Get ready for the long long long post=)
Late again....
It's the 2nd bloody time that i successfully managed to came late....
Yesterday,i miss the bus...
Today,my scarf create problems...so i practically spent like 10-15 mins managing the "ever-loving" scarf.....and also,again..i miss my bus.....
So how?Bagos sesgtkan?Feel like taking taxi to school....But..it will cost me like 7 bucks just for a 5-8 min trip at most....buang duit aku jek.....Kenyang mkn kat Banquet atau tengok movie.....
Btw,had a great day yesterday...
The faci yesterday was super cute, plus his British accent make him more cuter....*Melting=D* semangat sikit mau blajar....haha=p Seriously......i have this weakness for British speaking people...
'Our' photo ....wakakaka=p

The photos...My face was super big...hate it..ppfftt....tsktsktsk.... (cute... ain't he?=D)
And was super hyper yesterday....smiling and goofing around....I guess it is just the way to forget about all the stress that i'm having......
Skipping that,fasting month is just around the corner....
And i have this craving for contact lenses....Don't expect me to wear spectacles during hari raya....sungguh tak glamour...hehs...=p Am confused on weather to buy the spectroflex contact lenses or the freshlook coloured lenses....Remind me not to buy the purple coloured lenses...It just make me look super evil......
And by the way....i found my long long long long long.........(counting fingers) best friend during kindergarden blog....(Nur Azlina)Oh my...she just look like she was 11 years ago......Still looking sweet and pretty as always...Heard that she was schooling at Madrasah Al-Irsyad.....Her photo was still in my memories box.....She was wearing a pink scarf and i was wearing yellow...standing straight and tall under my old block....hehes...and she was tall...super tall.....=) that was like, when we was 6 or 7 years old....
Again...for the millionth time in a month, the school internet connection was suddenly cut off...Msn was automatically sign out....and you can imagine the reaction off the class when msn,which is our life line in school, wasn't working....
Enough of blabbering....I'm done........Thinking if i should change the blogskin....hmmmm *scratching head* cause i'm hooked on this blogskin....It's part of my love now....psss:congrats Sarah Aqilah...you rock babe!!!=)
~~May god bless you readers=)~~
♥ I know i can never have it....But i still want it....It's driving me insane♥
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