~~Once upon a time there's a girl who love this guy and will never stop loving him......THE END~~
Suddenly i have this thought.....
Is it possible to have and meet somebody who will truly love you?
And the most important thing that i learnt before stepping into a relationship is:
Make sure that person have truly...i need to emphasize again...TRULY let go of their past.
Cause if they are still holding on to the past..tell me..how will you know that you are going to receive 100% of their love?
Enough of love talking...It is just a random post....don't take it too heart...I learnt it the hard way...and it is just bugging me....It hurts to the core.....If you can't take it...Seriously leave......Please think like an adult kay darlings=) Don't hate me..Cause i will never hate you.
Skipping that....i LOVE MY BAJU RAYA!!!!=) its not pink...it's OraNgE....and the other one is GrEEn....will post the picture next time....2 more days people...2 more days!!!!Ramadhan....=)
Malam lailatulqadar....ku merinduimu......=)
And my throat seems to be gulping blood...not saliva....hmm..i wonder....
Nadia...my Purple CareBear....=)
I'm glad my friends are there with me....you will always be in my heart....I guess you are right..
Goodbye my gorgeous hunks and ladies...naddy loves you=)
♥Tuhan berikanlah aku cinta♥
~~May god bless you readers=)~~
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