♥A Bullet Just Pass Through My Heart♥
This1 week have been a busy one.....Is rarely at home and i feel bad for not spending time with mama and others.When i reached home they will either be asleep or be too tired to talk.
After class watched movie inside our usual meet up place...which turns out to be zura's class.Buy some food like tom yam,crackers,water to accompany us throughout the so called "horror" movie...which leaves me and the 2 others puffing out smoke as it turn out that the movie is a lie afterall.......Truly disappointed....Haaiisshh....Meet with claire,benson and cheng heng to support sort of a replug concert at TRCC which last for only 1 hour....Gossh....the guys perfomers are hot!!!!!!!=p
A drama happens which scare me out of my wits....But lucky everything turns out to be fine...=) Receive a call from Aly to teman her to take pictures around my school for her photography homework which consist of buildings,own potrait,day&night photos....It was tiring....But fun......=) I want her nikon camera!!!!!
Meet up with the 3 darlings of my life....Ili,Sab,Isya....Sab cook lasagna for us....Sedap babe!!!!Camwhore,story2 till 8pm.....biaserlah pompan..klau dh jumper...tak leh stop.....sempat buat video lagik....=p
Escape theme park with them again..and their boyfriends....So,as me& aishah were the single ones we decided to be a couple too as my scandal ili was with her boyfriend....Haaiissh...LoL=p Aishah was a great "boyfriend"/ "girlfriend"......Left right left right ILI!!!!wakakakaka=p Overall it was a great day spend together ending at Orchard to teman by dear Sab buy belt at far east....Goshh....I hate far east...Pandai ajek buat org pokai.......
Nadia's coming on Wednesday!!!Major yay-ness!!!!!hopefully she stays here for 6 months...kn best.....Bzlah aku klau gitu...LoL =p And on Monday....Mama is cooking tom yam for me...*hint hint*.....Sab and aishah shld knw why....KnKnKn!!!!Klau tk..... aku gedebush muker kau.....LoL=p
Nxt friday till sunday will be spend at Kampong......can't wait....klau adr dodol aku blikan utk darling aku,sabrina....heee=) GD NEWS!!!!my bin is in the top 12!!!!!!vote for me aites...Bin #6!!!!=)Syg u many2....hehehe=p
Pictures below...:
Te Amo=)
Te Amo=)
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