~Remember that happiness is a way of travel,
not destination~
Feel like ages since i last blog though it is only yesterday....
Help my mum cook nasi lemak this afternoon...Talk about some random stuff...Hope we can do it everyday...Should help you in the kitchen more often now that i am free...Besides..I can learn how to cook more stuff...:)
It will be 2 more days till i go to KL..Packing our stuff tonight so as not to be stress up on the day before...Just found out that the trip will be from 5-7 June...The dates kept changing...Haiyoo...Am confused...
My mood had been down this few hours and i suddenly feel like crying and i don't know why..It is all due to the many laughter that i had yesterday...I know that if i laugh to many times i will end up crying on the next day or a few days after that...Haaisshh...I want to say that i am PMS but i just finished my period so it is impossible....Life is just so weird sometimes...One day you will be laughing your heads off and the next you will be tearing up over just a small thing...But to think of it,it is not just about the bangles...It might be something more which i just can't figure out why or just pretending on what i can't figure out..Understood?Haha:p
It have been months since i last went shopping and accompanying my sis yesterday make my feel like a kid who have just been taken into a candy world...This is the result when i have not step my foot in orchard road like for...errmm..2-3 months..It is suprising...but true..Shocked myself....
Will be baking cookies tomorrow for the friday trip so we will have something to munch on during the 3-4 hours trip...Can't wait to get my hands diirtty...Haha:p
I think i am in love with Gu Jun Pyo and Yo Ji Hoon from boys over flowers....Haha:p There are just so adorable to look at..And it just make my heart melt...Huahuahua....
Need to darken my inai on both the fingers and tose...Don't know why but i am obsessed with inai recently....Though i find deep purple nail polish tempting....
Sarang Heyo my LOVE-ED ones...
♥Hey mr
♥You are my sweetheart....
~ Missing those wonderful moments....
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