First and foremost....Nice right the above pic....Ili!!!Wonderwomen is back baybeh.....hehe=p
Tapi the contact name that i give is still going to be the same....You know,i know,sab know...ais...nanti aku bilang.....=)
CoNgratulations to my Sayang's below:
1)Sabrina baby....Mummy and Nanny proud of you!!!hehehe=p18 points baybeh.....But regardless of your result we will still love you!!!!!Deeper than the ocean and bigger than the universe ;-)
2)Nur Farhana Bte Sarlim for scoring 15 points!!!Jangan pilih course yang tak byk benda nk kena baca kay dear....haha=p I love you!!!=)
3)Shakeela Parveen for getting A2 for science....I love you too!!!=)
4)To Seseorang who score B4 for his English....Mama and me are happy for you....;-)
To Soleha cuzzie who didn't do as well...don't give up.....No matter what..we the sedare's will always stand behind you....You have try your hardest.....Remember during rayer you bring your physics book along to nenek's house?Don't be discourage aites.... i love you....;-)
Skipping that,nadia will be returning tom.....Sungguh sedih....meleleh air materku....:'( hehehe.....
Hopefully can hantar you to the airport.......Extract from the convo that we had this morning:
"remember eh..when im gone. kau pls eh dont look back.. go try new things. keep urself busy. n study hard
cheyypermintaan dari kwn ar
syg kau kan
Kebetulan...my sis says it's the year of the singles....because in her facebook 10 people went from being "in a relationship" to "single".....then the comment for the single status...why why why???so....this is for the singles out there who are reading my post.....
If I'm going to be alive, then I might as well be incredible. I want to do more than just exist.
Now...all the singles...including me.....hehe.....stay happy2 aites....Naddy loves you ;-)
My sayang2 who is not mention.....I Love You!!!!!
Oklah....Naddy signing out......
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