Dirimu di hatiku...
Tak lekang oleh waktu...
Meski kau bukan miliki ku....
Unbearable i must say.My eyes are sore,my nose are runny,my head are spinning and my neck is painful.No matter what....Tetap kena datang sekolah tomorrow....
UrrGGhh!!!Tkper...3 days left till weekend...
And the flu tablet is making me drowsy......
All the ladies are home are down with flu....and sumer muker setengah mati....LoL...
But still....i drank coke...Cause it is so tempting looking!!!!Carik nahas...i know....But whatever-lah......Biarlah daku menanggung derita....haha=p Ok..mepek....
Skipping that...org paham code in english...how abt i change the code to malay as follows....
Berbual org mabok ni.....
Yesterday....dengar MJ12 pon until 1.30 jek...pas tu pengsan....ngantok semacam....
Story semalam seram2 belaka....and i notice one thing....Cerita hantu dieorg will always...ALWAYS include...."time tu nak gi dapor,tekak terasa haus...sekali nampak lembaga tengah makan sesuatu dgn lahap nyer depan peti sejok...." then...JENG3....suspen2...sound effect pon masok...haiyyo!!! naek boring mendengar nyer.....
But one thing that scares me the most is the sound effect....Psl sound effect tulah takot nak ngar MJ 12....Hmmpphh!!Tapi skrang dh pandai....once sound effect dtg....volume radio is at the lowest....hEhE....
UrrGGhh!!!Tkper...3 days left till weekend...
And the flu tablet is making me drowsy......
All the ladies are home are down with flu....and sumer muker setengah mati....LoL...
But still....i drank coke...Cause it is so tempting looking!!!!Carik nahas...i know....But whatever-lah......Biarlah daku menanggung derita....haha=p Ok..mepek....
Skipping that...org paham code in english...how abt i change the code to malay as follows....
Berbual org mabok ni.....
Yesterday....dengar MJ12 pon until 1.30 jek...pas tu pengsan....ngantok semacam....
Story semalam seram2 belaka....and i notice one thing....Cerita hantu dieorg will always...ALWAYS include...."time tu nak gi dapor,tekak terasa haus...sekali nampak lembaga tengah makan sesuatu dgn lahap nyer depan peti sejok...." then...JENG3....suspen2...sound effect pon masok...haiyyo!!! naek boring mendengar nyer.....
But one thing that scares me the most is the sound effect....Psl sound effect tulah takot nak ngar MJ 12....Hmmpphh!!Tapi skrang dh pandai....once sound effect dtg....volume radio is at the lowest....hEhE....
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