The cloud is pouring rain today...the same as tears pouring my heart....Suddenly the sunset seems to disappear and it seems like everything is meaningless...i know this sadness will go away one day but all i want to know is....WHEN?
Have a sleepover at bestie house for the night...i'm just so tired...so so tired....hug them countless times and god knows how many times...seeing them just make me feel so relieved....
Woke up with my head spinning...and my body felt cold suddenly...but bestie kept me busy by making breakfast together......after breakfast she plays the piano....and i felt tears pouring down....major breakdown after that and bestie hugs me with all the love she got and she wipe away my tears countless times for the day since yesterday.....assuring me that everything will be better...and that make me cried even more....she and aishah,like my mum just knows what to say....they are like the most precious treasures that i ever had....
My eyes hurt and head is throbbing in pain....hmmm.....
Came home and mama says this...: "kakak....jodoh semua ALLAH dah tentukan...janganlah terok sangat macam gini....agak nyer doa mama termakbul kakak....mama selalu doa moga2 kakak ditemukan dengan orang yang baik....bukan haziq tak baik....tapi maybe ader orang lagi baik untuk kakak......" i was drinking water when she says this....and i straight away went into the room with tears in my eyes.....haaaiisshh..i don't know....life's weird....
Note to myself:
I'm strong kan?Strong sangat2....No grudges....
Can i tipu myself?Tak boleh....
Can i move on?Tak tau....
Broken hearted again?Yup....
End of story?Entah...
Best friend kan?A'ah......
Kau betol ke tak ni nadhirah?Tak tau...dah tak betol agak nyer dier ni....
Terok sangat ah kau....tampar karang...nak?Biarlah...memang aku terok....Tampar ah...aku tak kisah....Blueekk....:p
Dah habis cakap?Dah....Eh.....jap2...ntah ehk....byebye... :')
By the way...luper...kau maafkan dier kan...?takder benci2 kan...?He is forgiven....Takder benci2....Sumpah...Demi Allah...:)I love him..blk samer2 nak?kay...dah habes cakap dah....byebye....take care dears....:')
Seriously...i'm dizzy...and i feel like vomitting....Bed....here i come...Gedebush.....1,2,3,4 hi-5!!!!!!!:')
*dear ALLAH....this little girl heart have been broken again...fix it as soon as possible...sebab sakit sangat2....and i know you will always be here with me showing your love everywhere when i am in total and complete darkness....*
~~smile girl smile even if it's hard and painful...everything is going to be ok...Don't cry ok...just smile:')........~~
*that smile on that particular friday morning will always stick in my mind...sorry if i say i will be supportive but in the end i sort of betray those words...cause i thought it will be easy......and my heart will be always be wide open....hope you keep that something that i gave you....
and my pointer is being naughty....Betol punyer acer....hmmmpphhh.....:'(*
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