~~My spoiled little precious SAYANG....~~
and the chocolate ice-cream to sweeten my day which is just so bitter this few days.....
~~This broken heart can still survive with a touch of your grace....~~
Met my sayang yesterday.....it just makes my day.....it is just so spoiled....decided to called it sayang as it purrs everytime i called it by sayang....very adorable lah he/she.....it like the touch of my hand and sayang seems to know my problems cause sayang will try to make me smile and laugh....Furthermore sayang will purrs fierecely to other cats who came near me.....such a spoiled cat...but i love sayang....:) Sayang is mine officially as of today :p.....
Love songs and coco have been my faithful companion throughout my long lonely night everyday.....
Little brother have been walking around the house yesterday with his pink spiderman bag and little sister shrieking is making me insane....stop it already...its making me more depressed....
Plus little sis just broke my FAVOURITE pair of heart necklace.....Cried like one pathetic girl....sobbing terribly until my head hurts and my eyes sore and red....I don't know if i cry more because of the necklace or because of other issues.....as i cry for way too long and my teddy bear,coco,is the only one who care to accompany me without fail......
And my heart is sore...so so sore...it is overbeating and is overwork.......Why do you seem to know that my smile is a fake one...i try to smile a genuine smile but its the only smile that i managed to potray.....And why my lips tremble?Cause i'm refraining myself from crying in front of you....and my hands just can't seem to let go your hand..and my legs just don't want to walk away whenever you are around.....my lips are dry.....super dry...... :'(
Am bloghopping.....so yeah......
My heart is so use to getting hurt and bruise till sometimes it feels so empty...and emotionless.....
Don't want to make you stress up,but i'm writing what i feel here....i don't want to bottle it up no more...cause it will only make my heart suffers more....
like i say...you'll always be my baby....:')
~~You came into my dreams everyday without my permission...am not faking it....~~
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