Been feeling rather weird...i start asking questions more and more....Then maybe it is just because i am yunsi...haha=p a new word creation.....
Today's lesson is relaxing...SUPER relaxing....the previous faci is such a %&!@*....Who's with the attitude...? plain excuses....
Am so sleepy....But am trying my hardest to keep myself awake...
Handphone is showing attitude...Feel like smashing it against the wall...But...nah...Too many memories inside already......
People at that point of stage all show the same attitude...use the same words....Like...??????Samer lah tu ehk.......
Enterprise UT3 tomorrow....Ouuhh....Hmmm....Eating 2 milky bar chocolate to keep my blood sugar high.....
Suddenly.....0505?Why????My sis' birthday it is.....But....the event that took place.....It is still in my room somewhere hiding.....Don't remind me....Disappointed somewhere deep inside.......Don't tell me why suddenly it came coming a re-run episode....but.....hmmm....susah susah......Same skolah...different age..different years in school....CONFUSED!!!!!!!!
Kan aku dah start dah...Menyampah....*slapping cheeks and forehead*
And cipi,please bring back my Teuku Wisnu when u came back from medan ok???=p
Facebook is being such a sucker.....
Karim goreng ikan garing garing letak atas piring....Haha=p
Goodbye my lovelings...I love you...and i MEAN it....
~~May god bless you readers....=)~~
3 more days till.....Ramadhan!!!!=)
May peace be upon
♥To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.♥

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