Monday, 5 October 2009

♥Somebody was super smart today it makes me melt♥

A Bullet Just Pass Through My Heart

Dirimu di hatiku...
Tak lekang oleh waktu...
Meski kau bukan milikku....

So,today first day of the 2nd semester was O.K i guess....i can safely say more than half of the class population is mostly guys.70% guys 30 % girls......
Maths module for the first day...How pathetic can it be?
Lucky the facilitator is quite good for the time being.Remember.Time Being.And i hope it last like that till the end of the semester.
He looks so gayish but is married.
And my classmate is like so boring.....I miss my old classmate!!Everyone does.
Beside all that that first day talking...I sprained my neck before going to school.And it is so bad till i cannot lift my head up as it feels so heavy.
Scared to death.Mama massage my neck and give me zam zam still hurts..
And thanks to that,i cannot concentrate at class the whole day.And my head is like senget sebelah.
Went to polyclinic.Coincidentally met with my sis's friend with her mum.Bloody hell.
The queue was damn long.
And when i finally met the doctor...the doc asked how did i sprained my neck.
And i told him i was wearing clothes when suddenly my neck nerve twist.
And i saw him writing:Sprained neck while putting on clothes.
So the malu lah ser.
Was given inflammatory painkillers and gastric tablet for donnoe what.
And was advised to put something hot on my neck.
Was given an mc and asked to get a lot of rest.
So not going to school tomorrow=)
Best!!Suker sgt2.....
*putting on a smile was the best that i can do*
Sarang Haeyo=)

No comments:

This thought has be occupying my mind for a while now.Does it have ever come across ones mind that one day they will be someone influential....