♥A Bullet Just Pass Through My Heart♥
Dirimu di hatiku...
Tak lekang oleh waktu...
Meski kau bukan miliki ku....♥
SuPer big shoutOut to A'liah aka Aly....HaPPy 18th bdae!!!!may happiness be with you always....=)you are much loved....♥♥♥Today was supposed to be a good day...but the cramps that i am having are practically killing me....So i decide to go home before it starts to strike.....and hell was i right...Sampai rumah teros....Mcm nak terberanak gitu saket dier......So my plan to met Sabrina at her house was canceled.....
Panadol didn't work for me....Nor sleeping....I can't sleep.So today was going to be a sleepless night i supposed....
But takper...MJ12 adr....Saper2 nk teman aku dengar MJ 12 dipersilakan....webcam session maybe?
I miss webcaming with Aly....the part where we dance like one hell of a crazy girl dancing to Lady Gaga songs...should do it sometimes one day.....Besides her.....Hmmm...i have to say....i miss webcaming with this Org jugak....sekali tu tertidur...hehe...cute...=)
Next Monday will not be holiday-ing.....Boring betol...budak sekolah laen cuti....kiteorg sekolah....Haiyoyoyo.....
Finally found someone with the same birthday as me....at last....And cuzzie 7th bdae just past a few days ago...and she want a pony bag......maner nak carik...hmmm.....
Plus..today communication was the Boombz....gerek per vocal training pagi2 hari....Best!!!but unfortunately blk cepat....i just love his humour......
*Somebody just make me smile=)*
K dah.Got to upload hari raya photos at mama facebook....

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