♥A Bullet Just Pass Through My Heart♥
My birthday pictures will be updated by nxt wk?
I think...heeeeeee=)....Finally i'm 18!!!!!!!wwweeeeeeee!!!!!!=)dah legal babe....leh gi clubbing ...Beli rokok...LoL=p mcm betol....tak maen ah tu sumer....
But happy2 aku pon....There's still some gap waiting to be filled...And i'm not rushing into any now.....Those who read my private blog should know....It sucks to the core ser.....
Skipping the emo part.....Next saturday...with my beloved douBLe A's.....azura and aishah....and also her friends.....PICNIC!!!!!!!
And tomorrow...karaok-ing session with my sisters.....Kakak sabbie's house as usual....LoL=p Sab...jgn marah hor....kau nyer bdae dtg dulu kn....aku adek!!!!=)
Be prepared!!!Its gonna rain heavily tomorrow....=p
And seriously...i'm craving for japanese food.....After seeing Alinah eat chicken udon....kempunan aku dibuat nyer.....Lol=p
Movie session everyday after school.....3 weeks to holiday which is at 15 december....heee.....tak sabar!!!
still figuring out how my classmate,viveck do a magic trick.... pusing kepaler ku pusing!!!!and i want pringles and seaweed rings!!!!!!!
School is getting more and more interesting each day....I likey....
And good...i forgot what i want to say.....
Except for:
all the controversial women.....i want to be like them can?
am currently reading 'where rainbows end' by cecelia ahern....
I think...heeeeeee=)....Finally i'm 18!!!!!!!wwweeeeeeee!!!!!!=)dah legal babe....leh gi clubbing ...Beli rokok...LoL=p mcm betol....tak maen ah tu sumer....
But happy2 aku pon....There's still some gap waiting to be filled...And i'm not rushing into any now.....Those who read my private blog should know....It sucks to the core ser.....
Skipping the emo part.....Next saturday...with my beloved douBLe A's.....azura and aishah....and also her friends.....PICNIC!!!!!!!
And tomorrow...karaok-ing session with my sisters.....Kakak sabbie's house as usual....LoL=p Sab...jgn marah hor....kau nyer bdae dtg dulu kn....aku adek!!!!=)
Be prepared!!!Its gonna rain heavily tomorrow....=p
Confirm besok meet nadia at rp during break!!!And seriously...i'm craving for japanese food.....After seeing Alinah eat chicken udon....kempunan aku dibuat nyer.....Lol=p
Movie session everyday after school.....3 weeks to holiday which is at 15 december....heee.....tak sabar!!!
still figuring out how my classmate,viveck do a magic trick.... pusing kepaler ku pusing!!!!and i want pringles and seaweed rings!!!!!!!
School is getting more and more interesting each day....I likey....
And good...i forgot what i want to say.....
Except for:
all the controversial women.....i want to be like them can?
am currently reading 'where rainbows end' by cecelia ahern....
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