"Aishah,Azura,Ili Atiqah,Nadia,Sabrina,Shakeela"
Sarang Haeyo girls!!!=)
*kiss on the cheek each* hehe.......
Ehk....i receive this note on my com....tak tau lah ehk pompan maner yg buat:
S:"N,u accept all of this tak?"
"i can't...aku takot..i don't want all of this to go"
"i can't...aku takot..i don't want all of this to go"
I: "kau gi carik laki laen sudah"
"tengok lah keadaan"
"tengok lah keadaan"
"kau raser dier ok tak skrang?"
S:"dh cukop...jgn ckp psl si hk tu...nanti kau sedih"
S:"dh cukop...jgn ckp psl si hk tu...nanti kau sedih"
A:"N...dh lamer tau....kau maseh lagi?"
F:"kau nk kenal ngan adr org nie samer age ngan aku"
"-.-,S!!! matair kau tk habes2!!!=p"
S: "aku call dier skrang!!!hehehe=p"
"-.-,S!!! matair kau tk habes2!!!=p"
S: "aku call dier skrang!!!hehehe=p"
N:"please eh,for the sake of me....get over him...i syg you mah"
":'( "
":'( "
To NADIA:I MISS YOU ALREADY!!!!!*HUG!!!KISS!!!I LOVE YOU!!!take care dear....sobsob :'-(
To ZURA:babe!!!take care aites!!!naddy love you many2!!!!=)*kiss kiss* jgn luper mkn ubat yer.....
Btw...nak ngok gmbr?ili MOTH-ER!!!the rest i upload at photobucket ok.....;-)
*meh kiter ambek gmbr act2 ngah berbual kat phone!!!=D*
*Kiter jadik promoter telephone nak?
Sab:Samsung is a good for you=)see2...i pointing arrow to it*
Ili&Naddy:LG phone is good for you my love!!!=)*
padahal maseng2 nk iphone...=p
*ili:blueek!!! =p naddy:smile=) sab:weeeeee!!!=D*
*naddy:meh aku kasi aku nyr famous kiss...=)*
*naddy famous de'amor kiss!!!=) sabby:awww...i like2...!!!!weeee....=D*
*ili:hmmphh naddy:AAARRGGHH!!! sab: perhal ngan dier nie?*
Ok dah!!!byebye!!!naddy love you many2!!!!=)
Oklah....Naddy signing out......
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