Woke up at 9.30 am today.....as i am writing this post,i am still in my night wear....
First thing that i wanted to do is to cook breakfast,but mama is ahead faster than me.So,i guess tomorrow then......
Been reading my chat logs history..And i found this particular chat log of me with bestie,aishah,when we talk about dreams...weather it can be trusted or not...And if what we are dreaming will actually come true.....
I guess....some dreams are actually true...and are signs of something bad or good is going to happen in your life.....Suddenly,i remember of this particular dream which i had, about a few weeks ago which make me totally freak out and feel like crying.....It is actually happening right now.......totally disappointed.....i should have followed my instinct...but as my mind is actually not in the right state.....this is what happen.....hmmm.......
Enough of dreams talking....fasting month is drawing nearer...and i can't wait...the time when me,mama,sister and my friend will go for terawih's prayers at masjid an-nur.....collecting porridge for the break fast meal...Exchanging of food with neighbours.....and the best moment is waking up at the wee hours of the morning to eat....best best....those peaceful moments.....ramadhan is all about cleansing the soul...and i am going to clean mine properly.....a month full of of blessing and forgiving.....
To everybody:
Though ramadhan and rayer is still way ahead...i'm here to beg for forgiveness if i had done anything wrong or say words that might hurt anybody's feeling.....i'm just a normal human being who makes mistakes in life....It is up to you all if you want to forgive me or not...I cannot force anybody...all that i know is...i realise my mistakes....and i hope to be a better person in the future.....May you all are blessed with good live and good health........
Enough of chit chatting...i'm done talking my love ones....smile and tc....may god bless you readers.....
Peace be upon to you.... :)
~~Sometimes we dream of ideal love.And when it comes, we give the best to hold on to it.But although, we give more than enough...Love still hurts for reasons we don't understand.~~
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