on midnight telling ghost stories which i hate because of the sound effect.....
Kay.I'm done.
~~This heart is confused over something..and i don't know to LOVE you...~~
Saturday, 27 June 2009

~~and my heart beats unknowingly once again.....and i am left confused..~~
Am super super tired plus sleepy...haaissh....this whether is killing is making me super lazy to move out from my bed...Thus,now i end up blogging as usual....
Have just made up my messy is still half finish though...cause there are many little things on it which are just not mine...
I think i need to do some exercise lah....Getting lazier and lazier by the second...And my ears are super itchy....So random.....
A msg from someone a few minutes ago makes me laugh...and it makes me not sleepy for a few seconds...ggooosshh...i think i am talking nonsense...
I miss my cousins...especially a lot to update to her...she miss a lot of juicy news.....
So,before i spout anymore nonsense,i think i better sign out first...goodbye my loved ones....:)
kay.i'm done...till then...adios amigos!!!sarang haeyo:)
Friday, 26 June 2009

~~You are always there to make me smile, but why do i find it so hard to accept you...only time will tell~~
The trip to JB was super tiring..i am having leg cramps all the way...And my lower stomach is suffering from tightness due to the time of the month coming soon i think..Went there with my kak long,cik tom,my mum and my dad's sister...i was the youngest...Our first stop was JAKEL followed by KAMDAR...
But throughout my entire day there, i was super sleepy and i kept slapping my cheeks..haha:p Plus,i have this thought bugging me..I don't know how i should react...was it just me or was it the wind?haha:p hmmm.....
Have a GGGRRRRRREAT webcaming session with someone yesterday night till about 2+ am...super fun...he plays the guitar and i was supposed to sing...lucky there was no thunderstorm...haha:p overall it was a great day.... like i said, he make me forget about all the problems that i am suffering did i mention that his voice was so adorable and his smile was super mum can tell that i was blushing and melting...hehes.....But today our webcaming session/date will be postpone to tomorrow due to some problem....
Skipping that,michael jackson the POP legend have just past away at the young age of dad is 1 year younger than him...please don't scare me...i love my dad very much no matter how much he scolded me in the past...heh :p
And currently i am reading a malay novel entitled:CINTA KITA by nourin far the story was good enough...the words are very flowery if you know what i mean..besides me,my sis have just finished reading the book entitled:KETIKA CINTA BERTASBIH,author of AYAT-AYAT CINTA...she kept pestering my mum to buy it for her, like a child asking her mother to buy for her candy..that was how bad it is....and my mum get super fed-up...she still act like a primary school kid whose body is trapped in a 16 turning 17 year old teenage girl..super irritating i tell you...with her,stamping her feet..haiyoo....
Kay.I'm done.And i still haven't found the perfect skin to replace the current one...
~~Because of you,it just seems easier for me to move on and continue with life~~
Wednesday, 24 June 2009

~~Would you have accept it,if i just say we are meant to be friends~~
Today was another normal day for me.Nothing interesting to share whatsoever except for a few.
School will be closed for one week starting today till 1 of July which is on wednesday.The day when i had programming..Am so happy...Will not have to suffer through all those codes....But though school is closed we still need to study online...Which is very interesting...Am just planning to go to JB with my we'll see about that...
Bought a new gorgeous dress which just cost 15 bucks...And my mum and sis was like oooooo...aaahhhh...tomorrow will be their turn to buy the dress...haha:p I tell you,i am supposed to buy eyeliner but after several rounds around the store i end up putting back the eyeliner and buy the dress instead which is such an investment...Feel like buying all of them..They are all so pretty and i can hear their little voice asking me to buy them....haaaiiissshh...hate it when things like this happen...
So,it's confirm that on saturday me and my classmates will be going for the jabs...hmm....i sort of can't wait and get it over and done with....
One more thing...I'm so unhappy about something...I mean that person have borrowed 2 books using my school account and that person have not returned it yet which i thought he had returned...hmm...and my mum scolded me for trusting people to use my card to borrow books...I mean...she should have understand...All i got to say...a lesson is learnt...Serve me right...
And by the way...watched boys over flowers and fated to love at was blushing while watching BOF...The blonde hair guy is super HOT!!!and i must remind somebody to watch IT this saturday....
and i am thinking of changing into a new blogskin...
~~If you love somebody let them go,if they return to you,they are meant to be yours,if they don't we are just not meant to be~~
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
How will you meet the love of your life?
You Will Meet Your Love When You Least Expect It
You Will Meet Your Love When You Least Expect It
You are perfectly single alone but can't help feel the gentle tug of time reminding you that you have yet to meet that special someone. You go about your day as usual and when you least expect it that magic person will just appear and make your life so much more enjoyable.
-Just like how he use to appear in my life...
When will you find love?
and i love this songs:
~~i love her songs,go and check the lyrics...meaningful~~
Stevie Hoang
-is this how you end things?
Love hurts..but why do we keep on loving?

~~Would you sacrifice your love for the sake of your pride and vice versa?~~
Seriously..bazaar are making me spent more money than ever...Cause i kept stopping by at the hotdog shop...And buying 2-3 hotdogs...just for me..ALONE...cause i have this problem of not sharing my favourite food with other people...haha:p and my mum are getting fed-up....Bazaar are my mortal enemy cause it make me spend money...It is like "and i hate how much i love you" haha:p it suits totally...
Will be going for TB injection either on thursday or saturday...will be praying that i am tested negative...along with my friends....
Nowadays i am craving on going to the beach with my friends and watching the sunsets...though it hurts...if you know what i mean...I like to watch sunset because of him and i will cry everytime i see a sun sets...But i got to move on right?Who agree raise up your hand...cause i need your support right now...hehes....
I just realised that i have not been doing evaluation on myself...damn!!!i'm scared that it will affect my daily grades...Seriously..I am suffering from stm nowadays...
Mum will be going to jb this friday with my aunties to buy kain for hari confused on what design i should have this year..cause i am tired of baju kurung and kebaye...hmmm....And i want to follow my aunt to go to sentosa this thursday!!!!!!hmmmphh...i want to skip school can?haha:p
And my small siblings are irritating me these days...Haiyyyooo....
Kay.I'm done...Love songs/story with yazzz.....:)
Love hurts...but why do we keep on loving?
~~This love is killing me~~
Monday, 22 June 2009
......It hurts when i think it doesn't hurts....

♥my bear2:)♥
~~It's know the end of something great is coming, but you want to hold on, just for one more second...just so it can hurt a little more~~
Haiyoo...i don't know why but i feel like i am a being a witch..a bad bad witch..And the thought is haunting me every hour of a day and every minute of a second....haha:p That's why i want to run away to a better place and never return back....
Life is so stressful nowadays and i feel like 24 hours a day and 7 days a week ain't enough for me...It is super hectic..No wonder singapore youth is the most busiet in southeast asia...We are trying to fit everything in just one day so we can accomplish many things...I want to live in kampong can?and be a kampong girl...will be stress free the entire my cousins in jb and malacca...envy them much....
Anyway bump into mimi...i called her kak mimi though we are of the same age...MIMI!!!I EFFING MISS YOU LOTS!!!!*grins widely* and thanks for informing me about THAT me..i'm getting a headache because of it....and you look sweeter and prettier by the day.....*HUGS*
Our school have 2 confirmed cases of H1N1 and i am freak out...Feel like crying and laughing and i donnoe why...i am so weird...everytime when i am stress,i will laugh AND weird...hmmm.....And singapore already had 146 confirmed cases of the spread like wildfire due to some STUPID & IRRESPONSIBLE GUNDUS who still went around though they just returned from the affected countries and become sick but still go around shopping...It is as if they are doing that purposely though i know they are not...Haiiyoo.....
Korean dramas are corrupting my mind more and more each day..Happy endings=Korean dramas...Haha..but i still love watching them...they are so loved...
And i'm having headache now and occasional coughing...Am scared..Going to inform my mum soon...Having my bear2 here to keep me company while tuning to my favourite station...CLASS 95 ....Love story with yazzz....haha:p 9 pm....a must for me everyday except on weekends...
Kay.I'm done.
~~And the sight of sunset reminds me of you~~

~~Spiteful words can hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart.~~
I wish i can be like the little girl above...So happy..Nothing to be sad about..Catching butterflies during summer...I want to run away can?To a place where nobody can find me...
Got to 'thank' my mum for mentioning that name again...And she misses that person...How come?But i got to agree to what she got to say...I mean...i can only cling on to hope...And nothing else....I can rely only on my mum and childhood bestfriend to calm me down...I don't know that my mum is good at this kind of stuff....
By the way,a few days ago my uncle called...and he thought that it was my mum cause my voice is the same as hers...I pretend to be my mum(trying to control my laughter throughout the entire convo)and he surprisingly don't know about it which later my mum come and spoiled the situation by screaming...haiiyyoo...and it send me laughing my heads off.....cause it have not happen once or twice...but a lot of times....haha:p but..regrettingly my sis can differentiate between my voice and my mum's...hmmmpphh...:p
~~And she came tumbling down again falling hard,she is lying to herself all this while...~~
Friday, 19 June 2009

~~If i had to choose between becoming friends or lover...I chose friends..Cause friends will stay by your side forever...~~
Agree with the qoute above?If you agree tag me ,if your disagree..also tag me and tell me why......
Have an enjoyable day at school today though it is a tiring one....Thnx to my friends who make it a fun one...especially aishah my long long long bestie....Have a great time chatting with her....One note to her:"aiiiiisssssssssshhhhhhaaaaahhhhh!!!!i want to tackle your boyfriend hor....give me your permission can?hehes....or else kau tak leh camping kat rumah aku...haha:p paham2 jerlah ehk....and biler matair kau nak call matair aku?dieorg maseh ckp korean...aku tak paham ah...hahah:p"
And also to PINK twin....thank you ehk belikan waffle:)
Lastly...the best for last...."NADIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!CONGRATS!!!!aku tau kau akan pass doubt ah....hehes:)jangan luper bwk aku rounding2 satu perth nanti tau!!!haha:p"
can't wait for tomorrow's outing with keela at pasir for me kaes....(haha...kidding onli hor)
boo hoo:'( my daisies are dying and i am missing my cuzens!!!!!
~ Unknown ~

~~Love to LOVE you,hate to HATE you...~~
I just love this lyrics:
I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs
I never needed pain,i never needed strength
My love for you was strong enough you should have known
I never needed your corrections
On everything from how i act to what i say
I never needed words
I never needed hurts
I never needed you to be there everyday....
....And my eye's hurt,hand's shiver...
extract from:hush hush pcd....
Thursday, 18 June 2009

~~Things change,people change,time change,so do you and i don't know who you are anymore~~
Tomorrow is my mum's 39 birthday!!!!"Happy birthday mama!!!!Moga dipjgkan umur,dimurahkan rezeki,dikurniakan kesihatan yg sempurna dan moga2 dilindungi ALLAH selalu!!!!!Syg mama many2!!!!!!!MUAH MUAH!!!KISS KISS!!!HUG HUG!!!!haha:p
So,am bloody bored now...Am having migraines...Have just pop panadol and i am getting drowsy.....
School was ok...i guess...Because today's maths topic was manageable and it got nothing much to with maths.....i likey....everyone likey....Haha:p cousin's cousin died of a motorcycle accident...Innalilahiwaiinahirajiuun....Moga2 allah mencucuri roh ke atas nyer...~~AMIN~~
Chatting and webcaming with my sis who is just in the next room...Haha:p She's bloody irritated...wakaka:p She scares me with her ghost story...AGAIN!!!like yesterday...only this time i'm not scared...cause my mum was beside me....
Kay.I'm done.
~~Hush hush,hush hush~~ wakaka:p
~~Will bury you in my heart,but you will never be forgotten....Like you once said...Anna uhhibuka~~
Wednesday, 17 June 2009

~~I'm sick of everything...Putting on a brave front~~
I thought hard yesterday...Thought of everything...Till the very little detail...And the more i think the more sick i become,the more angrier i become...i'm sick of those words...And i hate myself for believing in each and every word he got to say...I don't know the truth behind it but....I just don't know..I'm confused...I thought i was going to be ok as i am laughing like normal yesterday...Then this morning i am hit with the truth again and i am back to square 1...shiitt..i am talking nonsense...I mean,if you can't commit why..why must you ask for it...Its like stupid...And you have to break a girl's heart in the process.....But have happen...And i can't turn back time...We could have become good friends if not for this...
Moving on little by little...cause some guys are just not worth my love...It hurts but i KNOW i will get over it soon no matter how long it takes...cause i am missing my smile....
Tuesday, 16 June 2009

~~Please just bring the smile back to my face~~
I'm tired.I'm sick.I'm having migraines.My eyes are sore.I feel like throwing up.Hows that?And as if that's not enough,i feel so stupid and i feel like one heck of a stupid idiot.
All i got to say is.."Nadhirah,nadhirah...aperlah kau...tulah..."
My mum called me...unexpectedly..."Asking how am i?Am i ok?Do i eat just now?"..Oh gosh...I know she is trying to be concern...Cause i am not being myself and my friend say i am like a crazy person...haha:p
I know that at the end of the day i WILL always be the ONE WHO is LEFT broken hearted.... haaaiissshh......when will that cycle ever stop cause i am sick of it and my heart had suffer so much that it will be sent to ICU unit soon...
I will do anything to get the smile back at my face....
Kay.I'm done.
♥Hey mr
♥You are my sweetheart....
Letting Go
Sitting in a room with nothing but disappointing memories
wishing for that love to return knowing it wont ever be
the same my body stands tall, but my heart is slain
and bout to blow up like a lit candle inches away from propane
Tears jog down my cheeks like marathon runners on the city streets
caused by words that got under my armour like the cleats
cant even go on my myspace without breaking down and covering my face
because it hurts to love her when she nearly hates
me and its obvious i cant see
the tiny sparkle in this dark tunnel
because my mind is like a funnel
F5 spinning wildly begging for self-destruction
correctly, i cant seem to function, feels impossible to make a minute reduction.
I once said "Life is a bitch with no mercy and I'm living proof"
because my emotions were soaring through the roof
but time blessed me and like DMX once sang
"Now i know only i can stop the rain"
the light of day wont be seen until you flip the switch
and this is my new era like a computer glitch
now the bright side to this may appear dim and it may look like there's nowhere to go
but sometimes the best thing for a broken heart to do is to just let go.
~~I'm tired of myself~~

~~Tears are words the heart can't express~~
Oh my...i'm scared of moving on and realising that you are not here to be with me....It hurts...But i keep hearing the words to move on...It scares me..I don't want to move on without you here...
I keep hearing myself repeating that i am in a bad dream and i will wake up soon...Though i know its the reality that i have to face...
My eyes hurt..and people can know that i had cried the day before...
At least at school i have someone to entertain me...and make me feel better though its only for a short period of time...Cause at home my feeling will tumble once again...Being the person that i am not..Keeping to myself more often...And day dream...
Am surviving on leona lewis songs...Blasting it over and over again till my ear is half deaf....And i kept hearing sms-ed tone on my phone wishing it was him who msg me....i am being pathetic again...SOMEBODY!!knock me in the head and slap my face now...I just hope...hope that things will turn out for the better...cause i can't stand the pain...There's never a time when i don't remember you...Everywhere i go and everything i do remind me of you...It hurts..and i wish i can run away....
And thnx zura for everything....appreciate it much...:)
Kay.I'm done.
♥Hey mr
♥You are my sweetheart....
.and i love you more each day.
~~If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were~~
Monday, 15 June 2009

~~You once say "let me be the last person in your heart"...and i am holding to that till now....~~
You trip balik kampong is supposed to be fun...But i'm suffering there like never ever...I am just putting on a brave front...can be seen laughing occasionally..but it is all just a pretend...Its hard to see me smile these days..You CAN see me smile..but its not entirely from the heart...Over there all i do is stay inside one of the room and never showing my face cause i know i will cry...And i don't want them to see me cry....My phone is my only companion....And i kept reading the msg over and over again like one hell of a pathetic loser....You think i like it?I hate it...but i can't stop myself from doing that...
And yesterday you just sms-ed...saying you MISS ME....what am i suppose to don't know how depressed i am right make me just confused...i love you lots and lots.....that is all i have to say...and i hope we can make things out....:'(
♥Hey mr
♥You are my sweetheart....
~~I just love you more and more each day...~~
Friday, 12 June 2009

~~For a few minutes you made me feel as though I actually meant something to someone~~
Cried the longest time till my eyes no longer have any tears to cry...I love you so so much...And now i am sick because of you...Haiissh....My friends...Always there for me though it is like 6 am that i sms-ed them...I know you all care for me...and i appreciate it...You all never fail to cheer me up in times of need...
To keela,sabrina,aishah,nadia and suprisingly haziq and farid too...haha:p i love you all my friend...i know you will never leave me in whatever situations....
♥Hey mr
♥You are my sweetheart....
~~Sometimes the memories are worth the pain~~

~~Love is like falling down... in the end you're left hurt, scarred, and with a memory of it forever~~
Just when i thought...
It happens...
Suprisingly i can sense that things won't work out...
But maybe god have decided that it is the best...
Though we love each other...
We have to let each other go...
3 words..I'm going to miss you...
But you say that we can be friends...Then maybe it will turn out better....
But there's one thing that i want from you...Lets meet one last time cause there's something i want to give you before i let you go....
♥Hey mr
♥You are my sweetheart....
~~I cried today... not because I miss you... or even wanted you... but because I realized I'm gonna be all right without you~~
Thursday, 11 June 2009

~~Relationship is all about trust,without them you can't last long~~
Haha:p I just flooded aly's tagboard with my tag..Its not my fault...There's something wrong with the conncetion i think...and my silly fingers accidentally pressed it way to many sorry aly!!!!
So,today i just can't stop eating..Munching on every snacks that i can grab..If i am to do like this everyday i might gain weight...Which is a plus point...I so miss my chubby cheeks that i used to have when i am 7 years old..And everyone can't stop pinching my cheeks...miss those moments...haha:p so random...
Irritated my mum with questions on how to cook this,cook that...Its like suddenly i got this intention to cook....Miss playing 'masak-masak' with my sis....
Will be posting some of the pictures taken during my hoildays...There's hundreds..but i pick a few just to show you some....
My dad are sleeping in my bedroom for today cause he want the air-conditioner...their air-con is already spoiled...haiyoo...and i am supposed to sleep at my mum and dad sentence:"Teddy!!!Let us shift bedroom for tonight only kaes:)"
Plus my sis is grumbling and scolding everyone about her lost charger...I swear i already returned it to her when i thought of selling my old phone...Haaiiisshh!!!So noisy...And she still blames me....She is being such a grandma sometimes...IRRITATING!!!but i can't live without her...she's my partner in crime...
Oh my...daniel powter is on the radio singing the best of me...Make me feel depressed only....
Kay,i'm done...I'm not sleeping anytime soon...Going to eat my super super SUPER late dinner...asam pedas here i come...yum yum!!!!
♥Hey mr
♥You are my sweetheart....
~~miss you more~~

~~Love thought me to live,life thought me to die,so its not hard to fall~~
Oh my..I'm DEPRESSED!!!! my mum says i have been day dreaming way too much...Haiiyoo...School are starting in a few days time...and although it is a holiday,i don't get to enjoy much of it(except for the trip to malacca and kl)as i don't get to stay at home and rest for 1 entire week and spend the day all to myself and with my loved one.
The only thing that can make me feel not DEPRESSED is as follows:
1.Get to meet HIM
2.The school holidays are extended to 2 more weeks
4.When my mum decide to cancel the trip to JB
I'm such a bore *insert rolling eyes and pathetic face*...Need someone to entertain me...Been doing nothing but daydream(as usual),tune to class 95,face the laptop,take photograph,help my mum with the cooking and accompany her go to supermarket and wet market.I am in need of some help seriously...Haiiyooo...I can't stop sighing though its not good...If my dad knows he will be scolding me now...
Kay i'm done complaining and i hate it.
♥Hey mr
♥You are my sweetheart....
~~Wish you were here~~
Tuesday, 9 June 2009

~~And if you were to say 'come with me', even now I might go~~
Been missing SOMEONE badly....Haiiyyoo....I guess i have to watch the sunset from my window alone i guess for the time being...No matter how much i miss HIM i have to understand that he need sometime to himself for now....
Will be going to jb this saturday and will be having an overnight stay at my mum's village....i'm like so damn tired and lazy to go...will be back on sunday and you should know how tired i will mum is pathetic sometimes...She expect me to go follow her there and go to school at 8.30am the next morning after a tiring day the day before....God knows what will happen....Its not like i am being snobby and all...don't she knows that...hhaaiissh...with my messy room and so not in the mood to go...thanks for spoiling my holiday mum...
My sis is watching boys over flowers now...oh my oh my...i want to marry the F4 guys can?JK2:p And its the kissing part between Geum Jan Di and Goo Jun Pyo...I the romantic...
Kay.I'm done.Who want some mocha frappuccino?
♥Hey mr
♥You are my sweetheart....
~~I miss you~~
Clay Aiken-The Way
Theres something bout the way you look tonight, Theres something bout the way that i can't take my eyes off you. Theres
something bout the way your lips invite, maybe its the way that i get nervous when your around. And I want you to be mine
and if u need a reason why,
It's in the way that you move me, and the way that you tease me, the way that I want you tonight,
It's in the way that you hold me, and the way that you know me, when I can't find the right words to say,
You feel it in the way, you feel it in the way.
Theres something bout how you stay on my mind, theres something bout the way that I whisper your name when I'm asleep Oh girl
no. Maybe its the look you get in your eyes. Oh baby its the way that makes me feel to see you smile. And the reasons they
may change but what i'm feeling stays the same.
I can't put my fingers on just what it is that makes me love you, you baby.
So don't ask me to describe, I get all choked up inside, just thinking bout the way.
There's something bout the way you look tonight.
There's nothing more to say then, I feel it in the way.
~~The way that you make me feel~~
Monday, 8 June 2009

~~Love is like an oil lamp,to keep it burning you get to put oil in it...~~
Reached home at 1 am plus in the morning..which is so tiring..Before that send my aunt and grandma the time we reached home everybody was super exhausted..including legs aches so much from sitting to long..before that have a leg cramp at nek busu was super painful i tell you...i was limping throughout the day till my grandma asked what is wrong with me..thought the pain was gone but it came back and attack me on saturday make matter worse,i need to climb to the 2nd floor of my pak lang house...and i'm wearing high heel shoes the next day for the wedding ceremony...
Just get a msg from HIM asking if i reached singapore already..I forgot to tell him that our trip was once again minus to 3 days instead of 4 days...Sorry dear.....feel so bad lah sei:( And i didn't inform anyone closed that i have reached home including my bff...and i also kena scolded by so so sorry...its that i'm just to tired to be bothered...its not that i'm lazy to talk to you guys...Like i said i'm to tired and i don't want you 2 to hear my lazy voice...ok..i think i am talking nonsense....
Been missing him lots...!!!my friends too...haha:p Its been almost 2 weeks since i last saw him...hhhhmmm....watching sunset over there throughout the trip make me feel down and i can be seen staring at the window alone like a loner with my sad face....oh my...i am so terok right...haha:p
And to haziq and azura..have a safe journey and enjoy your holiday...hope you go and reach home safely...:)till then....
Kaes..I'm done..Need to eat my super late dinner..:p
♥Hey mr
♥You are my sweetheart....
~~Those precious moment...i miss you boo....
Wednesday, 3 June 2009

~Remember that happiness is a way of travel,
not destination~
Feel like ages since i last blog though it is only yesterday....
Help my mum cook nasi lemak this afternoon...Talk about some random stuff...Hope we can do it everyday...Should help you in the kitchen more often now that i am free...Besides..I can learn how to cook more stuff...:)
It will be 2 more days till i go to KL..Packing our stuff tonight so as not to be stress up on the day before...Just found out that the trip will be from 5-7 June...The dates kept changing...Haiyoo...Am confused...
My mood had been down this few hours and i suddenly feel like crying and i don't know why..It is all due to the many laughter that i had yesterday...I know that if i laugh to many times i will end up crying on the next day or a few days after that...Haaisshh...I want to say that i am PMS but i just finished my period so it is impossible....Life is just so weird sometimes...One day you will be laughing your heads off and the next you will be tearing up over just a small thing...But to think of it,it is not just about the bangles...It might be something more which i just can't figure out why or just pretending on what i can't figure out..Understood?Haha:p
It have been months since i last went shopping and accompanying my sis yesterday make my feel like a kid who have just been taken into a candy world...This is the result when i have not step my foot in orchard road like for...errmm..2-3 months..It is suprising...but true..Shocked myself....
Will be baking cookies tomorrow for the friday trip so we will have something to munch on during the 3-4 hours trip...Can't wait to get my hands diirtty...Haha:p
I think i am in love with Gu Jun Pyo and Yo Ji Hoon from boys over flowers....Haha:p There are just so adorable to look at..And it just make my heart melt...Huahuahua....
Need to darken my inai on both the fingers and tose...Don't know why but i am obsessed with inai recently....Though i find deep purple nail polish tempting....
Sarang Heyo my LOVE-ED ones...
♥Hey mr
♥You are my sweetheart....
~ Missing those wonderful moments....
Monday, 1 June 2009

~Hold my hand cause i will never let go of yours....
It was a tiring day i supposed cause my eyes are so heavy throughout the whole day and my head will lay down on any soft spot it can find throughout the entire house.I am a good girl today.Help my mum clean the house cause i feel guilty of letting her do all the housework when i am schooling..As lazy as i can be at a certain point i can be a super neat freak when i want to be...
Will be collecting my renew-ed passport on wednesday instead of tuesday cause tuesday appoinment's date have been fully booked..ssshhiisshhh....
Anyway...I have this strong gut feeling that something is going to happen as my heart is beating super fast unlike its usual gut feeling never fails to disappoint me except once or twice....wondering what it is....
And lately i am craving to see a sunset...Experiencing watching a sunset never fails to make me smile...It is such a peaceful moment...A must watch with your love-ed ones.....
That's all i have to write for today..Love you all..:)
♥Hey mr
♥You are my sweetheart....
~Those kissable lips....

~~When you love somebody,love them
like they are the only one left in this world.....
Eating lunch now while staring at the laptop...Just find out that my penpal is sick....Ouh....hope she will get well soon...get me worried as she is admitted to the hospital...but she says that she is somewhat getting better...good her to the max even though we only chat through facebook chatbox....
And someone unexpectedly sms-ed me yesterday at it just me or does that person still thinks that i am giving him an oppurtunity...i mean..i treat you as a friend not more than that...I feel so awkward...Hopefully it is not what i think it is...sometimes my imagination can run wild...need zura to help me in this kind of situation....*help*
♥Hey mr
♥You are my sweetheart....
~Those kissable lips....
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This thought has be occupying my mind for a while now.Does it have ever come across ones mind that one day they will be someone influential....
Just a random thought ♥ Have you ever feel that your thoughts on a certain issues is usele...
~~Tears are words the heart can't express~~ Oh my...i'm scared of moving on and realising that you are not here to be with me....It ...