It's 2.24am in the morning.And i just can't sleep.My 7 year old sis accompany me,as like me,she is not yet sleepy though she is yawning like every few minutes.Called from school yesterday and inform us(practically mama) that she had become a prefect.Primary 1 dah adr prefect2 ni sumer...Cepat nyer.....
Skipping that..rayer is just in a few hours time.Mama will be cooking our yearly raya food which is kuah lodeh with lontong...Yum2.....And i can already taste my grandma ayam masak merah and my grandad own made ketupat and rendang......
And with that..ending this post with:
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri=)
Saya ingin memohon sepuluh jari memohon maaf,jika ada salah& silap atau terkasar bahasa.......maklumlah...dah bergurau tak perasan kdg2.....hehe=)
And have an enjoyable hari raya with your loved ones...and semoga kiter dpt bertemu dgn bulan ramadan al-mubarak tahun depan...~~Ammiinn~~
*senang2 singgah lah rumah ehk=)*
Enough talking.
Live and laugh like there's no tomorrow.
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