Haiyyo....1st day of school since the holiday and it just sucks.....Can't sleep yesterday night....Golek saner sini at last tertidor jugak....And want to know who makes me sleep.....?My bantal pelok....Call me weird...but somehow it will always manages to put me to sleep.......
And i miss my cuzzie.....I miss talking "stuff" with her...it had been ions....and the last thing that i can remember talking with her is " biler kiter dah kahwen kiter berbual pasal aper ehk agak nyer..." dah smiling2 aku sendiri.......LoL.....
And yesterday met up with bestie to return the dvd's and lend her my korean dvd entitled "my girl"....
Grab some ice cream and head to civic....Introduce her to some good books before suddenly kena interviewed by this 2 sweet person.......Feeling2 aku jap......Hehe......
Been wanting to cut my hair since dah new year kan....new year everything nak new.....new haircut lah...new clothes lah...new boyfriend lah....hahaha=p
But...mama disagree with me wanting to cut my hair....padahal rambut aku......And this is what she says "nanti kau macam bini popeye!!!" yerlah tu...mentang2 aku kuruskan....tkper....going to make myself berisi this year......
And nadia....smelly fish sak skali kena....dh adr pet names per.....Dier dah suker kau tu nampak nyer......*wink wink*
“I’m not sure how I feel about this… one of the reasons I was prepared to do this was to stop feeling like that and has anything changed? I’m at war with myself and I just don’t know what to do about it…” -LJB
Oklah....Naddy signing out......
Sorrylah klau this post boring ehk......
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