~~It's funny how the people that hurt you the most, are the one's that promised they never would~~
Went for the last TB appointment with Cheryl.Luckily the result turn out negative for both of us....
After that,we depart ways as she have to go to tan tock seng to collect some things while i head to tiong bahru....ALONE....nobody want to accompany me mah...that's why....haha=p
Took bus no 16(my fav no) to Great World City....Went there just to buy brooches at Montip...my budget is $20...but i overspent by $28.70....So shocked was i ,till i stand there watching the total price in dismay...The only thing that i can think of at that point of time is...DIE,DIE,DIE!!!!
Though still in shock,still manage to took the shuttle bus to City Hall and went to Orchard...Visit Cathay Cineleisure for window shopping..My hands are getting itchier and itchier by the minute thinking that if i have $1000,i will spent it like there's no tomorrow....
And to make thing worse..my phone battery was at the lowest...So,how boring can it be..no music,alone in Orchard...I feel like crying already....
Reached home with mama and sis laughing at me about the brooches...My daily allowance cut by half because of those damn brooches which were just so pretty to ignore....
Ex colleauge just sms-ed saying that she will be transferred from IMM to Clementi watson...how sad...now there's nothing interesting at IMM except for Daiso....tsktsktsk....
Mama and Sis just smack me with the awful truth for the 2nd time....Like WTH!!!!!!hmmpphh....Don't make me stresslah please...Just find it hard to accept the reality...Orang yg telah "blinded by love" katakan...sedih aku mendengar nya.....=p
Enough of blabbering and chit chatting...i'm done by loved ones....
~~May god bless you readers...=)~~
Before i forgot...Have a HAPPY NATIONAL DAY celebration people....=)
♥I learn to laugh,I learn to cry,but will i ever learn how to say goodbye?♥
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