Tuesday, 18 August 2009

♥I belong to me♥

Hmmm....Asal aku balek rumah jek blogger buat hal....asal blogger buat hal jek aku kat rumah....amacam? What is the conclusion of this 2 premises? =p
Blogger sakit ah....sakit kuat kot...hehe=p
Now tell me...how do you feel when you open the Msn homepage and there's this picture of someone's butt??pathetic lah...This is what is written besides the butt picture:Let's talk about butt??I want Kim Kadarshian butt can?
And i found this INTERESTING article about Signs Your Spouse Is Lying...found this very very useful....can be used in the daily life too....should have found it earlier....hhmmpphh....
Supposed to be studying...but blogging instead....Nanti nanti boleh lah ehk....
I smell CHICKEN!!!!! mama frying chicken!!!!hehes....random...
Meet up with bestie after school....Sabrina Binte Mansoor!!!!I love you like i love Siti Aishah Binte Asmat!!!haha=p
Eh brooch samer!!!!yeayea!!!!eh wait tak samer!!!laen colour!!!haha=p ok...mepek....
Went to library to supposedly study....end up showing her some stuff and gossiping...mcm dah setahun tak jumper gitu...padahal bual kat telefon almost hari2.....Sabrina!!!aper dah...gambar kaki pon kau nak ambek...beraper bulan dah matair kau pregnant?LoL......
Again...meeting for today cancelled...=( Why?Why?Why?
Collected a vcd reserved by sister....irritating staff....why the heck would i lie to you???
Finally!!!found the book i always wanted to borrow...Match Me If You Can by Susan Elizabeth Phillips....Shrieking with happiness.....
Bump into zura&aishah at the library.....waving at them till i bump into the person opposite me like a 2 collided train....tulah...jalan tak tengok lagik.....

And good luck for tomorrow UT3!!!!=)

Enough of blabbering loved ones.....

~~May god bless you readers=)~~

No comments:

This thought has be occupying my mind for a while now.Does it have ever come across ones mind that one day they will be someone influential....