~~Let me see through your soul...and i will let you see mine....~~
Why do i keep seeing people with that bag...???It's like,isn't there any other bag that they can buy...
Skipping that..today UT3 was O.K...just one wish...i want to pass all my UT3 and hope there will be no repeating of any of the modules....
Been craving for daisies...i want a red and white coloured one please....Love you..haha=p
Handphone are being such a dumber...AGAIN...it shut me off when i was on the way to school...No wonder mama isn't able to contact me....
Tomorrow is Science.Great!!i so 'LOVE' science...
Hoping for Friday to come soon...I h.O.p.E.... it will be,when it will be...tak paham tkper...=p
And mama just saw something...oh my oh my...lucky she have forgotten about it...danger-lah...*wink wink* =p
2 more days till ramadhan....=)yeahyeah!!!!
Enough of blabbering and chit-chatting....i'm done my love..
~~May god bless you readers=)~~
~~Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams~~
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