Dirimu di hatiku...
Tak lekang oleh waktu...
Meski kau bukan miliki ku....
♥Bugis was awesome.....Especially the 'sharing' session...miss her truck loads already....Though much of the sharing was done by her....i practically just like to listen and talk when necessary...cause whenever i open my mouth.....memories will start flowing from my mouth which will just spoiled the mood.
Met with Aly while waiting for cuzzie....i was alone...she was alone @ john little....Teman her shopping for eyeshadow and accompany her to rent vcd which set me thinking of renting it myself and having movie marathon......but next time i guess.....
And communication module was fun....i guesss....the facilitator was so formal...same with zura's faci....but his jokes....the class was laughing till we almost wet our pants...serious2 skali a joker jugak...oklah tu....but...RJ,350 words? tak sanggup!!!!!
Bump into luna at the prata sausage stall....cute lah dier.......suker sgt....mcm msn dier nyer pm....polar bear.....hehe=) ingat dier lagik kat aku....syg dier....hehe.....=)
And zura......chey3....hehe...suker dier....malu tapi mahu=) tak yah nak tunggu nxt wk....
currently i have a problem....my ex manager at watson kept sending me mafia wars request!!!!sakit nyer hati....haaiyyooyoo....pening kepaler aku......
I think i'm gonna get killed one day while crossing the road.....Selisih ya ALLAH....Abeh asek leka jek everytime lintas jln....benci...!!!!!
For facebook lyrics of the day:Don't think we're okay just because I'm here, you hurt me bad but I won't shed a tear. -Duffy
Arsene Wenger is so cute...hehe=p dah tua...tapi maseh hot....tapi one corner jek lah ehk.....
Learn a new word from zura....kaho na pyaar hai!!!!=) thank u ehk zura....syg kau many2....=)
*Yeyeah!!!finally dpt ngar suare chipmunk and kc...=) lagu dangdut on air...meh gelek=)*
i'm pretending again am i?hAiyoyo......

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