~~My heart to you is given: Oh, do give yours to me; We'll lock them up together, And throw away the key. --Frederick Saunders~~
Oh boy...Oh boy....That's what i am saying everyday...every hour,every minute,every seconds...It's ticking on my mind and its sticking on my brain even in my sleep.It can't stop bugging me...Its never going to go away any time soon...Oh boy... I know this is going to happen....Haaisshhh......
There's this fear inside of me and i think i am listening to too many love songs.....I'm scared of loving somebody and get my heart broken again....But then....somehow he make me smile all day long even though i am not in the mood to smile....SSShhhsshh....
Skipping that...in school now with my sis hoodie over me...bloody cold...and my legs are shivering...just discover that the skirt i'm wearing is torn....ouuhh....hmm.....what a day.....
My latest addiction:Lucky and You and I.....
Can't wait to watch harry potter with that someone....
and i had a bad dream......
~~Hundreds of pages, pages, pages forwards More words then I had ever heard and I feel so alive~~
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