I salute kak ita for the handmade cross-stitch frame of her and teuku wisnu name....
And didicazli is such a sweetie...an awesome guy with a big heart...May god bless you and your family....hope you have a successful career ahead.....
10 october,come faster please...and i need $100 bucks like urgently.....
Some of the photos=):
From the left:Didicazli,Teuku Wisnu(seeing his smile just makes me cair lah=p)
Below from left:Cik Abshah/Bunda,teuku wisnu,mo,dinda kanya dewi,iesya,rezky aditya
The bottom from left:Syarifah Meyda Assagaf,Kak Ita,Kak Shidah=)
At the library now...Studying enterprise with zura&aishah.....
Tomorrow wearing white as a whole class....Miss the class already!!!!!boo hoo=(
I want to go karaoke!!!!!!! craving for chicken ham &mushroom pizza lah deh....lapar....padahal baru makan kfc...hehes....=p
Puaser nak dekat people!!!!Happy fasting=)Mudah-mudahan bulan puasa tahun ni penuh baraqah and bermakna untuk kiter semua!!!!=) Yeayea...sembahyang tarawih....hehs=p
~~May god bless you readers~~
Chow my lovelings!!!!=)
DoReMiFaSoLaTiDo!!!=p meh kiter nyanyi samer2....=)
May peace be upon to you.....=)
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